Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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This is crazy, 47 out of 57 online friends via PSN are playing the Destiny Beta.

Yep, every other game is fucked for a while, while after this drops in November with some exceptions. Naughty Dog could release 10 gameplay videos of TLoU Remastered Remastered theaon right now no one would give a shit, lol


the level cap is too damn low! I've done all this.

I was surprised they either upgraded the graphics a bit or i was remembering it worst than it was.

Also put me on team alpha ghost voice.


Yep, every other game is fucked for a while, while after this drops in November with some exceptions. Naughty Dog could release 10 gameplay videos of TLoU Remastered Remastered theaon right now no one would give a shit, lol
The question is whether people will care come launch, and in the weeks/months after. Titanfall also had a successful beta.
This game is fantastic and I'm only playing on PS3. Just played in my first Public Event, tons of people just showed up and we went crazy on the devil walker thing. Felt like the first time I fought a scarab in halo 3. There were so many Fallen nearby, we couldn't beat it in time :(

Next time I will get it.
So I'm assuming missions aren't suppose to be done in fireteams normally, since when I do strikes I get added to a group at the start. As long as I know now.


Anyone have any strategies for quick glimmer? I found some Ether Seeds and I'm gonna use them on a wave of level 8s in explore

My Warlock.


So, do we know what those depleted ghosts you can find are for? I've found 2 thus far.

They seem to be like a collectible. Collecting them increases your Grimore score (overall number ranking) that people see when you are matched up with them.


Tagged as I see fit
I've been playing for longer than most in the public and I still have no idea what they're for.

I found a bunch of them in the Alpha, they gave me glimmer and grimoire cards, that was pretty much it. My guess is they will give something else later.


Does anyone know if the progress you make in the beta will carry over to the final version? I might limit my playing time if it doesn't.
So I'm assuming the Moon isn't part of the beta? Or is there something I missed? That One level on the Moon that's locked....don't play with my emotions Bungie.
Man I had this same problem downloading the alpha for this game too, and so did many other people with FIOS. The only other game that I've had this problem with was a recent Guild Wars 2 download.

Just as an example, I've downloaded 0.76/10.97 GB after about 2 and a half hours, and my download speeds when I check on the PS4 are at like 27 mbps


Apologies if this was answered already, but does previously having Alpha access not give you any sort of chance of being on the beta? No possible email code from Bungie or anything?
I know it's cross platform but this is the first PS4/Xb1 game that has really impressed me. I have enjoyed Killzone, Ryse, Infamous etc but for the overall package this has been the game that has me enjoying the console more than ever and this is only a beta.

I rarely buy DLC season passes but I can certainly see myself buying one for this.
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