Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Sony is being fucking useless. Talked to their online support (after a 40 minute wait) and after 20 minutes of the support guy asking me basic questions, he says "oh there are a lot of people playing and downloading Destiny so maybe try again in a few hours".

Fucking ridiculous.


I really don't like the new Scout sound effect. They changed it from a more sci-fi sounding pew pew to a more militaristic boom.

Miss the alpha version. :(
The Last Array is my favorite campaign mission. I love that encounter at the end with the Hive ships.

Is that the one with the bigass hive knight thingy? I actually shouted out loud when I saw it pop out right next to me from behind a pillar. didn't even notice it come in the room. kicked his ass though.
Watching my sister play this game is the funniest (as was her playing Wolfenstein). She breathes heavily when she runs out of ammo. Shrieks when enemies come close.

She watches the cutscene of when you first get the ship and head to the city: "See, look how cheap it looks?!"


Is anyone else getting disconnected every 3-5 minutes? I'll get a few minutes into a mission (The 2nd one) and I get disconnected, not at the same spot, but it's often enough to annoy me.

Alas, it's beta, but seems a bit excessive.
Just fyi, I brought up having the option to remove "Go to orbit" constant text prompt+the names of other players cluttering the screen on the tower. Being looked into as an option, but "no promises".


Had zero issues getting this downloaded and running. Entered my code in at work, set to download, and by time I looked at it around an hour later it was already playable. A shame some were having issues.


So. I hijacked a Pike in explore mode. And proceeded to decimate all fools that dared stand in my way. I never came across Pike Dregs in the alpha, not sure if they were there, but the amusement upon getting one, especially if you manage to keep it highly in-tact while ripping it from the Dreg's cold dead, disintegrated, hands is amazing.


semen stains the mountaintops
Story Mission 4 where
you had to defend the Ghost while he got info was really fun. There were 4-5 other people there with me. We all kept getting murdered by this big champion with a sword.

It was awesome.
  • The base game is still not very fun.
  • Cutscenes that don't really tell me anything.
  • Story just kinda "starts" with no real draw other than "The Darkness!"
  • The first 30 minutes are absolute trash. I really don't want to repeat that every time I create a new character, in addition, I already played this game for well over 20 hours in the Alpha. Need to be able to skip this or at least have story progression transfer to characters.
  • Story missions are still extremely short.
  • Going back to orbit after story missions is tedious.
  • PVP is good on every map that isn't the Moon.
  • Voice acting is still dull and boring.
  • Music is nice most of the time.
  • Holding [BUTTON] for what feels like eternity is annoying.
The game was more interesting to me in the vidocs.

EDIT: I don't "not like" it, but it isn't very fun. It has moments. Just very "meh" to me.
After playing the alpha so much, I'm kinda bored with the beta already.

I thought we were going to the moon? Was all pumped and then nothing, locked.

I was hoping for at least 1 new exploitable area.
The sound effects have gotten a massive boost. I have my surround cranked up and the fusion rifle revving up sounds so badass. The fallen sound amazing now. Dinklage sounds like he went back and redid some lines.

Everything sounds so good. So much bass and pop to everything
is everyone usually so anti-social on PS4? it's like no one thinks this is a team game online...

i can't even figure out how to do coop etc... just been playing story missions solo for a few hours.... i see people in my games but then they disappear.

edit - finally joined someons fireteam
So. I hijacked a Pike in explore mode. And proceeded to decimate all fools that dared stand in my way. I never came across Pike Dregs in the alpha, not sure if they were there, but the amusement upon getting one, especially if you manage to keep it highly in-tact while ripping it from the Dreg's cold dead, disintegrated, hands is amazing.

They were in the Alpha...random spawn



Beta looks amazing to me.
I ran into a few people in the 2nd story and we ran together just not as a fire group. Suddenly the sky turns purple and there is a massive explosion in the sky. A massive ship enters orbit, slowly swoops down and spits out 3 troop carriers. Drops some sort of drilling devices that we had to take down one a a time with a minute timer and each one got tougher. Fun as hell. Didn't beat the third but got close. Last one had lv. 5-7 and we were only lv. 3 but gave it a solid run.

Sound effects are amazing, can't say that enough. Much improved over alpha


Un Rama
Played this for like 5 hours and oh my God I still love it. Glad they fixed Tyrions VO and it was awesome seeing the tower full of people (breaking into flash mobs)

I played loads of PVP and only lost one match. Recorded 4 hours of footage so will probably just upload the MP maps.


  • The base game is still not very fun.
  • Cutscenes that don't really tell me anything.
  • Story just kinda "starts" with no real draw other than "The Darkness!"
  • The first 30 minutes are absolute trash. I really don't want to repeat that every time I create a new character, in addition, I already played this game for well over 20 hours in the Alpha. Need to be able to skip this or at least have story progression transfer to characters.
  • Story missions are still extremely short.
  • Going back to orbit after story missions is tedious.
  • PVP is good on every map that isn't the Moon.
  • Voice acting is still dull and boring.
  • Music is nice most of the time.
  • Holding [BUTTON] for what feels like eternity is annoying.
The game was more interesting to me in the vidocs.

Shame you don't like it!


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I like the game.

They need to add an option to turn off aim assist or I won't buy the game at launch.


Has anyone else tried out the PS3 version for the fun of it? I'll be curious to hear what the resolution is, because it is blurry as hell. I'll be shocked it if is more than 640p, and even that might be pushing it.


How's the frame rate? Is it stable? Jumpy frame rate gets me headache. When I turn in alpha, it felt like chugging to me.
Mission variety in this game is pretty shitty. I've played a couple of hours now and about 5 missions where they're almost all the same. Go to area, find clue, go to next area, have ghost unlock/hack something while you fight off enemies, fight the boss.

Is there really nothing else than this sort of stuff? I can see it getting boring super fast otherwise

The PvP was fun though. Hulk smashing the ground and sending 4 guys around a flag flying was so much fun


But without a counter isn't that just really cheap?

I keep thinking of Halo Reachs' ridiculous armor lock.

I haven't played the beta yet. Waiting on X1

Being able to pull that off is just stupid luck, everyone is extremely deadly in the crucible, some snipers do 1 shot kills in the chest, everyone has different weapons so its a total crapshoot. I can't figure out how to counter vehicles they seem real OP.
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