What wasn't proven false was the Doxing, falsely accusing the Disney board of harassment, ruining the game jam, or abusing the DMCA to take down bad press however, and that should be the real story.
There's no proof that she "faked her doxxing."
She posted real screencaps of posts on "the Disney board" that someone forwarded to her, discussing the possibility of harassing her, as an example of a wave of harassment from various places on the internet that she was going through at the time.
She never ruined any game jam, she criticized an indie group's policies on Twitter, and said indie group then melted down and admitted to temporarily halting their own project out of frustration. They then claimed that they couldn't get any publicity because of a shadowy cabal of Zoe Quinn controlled journalists, and posted that she 'shut them down' and 'doxxed and got us banned from Twitter' without any proof.
DMCA claims on YouTube can be done anonymously in anybody's name, and nobody has ever proven that she did it to "take down bad press."