Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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Nice. To me, the skyboxes are the most noticeable downgrade on the PS3 version.

I've been trying to decide if it's that, the texture resolution, the draw distance, the internal resolution, the shadow resolution, or the lighting.

I knew the PS3 version was going to look bad. I should have just avoided it. Why did I do this to myself.
They completely nerfed the Sepiks Prime fight. Waves of enemies are a joke now with no captains showing up on Normal.

Not a fan. Thanks alpha whiners.

It could be because they're casting a wider net with this Beta, across multiple platforms, and might be aiming for a lower point of entry in terms of accessibility? I'm all for punishing battles myself, but I can understand if they wanted to balance things for the Beta in a way where the majority, particularly those that didn't pre-order and are using one of the extra codes the friend got, walk away from this experience feeling powerful and hyped for September.
Dropping some pics, see how they look. Wish i had a capture card.





I like this game alot but I feel like it can get dull SUPER fast i hope it's stack with tons of story content because im not a PVP guy and i need some GOOD PVE cause right now it feels super bland.

I'm like you. Not a big PVP guy but love to run SP with a real person. Honestly, I think it's going to open way up. I keep getting a Mass Effect feel when at the city and stuff. If they really add content with upgrades and abilities and have lots of varied enviornments, this could be the best coop game ever.


I'm like you. Not a big PVP guy but love to run SP with a real person. Honestly, I think it's going to open way up. I keep getting a Mass Effect feel when at the city and stuff. If they really add content with upgrades and abilities and have lots of varied enviornments, this could be the best coop game ever.

One can only hope. Bungie has quite the track record and they've been workin at this for quite some time now...
Gotta wake up early for work tomorrow, so I just played the first bit of the story mode until I got to the tower. God damn is this one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Looking forward to diving in with some GAFers this weekend!


I can't believe how completely blown away I am by the game so far on the PS3. The controls are incredibly tight, the graphics are top notch, the AI seems decently smart and the loading is very minimal.

There seems to be some slight auto-target when zoomed in which isn't too baf. I can't quite pinpoint how it works but it's solid. I'm without question sold on the game now. The only question is how soon can I get a XB1 - where all my friends will be playing.

Well done so far Bungie... well done.
Attack actually lets you hit higher level enemies, so if you're doing increased difficulty quests it's a pretty important stat. Impact is just how much damage you're going to do.

I thought that's what the "Light" attribute did? Or, they both do? Anything with an elemental attached to it is badass though.


He touched the black heart of a mod
At 2 gigabytes now... I guess I won't be playing this until tomorrow.

But goodness, the music in this game is gorgeous. If this doesn't get best score at the end of the year, I'll be a little pissed. To be honest, I think the music and environment design are the game's two greatest assets. I'm not a huge fan of the combat or weapons, which, aside from more leaping around and hotkey-esque abilities, seem pretty bog standard, if serviceable. But the atmosphere of the game sucks me in. It's gorgeous. I kind of wish I could explore it entirely on my own, without other players or Ghost Dinklage.
Cutscenes (aside from the intro) should really be skippable, at least for subsequent characters. Destiny's pacing is pretty incredible after a bit (pure fucking gameplay), but the game is so front loaded with cutscenes that trying to reach that point can be pretty frustrating.


Loved what I played so far...
I kept running into the hallowed knights and they kicked my ass lol
. A bit of a stupid question, how do I access the pvp? Is there an area in the hub world?


Loved what I played so far...
I kept running into the hallowed knights and they kicked my ass lol
. A bit of a stupid question, how do I access the pvp? Is there an area in the hub world?

It opens up after a few missions, you'll see an icon in the Tower to join the Crucible. From there it's a new destination.
You can add me: l ZR0COOL l (lower case L's)

I'll be on once I get home.

I think I'm too dumb to figure out how to put the spaces in your name on PSN. Add me please.

I'm gonna grab dinner right now, but add me and I'll do some after, PSN is Baliis, same as my GAF name.

Everyone else feel free to add me to and just invite me to parties randomly, I won't mind.


There was a chest at the end of the strike... -_- ?

under the stairs


This isn't cross gen multiplayer, is it? My cousin is playing the beta on PS3 (doesn't have PS4 yet) and I have the beta on PS4 (still installing). Can we play together.


I hate having to do the starting mission just to check out the other 2 classes. After playing Hunter nonstop in the alpha, I figured I better check the others out and I don't think I'm a fan of Titan. I still need to check out Warlock but figured I'd get past more of the starting stuff on the Hunter first and then come back to Warlock once I'm bored.

What is Warlock's ability in place of the Hunter's throwing knife? It would make it a lot simpler if I knew that but I supposed it's probably posted somewhere by now along with what their special jump feature is.
I put a good two hours into crucible with my hunter and I like it but I didn't hear a single person talk if this is what multyplayer games are like on ps4 I may go with the xbone version.

I have never heard a game so quiet on Xbox and I like to be competitive and chat and so far pvp has been a let down no team work at all.


Also have they increased the already large amount of auto-aim? Especially its tracking their heads waaaaaaay too much. Basically every second shot is a headshot without trying.
Lv5 Hunter, really enjoying it so far but also curious for how it will open up in the full release.

My biggest two problems so far:

-Missions I've played so far have felt a little generic, especially the environments. Almost everything has been small, enclosed tunnel-type areas but this seems like something that should improve.
-Too clunky to get co-op multiplayer sessions going, at least for me. Really dislike the obtrusive system for joining fireteams and how any players not in a team disappear when you try to do a mission. When I join a random team, I end up with a couple kids who ignore the mission and just try to jump on top of a light pole.

I see huge potential here, I just hope my dream of "epic sprawling strategic co-op missions" can be realized.


I put a good two hours into crucible with my hunter and I like it but I didn't hear a single person talk if this is what multyplayer games are like on ps4 I may go with the xbone version.

I have never heard a game so quit on Xbox and I like to be competitive and chat and so far pvp has been a let down no team work at all.

You can only communicate with people in your actual fireteam, not randoms from matchmaking. That's a design choice, not a PSN limitation, and wouldn't be any different on the xbone.
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