Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 11-17 | RIP Hitokage


I think they did a good job of pointing out that there's probably always been issues like this but we're just more aware of them now. Having a program like Ono that tells you pretty much everything and a massive community plus the internet is going to magnify everything. And as always, they probably will patch nearly everything that everyone's worried about. Remember SFxT?


I think they did a good job of pointing out that there's probably always been issues like this but we're just more aware of them now. Having a program like Ono that tells you pretty much everything and a massive community plus the internet is going to magnify everything. And as always, they probably will patch nearly everything that everyone's worried about. Remember SFxT?
SFxT's patch helped, but the design turning whiff punishes into the biggest damage opportunities possible really ended up souring the playstyle of the game.


SFxT's patch helped, but the design turning whiff punishes into the biggest damage opportunities possible really ended up souring the playstyle of the game.
Yeah I like giving a bad example because its more fun. I'm sure they'll patch most of that stuff though and it does sound like most of it would be easy to fix.
The results?

Why do you find Skullgirls a not-fun game to play, and what in the world does that have to do with things like... the engine's ability to allow designers the ability to have their actions implemented in the game with(out) jumping through extra hoops to do so?

Why are these two things related?

It isn't like I disagree with you when you say the relative 'fun' of SF4 and Skullgirls has nothing to do with how buggy each game is.

Likewise, Mike Z's ability to discover, fix, and/or criticize bugs has nothing to do with how 'fun' Skullgirls' design is. If it does, pointing to tournament showings doesn't show how the two things have a relationship.


I think the issue is Mike Z has a different definition of "bad" to what really matters.

USF4 is so "bad", we had an amazing EVO played with near 2k people and... any actual problems? I can't remember any.

Even if it does have some issues, it is still an amazing fighting game to actually play. Skullgirls might not have these technical issues which is a good thing. But if his approach results in something that is dead boring to play? In my eyes he is the one who has a lot more to learn.

It sounds like you're talking much more about the competitive community rather than the games themselves. EVO for USF4 was amazing because of the level of competition and community involvement, which can be applied to absolutely any fighting game so long as it has a functional versus mode.
Skullgirls doesn't have as big a community, whether this is because it's indie with an unusual art style or a bad game. Any fighting game without players actually competing and improving will seem boring.
If you simply take Street Fighter as the basis for what a good fighting game is, you just end up with pointless, pandering Street Fighter clones like those that were being constantly pumped out during the early nineties.



I dunno if this was posted before this made me chuckle.
If you simply take Street Fighter as the basis for what a good fighting game is, you just end up with pointless, pandering Street Fighter clones like those that were being constantly pumped out during the early nineties.

I have no trouble with USF4 being the basis for what a good fighting game is.

Keep in mind it is actually a very old game now. If games copy the base design and add all the modern trappings I'll be happy.


In the newest Excellent Adventures (not on Youtube yet), he says that his hardest Evo match (that he didn't lose) was against a Dee Jay in pools. Says that match is bad for Honda.

I think it's actually 7-3 for Dee Jay. Honda just can't get in at all.

As for the whole MIke Z vs USF4 thing- SF4 would have been a lot better series if MikeZ just designed the controls. It's felt like many of the issues with SF4 in general have been with the controls, and that's the root of much of the jankiness of the series. Ultra is jankier due to lower budget/newer dev (this explains the netcode getting worse, which I just don't see as explainable otherwise)

Skullgirls shouldn't discount anyone's opinion- it's a really, really well-done game, but no indie game is going to have SF4's success ever.

Mr. X

Mike Z public enemy number 1 in Capcom Country. Not even sure how Skullgirls got dragged into this. May as well mention KI3, Star Wars Battlefront 2 or any other game he worked on for Pandemic, I'm sure those are relevant to the shoddy state of USF4.

Also the "EVO USF4 was good, USF4 is in good shape" is pretty funny.
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