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Polytron Hacked?

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What wasn't proven false was the Doxing, falsely accusing the Disney board of harassment, ruining the game jam, or abusing the DMCA to take down bad press however, and that should be the real story.

There's no proof that she "faked her doxxing."

She posted real screencaps of posts on "the Disney board" that someone forwarded to her, discussing the possibility of harassing her, as an example of a wave of harassment from various places on the internet that she was going through at the time.

She never ruined any game jam, she criticized an indie group's policies on Twitter, and said indie group then melted down and admitted to temporarily halting their own project out of frustration. They then claimed that they couldn't get any publicity because of a shadowy cabal of Zoe Quinn controlled journalists, and posted that she 'shut them down' and 'doxxed and got us banned from Twitter' without any proof.

DMCA claims on YouTube can be done anonymously in anybody's name, and nobody has ever proven that she did it to "take down bad press."
I know you aren't claiming this is true, but the allegation is sooooo fucking stupid. The only evidence was that after she slept with Grayson, he printed one story that mentioned her game was greenlit in a sea of others.

How this single instance magically turned into "She's sleeping with a ton of journalists in order to curry favour!" is beyond me.

Also, the fact that some claim she's using this "favor" to prevent exposure on places including NeoGAF is hilarious. Considering Evilore's lifestyle and monetary situation, I highly doubt he'd be influenced by such things, even if the opportunity does present itself.

Indeed it is. I never even heard about the game until this controversy broke out so even if she was doing it, it didn't really work. I don't know how people even came to that conclusion.


I'm a shitty writer so can't blame you for getting the wrong idea but that's not what I said at all. If everyone was forced to use their real name all the time there would be far more accountability. But discussion would inherently be filtered. You would always have to introduce points with tact or not introduce certain points at all for threat of being ostracized.

Many Facebook-associated comments linked to news sites have real names used with them-- and there's still trolling and poor behavior. People just don't give a crap, because there's no real accountability. Most people aren't going to hunt down a troll based on the real name and confront them for what was said, and there isn't any law against being a jerk (either on the Internet or in real life).

Only strict, pre-published moderation can limit the damage and throw out any potentially offensive posts, IMO... and who's to say that moderators will read certain posts in the correct light, anyway? That puts lots of pressure on them.
I... don't understand why they're sitting in a bar watching it happen, instead of at their home or workplaces, changing secure passwords and sending messages to their professional contacts (Valve, Sony, MS, etc) that secure keys that were provided to them may be in danger or leaked.

I assume they wouldn't do that over the bar's WiFi.

Is it a case of "they've decided to let it happen"? "Nothing more they can do"? "Scared to go home"? I'm not mocking at all, just confused.

Hacks like this usually take multiple attempts over the course of hours/days to actually work. You can be watching a flood of e-mails to your own accounts trying to trick you, or seeing attempts to log in to your accounts (for example, if you enable MFA, if someone got your correct password, you'd start getting messages about the next authentication step knowing that they aren't coming from you).


y'all should be ashamed
Screencap of the leaked files makes it look like the hacker got access to the Polytron server.

Looks like Fish kept all his financial records relating to Polytron in once place. So they gained access to that place and got everything. Not that hard if you're determined really.

Holy crap. Poor Fish...never thought I'd say that, but man.

...interesting that there's no Fez 2 stuff in there. Guess he really wasn't making it after all. Or for some reason it's the one thing he kept offline. Huh.
Are there any public figures who have had contact with Phil since the hack? I'm not sure if all this talk of him having mental illness is true, but if so, something like this would be incredibly hard to deal with. I just hope the dude is okay.
And they are misguided. His words having weight, then, is not because of his editorial at a publication, but because his opinions are valued. Blackdragon Jeff Green hasn't been a journo for YEARS, would you have the same reaction had he made that tweet?

Of course they're misguided, that's what I'm saying. His words are valued for the wrong reasons now.
What wasn't proven false was the Doxing, falsely accusing the Disney board of harassment, ruining the game jam, or abusing the DMCA to take down bad press however, and that should be the real story.

Wait what? Disney board of directors?


works for Gamestop (lol)
i would like to announce that POLYTRON and the FEZ IP are now for sale. no reasonable offer will be turned down. i am done. i want out.


Indeed it is. I never even heard about the game until this controversy broke out so even if she was doing it, it didn't really work. I don't know how people even came to that conclusion.

They didn't, really. They just saw a feminist acting untoward and used GAME JOURNALISM CORRUPTION as a shield.

It was also helped because of a popular youtube video by a noted anti-feminist who distorted the story. Hit reddit, and reddit doesn't like their feminists either, so they had no reason to question it and the rabble went rousing.


It ends the war. That's what matters.

I hope end in this context is being used very loosely, because even if one side or the other of wars like this is factually proved wrong they won't go down without a fight. You can't expect the kind of people who are willing to reveal extremely personal information out of spite are going to be rational.


y'all should be ashamed
That's like the 27th time he's announced he's quit making games.

...except this time I kind of believe it.


I'm going to be completely honest here, I had no idea who Polytron actually was during the course of this. But god damn.
It ends the war. That's what matters.

So winning a debate by threatening and attacking someone is okay by you?

Does this mean that if people get into an argument, the guy who knocks the other one out is "correct," by your logic?

Even if it does silence Phil or calm him down, it doesn't mean the hackers were right -- by any sense of the word. It just means their bullshit, childish, and immoral methods of intimidation worked.



I know how GAF feels about Ben, but I think this is a pretty solid point:


Even if #NotAllGamers, the ones that do stuff like this are so loud and obnoxious and impactful that it feels really large. I've been looking at Twitter mentions and conversations all week and I don't think I could survive if I had to look at that abuse all day, despite all the positive stuff.
Wow mr fart in the wind makes sense for once.
real talk: what other industry in the entire world has this level of fuckery from the "fans".

I mean I've heard of TV writers getting death threats occasionally but I honestly don't think any other medium has this kind of stuff happen as regularly as it does in games.
A lot of people are interested in this stuff. But the circumstances kind of taint the knowledge?

I know, hence my hesitation. Honestly the situation is so shitty (and it getting out breaches the contracts anyway, double shitty) that I'd be alright never knowing specifics.
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