The darkness is coming though.
Oh look, a chest!
Honestly I want to buy this game for the story and world but they present it in such a boring way.
The darkness is coming though.
Dinklage sounds much better, just started.
Just finished my download. Made a Warlock and the randomized default was this lady. I didn't change a thing. I love this game!
Man I had this same problem downloading the alpha for this game too, and so did many other people with FIOS. The only other game that I've had this problem with was a recent Guild Wars 2 download.
Just as an example, I've downloaded 0.76/10.97 GB after about 2 and a half hours, and my download speeds when I check on the PS4 are at like 27 mbps
I don't understand why my beta download is only 179 mb
It is the same.So those of you who already got it, how's the character customization? Is it much more detailed than the one in Alpha? Or should I forget doing human character design?
I don't understand why my beta download is only 179 mb
Am I the only one here who did not pay that much attention to Destiny until the past couple weeks? The Beta Build is a ton of fun. Did not have a chance to do the Alpha.
Uhhh I got a 24 digit code for my PS4 but the playstation network only takes 12 digit codes. Any help?
Odd, I have FiOS as well and had the SAME issue with Guild Wars 2...but I didn't have any problems with the Alpha of Destiny. I mean I'm making progress very very slowly.
Try using WiFi if you're currently wired, seems to be what works for meCome on this is such bullshit.
Download started at 2:30est.
Goes up to 40% in the first hour.
It's been crawling now. Jesus. It's at 96%
Try using WiFi if you're currently wired, seems to be what works for me
This strike is taking forever. I never did this in the alpha before -___-
This strike is taking forever. I never did this in the alpha before -___-
The question is whether people will care come launch, and in the weeks/months after. Titanfall also had a successful beta.
This strike is taking forever. I never did this in the alpha before -___-
Pretty sure the explore map opens up as soon as you have the ability to choose your destination from orbit. A word of warning though, even though it says level 4 I was encountering pretty high level mobs in there!
This strike is taking forever. I never did this in the alpha before -___-
So is it just me or does no one use a mic?Played the strike and no mics and just had my first crucible game and not a single mic in the lobby. Maybe I should pic this up on xbone if this is what the playststion community is like.
Come on this is such bullshit.
Download started at 2:30est.
Goes up to 40% in the first hour.
It's been crawling now. Jesus. It's at 96%
People party up. Persoally I prefer the silence to swearing 13 year olds, but each to their own.
The gameplay is absolutely solid, but everything else about the game doesn't scream GOTY to me.The game is much improved over the alpha in many small ways. Dinklage is MUCH better. I wish that we could try a different area though. It kinda feels like I'm playing a better version of the alpha. Don't see myself putting a ton of time into the beta since it's a retread.
Looking forward to seeing the new mp maps though. Almost up to lvl 5.
I can see this being goty material or possibly fizzling out like Titanfall. It really depends on the amount of interesting content. I'm already kind of tired of this planet.
My transferring game content has been at 51% for an hour. What's ze deal?
I've been playing for longer than most in the public and I still have no idea what they're for.