Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Just did my first PVP match. It was very fun! I love the one shot burst weapons in this game. Does so much dmg when you get a headshot. Was able to kill 3 people by headshotting the first two and using my super charge on the third. Felt very good.
24 kills, 10 assist, 3.0 k/d ratio. God I love the crucible.

Just hit the level cap too. Surprised how fast it was compared to the alpha. I still haven't even done the Devil's Lair strike.
Hit the beta cap. That was fun, now I'm going to farm for a good handcannon (low impact for more control and reload speed). I might do this tomorrow though, save some of the game for me.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
are rusted lands and blind watch currently in the beta? i suspect not but i could just have bad luck

been watching a few hours of pvp on streams and havent seen anything but venus and the moon maps. must be unlocking them later (along with the moon pve?)


In some areas the lighting looks flat, but aside from that I think it looks solid and what makes it for me is the aesthetics; the game has so much style (I said wow at some of the sky boxes)

I never expected much graphically from Bungie, but you never know, the jump from Halo 3 to Reach was pretty big.

Yeah, designwise the game is excellent. It truly does feel like a world they've been building for years now.


So after I got the beta up and running this morning, I spent some time looking over the Companion App and the more I look at it the more I can pretty safely say that the 2/3 Subclasses shown in the app does confirm the presence of the rumoured 3rd subclass, and not anything to do with locking a subclass down for the bonus.

Here's the main Inventory page in the App. Notice the 2/3 in the Subclasses section:

Now this is inside the Subclass menu. Notice how it has Void and Solar there. If any of you have had a gander into the in-game menu for the Subclasses, you'll notice that it has 3 grid squares available for subclasses:

Ergo, 3 subclasses.


Does this download in the background? I switched off my PS4 with the intent to download overnight, but when I booted into the client it took me to the character select screen. Does that mean it's done?


Neo Member
Spent 5 hours on the PS4 version earlier, and since I missed out on the Alpha, I can now see why you lot pined for the Beta.

It's fucking fantastic.

The controls are so tight, the lighting is gorgeous, love the explore mode, the bikes are sooo much fun to ride, the map is huge....there's just so much to do.

Destiny is phenomenal.


I really think this game is going to live and die by how much content there is in it. The beta isn't particularly inspiring me with a ton of confidence considering how Bungie has insisted it is a "huge chunk".

I blew through the new missions it in the better part of 2 hours. Still.. really enjoy this game and universe.
So after I got the beta up and running this morning, I spent some time looking over the Companion App and the more I look at it the more I can pretty safely say that the 2/3 Subclasses shown in the app does confirm the presence of the rumoured 3rd subclass, and not anything to do with locking a subclass down for the bonus.

Here's the main Inventory page in the App. Notice the 2/3 in the Subclasses section:

Now this is inside the Subclass menu. Notice how it has Void and Solar there. If any of you have had a gander into the in-game menu for the Subclasses, and you'll notice that it has 3 grid squares available for subclasses:

Ergo, 3 subclasses.

It rally bugged me that people didn't think there would be 3 subclasses when we are given 3 elements. Arc hunter will still be the best.


I'm still disappointed visually. Looks a lot like a last gen game, other than resolution. I hope they fix up some of the textures by launch.

That's Bungie for you. It was the same with pretty much every single Halo. The gameplay itself will be great, but visually, meh... And you can count on there being a lot more of those seriously random visual defects like the 2bit shadow on the PS3 version. That's just how Bungie rolls.

Come release, there'll be an infinite number of walls to glitch through. An equal number of ways to die without touching anything or being damaged by anyone. Mobs that get stuck behind objects, especially the ones that matter, like the boss. 'Grenades' that don't explode when thrown. Specials that glitch the fuck out and do nothing when used. And the list goes on.
been watching a few hours of pvp on streams and havent seen anything but venus and the moon maps. must be unlocking them later (along with the moon pve?)

moon PvE says it wont come along until launch, but one of those secrets Bungie has planned could be to open a moon mission briefly.


hide your water-based mammals
What would be the point, honestly.

Somebody's going to say a bunch of reasons to justify why they like the game, then you'll probably post a point-by-point analysis refuting those reasons to justify why you don't like the game.

The whole "tell me why you like (thing) so I can disagree with you" game is tiresome on all fronts.

Nobody cares that you don't like the game, or at least nobody cares enough to try and convince you otherwise. Just like you ultimately don't care that people like the game.

A great post to live by when some try to tell others why a game sucks or to not be hyped.


I really liked the alpha, but the beta has blown me away. Was I missing something or were these cutscenes and extra narrative pieces completely absent in the alpha?



I really think this game is going to live and die by how much content there is in it. The beta isn't particularly inspiring me with a ton of confidence considering how Bungie has insisted it is a "huge chunk".

I blew through the new missions it in the better part of 2 hours. Still.. really enjoy this game and universe.

Where have you heard big chunk. They've said it's but a small taste. Now they've said it's a bit bigger piece then the alpha was but they've said it's a very small chunk of the game.


So I guess that's it? Almost level 8, no more missions on Earth, Moon is locked and the PVP sucked.

And that aim assist, gotta be able to turn that off in retail.


I really think this game is going to live and die by how much content there is in it. The beta isn't particularly inspiring me with a ton of confidence considering how Bungie has insisted it is a "huge chunk".

I blew through the new missions it in the better part of 2 hours. Still.. really enjoy this game and universe.
I'm really thinking this game will have a shit load of PvE content. Also I could see the crucible having some pretty steady legs.
I'm still disappointed visually. Looks a lot like a last gen game, other than resolution. I hope they fix up some of the textures by launch.

I still have my PS3 hooked up and game regularly on it.

This does not look last gen.

Bungie did a remarkable job for a crossgen title.


Hrm. Just played an hour of it. Halolands, comes to mind. Visuals are fucking fantastic! Sounds is great. Gameplay is well, nothing special. Plays like Halo, in Borderlands type missions. I am not blown away. These open worlds are just begging for a higher player count. Seems so deserted.

I haven't played with anyone yet, so we will see if my impressions change.

Add me if you want: Quaide78 on PSN.


Oh look, a chest!

Honestly I want to buy this game for the story and world but they present it in such a boring way.

Treasure chests feel incredibly out of place imo, I wish they looked more like something that actually belonged in the world, and wasn't something created completely seperate from the world, and the placed after the world was already built

I'm guessing the story will pick up slowly as we get further away from earth and learn more about what the state of the solar system is. But I really am not a fan of how the enemy is presented as "the darkness", it's just unbelievably cliché, and it even seems to manifest as black smoke, I mean sheesh...Same goes for the Traveler and the light stuff. Too many clichés.


it's 8 but we start lower than we did in the alpha.

For some reason though, I feel like I reached it faster than I did in the alpha. Maybe it's just me?

yea, it took a while to lvl up in Alpha. guess they made it quicker which is good considering how high the levels go in full game.
So you can't hijack vehicles? If not they are super over powerd team just kept driving them into the flags over and over. Also this is my 3rd game in a row not a single mic in the lobby.


I really think this game is going to live and die by how much content there is in it. The beta isn't particularly inspiring me with a ton of confidence considering how Bungie has insisted it is a "huge chunk".

I blew through the new missions it in the better part of 2 hours. Still.. really enjoy this game and universe.

Completely agree. This game will need tons of challenging content if the PVE is to have any legs.


Companion app is awesome

Moon map by far my favorite map. Aesthetic for MP is a big departure for Bungie. They've eschewed the clean halo look of the past and have gone with a lot of post processing, lens flare etc instead. Makes it tough on visibility in MP
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