solomon Member Sep 11, 2014 #8,502 THIS GUY IS ASS! by the time I wake up tomorrow 10% of the roster will be unlocked.
S Sn4ke_911 If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me. Sep 11, 2014 #8,507
B BGBW Maturity, bitches. Sep 11, 2014 #8,518 Nintendoga said: When you play Smash online and look for your Global Smash Power it says "Yay, I'm 3,015 ranks better than Hamayama!" Click to expand... Only 3000? You suck, McBain!
Nintendoga said: When you play Smash online and look for your Global Smash Power it says "Yay, I'm 3,015 ranks better than Hamayama!" Click to expand... Only 3000? You suck, McBain!
P Painguy Member Sep 11, 2014 #8,519 I'm proud like a father would be if his son/daughter got an A on their math test.
C CassSept Member Sep 11, 2014 #8,522 Doge is in! Finally. Wonder what is the next unlock. I'm surprised he got DHD before Wario.
J J@hranimo Banned Sep 11, 2014 #8,534 DUCK HUNT This is soooo surreal. He does seem like a Banjo-Kazooie character I never got....
O Oblivion Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery Sep 11, 2014 #8,541 Really dumb question but does this game have star KOs?
M Mik317 Member Sep 11, 2014 #8,542 I'm never going to sleep... no work tommorow so fuck it. we in here
G georgetheplushie Member Sep 11, 2014 #8,543 Duck Hunt over Ice Climbers any day of the week. They're so much cooler.
K KHlover Banned Sep 11, 2014 #8,546 Mermandala said: DOG TIER Click to expand... ITS LIKE GOD TIER, JUST THE OPPOSITE /S echo: duck hunt dog >>>>>>>>>>> ice lamers
Mermandala said: DOG TIER Click to expand... ITS LIKE GOD TIER, JUST THE OPPOSITE /S echo: duck hunt dog >>>>>>>>>>> ice lamers
J Jagsrock Banned Sep 11, 2014 #8,547 I don't even care about the rest of the roster anymore. Duck hunt dog for life.
H HawthorneKitty Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars Sep 11, 2014 #8,548 Should have went for an upskirt session.