Every time I see complaints about bias in game reviews, my response is basically 'duh.' Game reviews are the point of view of (generally) one person, so of course they're going to have a slant.
Reviewers are people, they have their preferences, bugbears and so on, not machines where you insert a game and an algorithm pops out an optimal, uncolored review that perfectly sums up a game and delivers the exact correct score on a scale running from Big Rigs to Tetris.
Expressing a subjective preference that doesn't comport to yours is not, IMO, a problem. I know the sort of games I like and I take into account the words far more than the score.
If the reviewer has different tastes to me and says the game is awesome because it has a lot of 'x', and I don't like x, that just tells me that I should steer clear of the game, not that the reviewer is an idiot who's on the take. I just want to get a game I like; I don't need a validation of my preferences.
Even it scores are 'massaged' consciously or unconsciously due to outside influence, as long as the run down of what's in the game is basically accurate, I get what I need out of a review.