Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 11-17 | RIP Hitokage

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
ViewtifulJC, is that you in your avatar?

If so, you look like Jago if he got 50's role in Things Fall Apart


that was dick
Also the "EVO USF4 was good, USF4 is in good shape" is pretty funny.

So you think USF4 is in bad shape?

Skullgirls shouldn't discount anyone's opinion- it's a really, really well-done game, but no indie game is going to have SF4's success ever.

I disagree and in my opinion skullgirls is not a game that is well done. Fans often try to claim this as fact and dismiss the lack of popularity due to art style, voodoo curse or indie or whatever else.

If it was good more people would actually play it.


So you think USF4 is in bad shape?

I disagree and in my opinion skullgirls is not a game that is well done. Fans often try to claim this as fact and dismiss the lack of popularity due to art style, voodoo curse or indie or whatever else.

If it was good more people would actually play it.

There are plenty of good games that have a small player base. Like Chaos Code.


I disagree and in my opinion skullgirls is not a game that is well done. Fans often try to claim this as fact and dismiss the lack of popularity due to art style, voodoo curse or indie or whatever else.

If it was good more people would actually play it.

I wonder if this what people who play DOTA and LoL think about fighting games.


i always thought the skullgirls community was kinda strange because (from an outsiders perspective at least) it seemed like a large portion of the people who are into it aren't necessarily into playing it competitively or playing FG's in general. i know there are a lot of people who really dig it and play it seriously though, of course. i think the art style and presentation, rather than hinder it, really helped give that game a cult like status amongst people who wouldn't normally give a shit.

Mr. X

So you think USF4 is in bad shape?

I disagree and in my opinion skullgirls is not a game that is well done. Fans often try to claim this as fact and dismiss the lack of popularity due to art style, voodoo curse or indie or whatever else.

If it was good more people would actually play it.

I think the workmanship of USF4 has no bearing on how it looks at high level nor would bugs stop people from playing anything.

"Players will deal with the way the game works, as they have in every other game. If something is advantageous they’ll abuse it, and if it’s detrimental they’ll avoid it. " - Mike Z

I think it's piece of shit since SF4 that would've failed had it not been for the Street Fighter name.


I think it's piece of shit since SF4 that would've failed had it not been for the Street Fighter name.

That's silly.

3S was not that successful outside of the community. Tons of Street Fighter spin-offs failed to gain any traction, including SFxT.

No game has ever been as big in the community as Street Fighter IV. Hell, the community is what it is now because of Street Fighter IV (and live streaming).


I posted this in the Ultra thread, but since some folks probably don't check there (and it's actually related to the Ultra bug bitching) thought I'd ask here; are people still having freezing issues with Ultra on Steam? Got it there today to finally get the grown man version of the game, runs perfectly fine with an A rating with everything maxed. Training Mode and Arcade mode are flawless, but both Ranked and Endless mode are fucked, fluctuates between being totally fine and freezing randomly for 2-5 seconds at a time frequently (usually 1-3 times a match). No waiting for other player prompt, just freezes/hitches randomly, sometimes even on character/ultra select. Since it runs fine elsewhere it's got to either be the game or my connection, but I don't have any idea how it'd be my connection since that's fine and I have zero problems with any other games. I can start doing crazy network/internet troubleshooting but figured I'd ask first.

Also in the few matches I played got whooped on by someone named NERF DEE JAY. He did not play Dee Jay.
That's silly.

3S was not that successful outside of the community. Tons of Street Fighter spin-offs failed to gain any traction, including SFxT.

No game has ever been as big in the community as Street Fighter IV. Hell, the community is what it is now because of Street Fighter IV (and live streaming).

It's not silly. He's 100% right & the only reason 3S wasn't dropped like a bad habit was because it had SF in the title.
Skullgirls shouldn't discount anyone's opinion- it's a really, really well-done game, but no indie game is going to have SF4's success ever.
Sure it can

When it happens everyone here will probably wish it were a game like Skullgirls instead. Can't wait to see what grabs the hearts and minds of casuals eventually. The salt towards this hypothetical game would make the internal FGC feuds look little league, especially if it's on mobile.

I just hope it doesn't destroy everyone with microtransactions or
Capcom when they eventually try to copy it for mobile
i always thought the skullgirls community was kinda strange because (from an outsiders perspective at least) it seemed like a large portion of the people who are into it aren't necessarily into playing it competitively or playing FG's in general. i know there are a lot of people who really dig it and play it seriously though, of course. i think the art style and presentation, rather than hinder it, really helped give that game a cult like status amongst people who wouldn't normally give a shit.

That's how anime games are, though. The anime fighting game community is more about anime than it is about games, even though skullgirls isn't technically anime.
I think the workmanship of USF4 has no bearing on how it looks at high level nor would bugs stop people from playing anything.

So why bother with AE2012?

People don't give SF4 anywhere near enough credit. The name might make people try it, or even buy it. But it does not make people keep playing it.
i always thought the skullgirls community was kinda strange because (from an outsiders perspective at least) it seemed like a large portion of the people who are into it aren't necessarily into playing it competitively or playing FG's in general. i know there are a lot of people who really dig it and play it seriously though, of course. i think the art style and presentation, rather than hinder it, really helped give that game a cult like status amongst people who wouldn't normally give a shit.

the majority of any fanbase or following aren't going to be interested in doing anything competitively or hardcore


Training Mode and Arcade mode are flawless, but both Ranked and Endless mode are fucked, fluctuates between being totally fine and freezing randomly for 2-5 seconds at a time frequently (usually 1-3 times a match). No waiting for other player prompt, just freezes/hitches randomly, sometimes even on character/ultra select. Since it runs fine elsewhere it's got to either be the game or my connection...
It's the game's netcode, online is completely broken outside private endless games.


It's not silly. He's 100% right & the only reason 3S wasn't dropped like a bad habit was because it had SF in the title.

Games don't get played for 5+ years because of their name. The community would've moved on by now if SF wasn't considered the most competitive fighting game around.

Capcom may make some awful decisions, but their games have tremendous staying power.


Mrs. Harvey
Max is streaming Hyrule warriors.

Iplaywinner is streaming a Norcal Ultra thing.

Yipes is goofing off after leaving the Empire.


lol @ CJ Truth going out to two back to back Elena counter-picks.

Is this actually a bad match for Fei, or just a bad match for CJ?


Reason I keep playing SFIV is stockholm syndrome ... and no, I'm not joking.

Or, maybe to have a spot of fun with me? Maybe? Same reason we play ST on occasion, I suppose. I have no great love for the SF4 series, but playing together is always a goofy blast. Skyping and shooting the shit and playing any and every fighting game is one of my great pleasures, one of the few things that still make me happy.

Edit: I'll edit in some other thoughts, because I hardly ever post in these threads and also because I want to.

Third Strike is my favorite Street Fighter game ever printed to circuit board. The flow of matches, the way meter is used and managed, Super Art cancels, the parry keeping you in a match if you have the skill to apply it properly. It's also my favorite iteration of my favorite character, Ken.

My interest in Skull Girls is mainly because of its art and animation, it looks like a Bakshi film, and I love that.

The SF4 series annoys me mainly because of the "Revenge/ Ultra meter" mechanic, free meter for taking a ton damage is pretty dumb in my opinion, I'd rather multiple super meter stocks, I guess . I also hate focus attacking and cancelling.


lol @ CJ Truth going out to two back to back Elena counter-picks.

Is this actually a bad match for Fei, or just a bad match for CJ?
He lost to Chris' Elena at CEO too. Seems like a bad match up, I remember Sako trying to counter pick Gackt's Fie with Elena at EVO.


You guys realize 3rd strike is a terrible game competitively speaking right?

Horribly unbalanced.

Anti airing is pointless since parry exists.

Attacking in itself is also risky due to Parry.

Whiffing normals to build meter.


Game looks cool and its fun with all the crazy shit you can do but the game from a competitive standpoint is shitty and that's why it didn't get major play like SF2/4.


i always thought the skullgirls community was kinda strange because (from an outsiders perspective at least) it seemed like a large portion of the people who are into it aren't necessarily into playing it competitively or playing FG's in general. i know there are a lot of people who really dig it and play it seriously though, of course. i think the art style and presentation, rather than hinder it, really helped give that game a cult like status amongst people who wouldn't normally give a shit.

Some folks like other aspects of FGs besides the competition. The art in that game is good enough for folks to be a fan whether they like the game or not. I feel kinda weird because I fit into that category, yet I can hit some buttons too- so I'm kinda stuck in the middle- probably why I act like a tsundere towards the game.

Persona is kinda in the same boat, though it's a larger base so you get more pot monsters. This is why I think Persona will do surprisingly well in 2015 and end up at Evo.

You guys realize 3rd strike is a terrible game competitively speaking right?

Horribly unbalanced.

Anti airing is pointless since parry exists.

Attacking in itself is also risky due to Parry.

Whiffing normals to build meter.


Game looks cool and its fun with all the crazy shit you can do but the game from a competitive standpoint is shitty and that's why it didn't get major play like SF2/4.

I agree with you on the quality of the game competitively, but it did get major play, though much of it was a lack of new content for years. EVO moment made the game overrated and gave it life when it was dying in the US.

I got so sick of having 3S shoved down my throat that I quit going to tournies for years and just played kaillera. These days, I want to go to tournies, but job means I'm stuck with netplay.


I almost didn't post this, as I'm not too terribly interested in bickering over my opinion versus yours, and I tend to overthink my replies and it usually gives quite a bit of anxiety but on the other hand, I feel a certain kind of way about this, and I'd like to have my rebuttal out there.

You guys realize 3rd strike is a terrible game competitively speaking right?

Why's that? An honest, thoughtful answer would be nice. There are years of SBO, EVO, hell even Family Fun Arcade ranbats that say otherwise, I think it has a strong competitive heart, and I think history has borne this out.

Horribly unbalanced.

Meaning? A too powerful top tier? How is that different from any FG in known existence?

Anti airing is pointless since parry exists.

It's not pointless its part of the game's meta. Will this jump-in be an empty jump? Is it parry bait? 3S's game play paradigm is different from what was previously established and let's not fool ourselves, the parry isn't all powerful, there's a significant risk involved with attempting a parry, moving from a 'blocking' stance to pushing forward and risk taking damage.

Attacking in itself is also risky due to Parry.

Good. why should mindlessly sticking out moves be rewarded? The stakes are higher, so to speak, everything is a risk.

Whiffing normals to build meter.

The game uses multiple meter stocks, one should be able to build it.

Game looks cool and its fun with all the crazy shit you can do but the game from a competitive standpoint is shitty and that's why it didn't get major play like SF2/4.

Shitty? nah. That's needlessly reductivist, but I suppose that's your prerogative. and, uh it didn't get 'major' play? Come on.
Just a reminder since people are comparing the nineties Street Fighter games to the new ones. All competitive SF4 games combined together on all platforms sold less than the first SF2 only on Super Nintendo.

In millions of games, counting both boxed and digital sales for recent games:
  • Street Fighter 2 (SNES): 6.3
  • Street Fighter II Turbo (SNES): 4.1
  • Super Street Fighter II (SNES): 2
  • Street Fighter II' Plus (Megadrive): 1.6
  • Street Fighter Alpha 3 (PSOne): 1
  • Street Fighter IV (multi): 3.3
  • Super Street Fighter IV (multi): 1.9
  • Arcade Edition (multi): less than a million
These numbers are provided by Capcom. If SF4 had a very big impact on fighting games and competitives gaming these last 5 years, the "community" (people playing the game regardless of their level) is probably way smaller than it was at the time of SF2. Don't forget also that arcade cabs with Street Fighter were everywhere at the time and that many people played on it too without buying the game.

And compare SF3 to SF4 is just plain stupid. SF3 was out at a time when nobody gave a shit anymore about 2D and at the time it was considered a bad/strange Street Fighter and Alpha 3 the good one. Don't forget that one year after SF3:New Generation, Tekken 3 sold 8.3 million copies on playstation. The interest of players just shifted to something else, I bet all of you had Tekken 3 at that time. :)


Weren't talking to me, but I feel the need to address some of this.

Meaning? A too powerful top tier? How is that different from any FG in known existence?

There are always top-tiers, but there aren't always 3S Chun Li's. Next to ST Akuma, she's probably the most broken character in all of mainline Street Fighter. There definitely isn't an SF4 equivalent, not even AE Yun.

Consider that one year at Evo, the five top placings in 3S were all Chun Li mains.

The game uses multiple meter stocks, one should be able to build it.

Yeah, but not with whiffed normals.

It's not a big complaint, though. I'm just glad they adjusted it to just specials on whiff.

Shitty? nah. That's needlessly reductivist, but I suppose that's your prerogative. and, uh it didn't get 'major' play? Come on.

It's, by far, the least successful of mainline Street Fighter games, probably because it had no casual/console life.

Thomasorus points out that interest in 2D fighters was diminished during the time of Street Fighter III. But it was diminished all the way until Street Fighter IV was announced and released. IV was the game that changed that, which it deserves credit for.
Weren't talking to me, but I feel the need to address some of this.

There are always top-tiers, but there aren't always 3S Chun Li's. Next to ST Akuma, she's probably the most broken character in all of mainline Street Fighter. There definitely isn't an SF4 equivalent, not even AE Yun.

Consider that one year at Evo, the five top placings in 3S were all Chun Li mains.

You are aware that Claw and O.Sagat are things in ST, right? (And Hawk 360 OS, and noogie loops, and Dictator TOD combos, and...) Akuma is by far not the only ridiculously busted thing that game has. 3S Chun is tame as hell in comparison. Like SF4's top tiers, she's just strong compared to the cast.

EDIT: That is to say, please use either an objective (or inter-game or whatever you want to call it) scale of brokenness, in which case 3S Chun isn't very bad at all compared to the heinous bs possiblen in other games, or use a relative scale in which case AE Yun is very much comparable instead of looking at AE Yun on an objective scale and then looking at Chun within her game.
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