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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Formerly Gizmowned
Just upgraded my Crypytarch level to 6. Got a Legendary reward from the postmaster. Redeemed it and it goes from a Legendary package to 2 Rare weapons, I use them at Crypytarch and they become Uncommon shotguns. The fuck is this?

Ha! You are only getting started =) If you get 100 Rare engrams and not one Legendary it is time to get frustrated.

This was in about an hour, already had way over 100 Rare engrams. Nearly a level 25 Light now and still nothing.

wonder how rare these are

got lucky yesterday and a lvl 8 grunt dropped a leg engram

The guy I was farming with got 3 Legendary items in about 20 minutes.

where's that at?

Complete the game. It's a Yellow Pulse Rifle.


It's so frustrating that the really interesting stuff is locked behind a 6-man, no matchmaking gate.

Apparently Bungie expects a ton of people to run the raid given how adamant they've been about wanting reviews to be focused on endgame content.

Are you still playing the game? Because if so, they've done something right as to hook you into playing. Must not be too terrible, eh?

Right now I'm putting minimal effort into Crucible matches and Strike Playlist so I can get my vendor legendaries to pass their gear check on the content I actually want to do. I guess you could say I'm hooked on the promise of amazing loot and the real game, which I haven't seen yet in 47 hours of game time. And here I thought the real game started 27 hours ago.

So yeah it's pretty terrible actually.


Same here. I work today, tomorrow, and Thursday till 8. Gonna see if I can get Thursday off. In the meantime, I'm just gonna level up.

We could get a good group together if we waited until Friday night or something. I'd be fully leveled up by then and I'd have another guaranteed Legendary armor piece from New Monarchy, and possibly a Vanguard piece too if I farm the hell out of their rep.


Assuming you are not vastly overleveled the even strikes are impossible to beat alone. So no, not a chance.

I actually solo'd the devils lair 22 weekly strike at level 22 because I was desperate for those strange coins and my friends weren't on. Only died once, but maybe it was a fluke.
Honestly, I'm starting to think farming is fucking up your decryption chances - I've had a legendary turn into a blue a single time and I never farmed until last night (for 20 minutes total).
Doing patrols, Strike Playlists and Crucible earned me rare/legendary drops on a regular basis and made my vanguard/crucible ranks go up to be able to BUY legendary armor in case nothing was dropping.
But hey, keep farming and ending up with blues I guess.
win the match, get most kills on my team. gets no prize.

person with 2 kills gets legendary weapon.

seriously.. this makes no sense. why is performance not rewarded??
You wouldn't want to play the raid with randoms, trust me. Get a group prior to the raid, get everyone's mics up and get in a party chat. Who knows if randoms will even have mics or talk? You absolutely need to communicate when doing the Vault of Glass.
Because you would ruin PVP with that legendary weapon!!

it should be matching me with other equally-good players anyway.

and i got a legendary helmet for a different class from playing the earth strike, the easiest strike.
i dont understand why everything is so random...
How do you get vanguard marks? I see that you can earn them through vanguard strikes, but I haven't done any, yet I have 20 marks. Are they awarded another way as well?


Found an exotic weapon before I found a legendary. Can't complain I guess.


How do you get vanguard marks? I see that you can earn them through vanguard strikes, but I haven't done any, yet I have 20 marks. Are they awarded another way as well?

Completing public events nets you some usually.


win the match, get most kills on my team. gets no prize.

person with 2 kills gets legendary weapon.

seriously.. this makes no sense. why is performance not rewarded??

its totally random man. a guy with a >0.5kd and almost no captures got a thunderfury. an exotic weapon

rest of us got nothing
win the match, get most kills on my team. gets no prize.

person with 2 kills gets legendary weapon.

seriously.. this makes no sense. why is performance not rewarded??

Performance is rewarded =p

How do you get vanguard marks? I see that you can earn them through vanguard strikes, but I haven't done any, yet I have 20 marks. Are they awarded another way as well?

Vanguard Strike Playlists


Bungie have done something right with this game at least, it will keep people coming back for more. May only be in small slots, but they'll be back. And if they keep releasing content and strikes/vaults all the time then people will keep playing. New content is good, doesn't allow the game to get stale.

For someone like me whom doesn't get a lot of time gaming, getting to level 14 in a week is pretty good going. Could be a 20 by next week, who knows. I'm usually online from 9pm UK time most evenings.


Thinking of selling my copy. Loot isn't happening for me and it's feeling more like a chore than other mmo type games.

I actually enjoy most of the game but I doubt I'll get to raid. Not feeling it. Kind of sucks since my PS4 will sit unused until Bloodborne.


So i've been holding off buying it after reading the first negative reactions here on GAF. Waiting for the reviews etc. Decided not to buy it.

But holy shit, looking at that raid stream that looks incredibly fun and exactly what I was looking for. Guess i'll have to look for a limited edition later today.


Thinking of selling my copy. Loot isn't happening for me and it's feeling more like a chore than other mmo type games.

I actually enjoy most of the game but I doubt I'll get to raid. Not feeling it. Kind of sucks since my PS4 will sit unused until Bloodborne.

Far be it for people to tell you what you should do but online focused games get updated. It has not even been a week yet. I am sure they are looking at the loot focus right now and how to balance it. If not the player base will drop off rapidly.


We could get a good group together if we waited until Friday night or something. I'd be fully leveled up by then and I'd have another guaranteed Legendary armor piece from New Monarchy, and possibly a Vanguard piece too if I farm the hell out of their rep.
Hey, I'm up for waiting till Friday. I got the entire weekend off. If you're up for it, I don't mind the wait. In fact, I would prefer it since I still need a legendary helmet. All we have to do is setup a group.


The Cryptarch's Bane
How do you get vanguard marks? I see that you can earn them through vanguard strikes, but I haven't done any, yet I have 20 marks. Are they awarded another way as well?
heroic story daily, heroic strike weekly, public events
This is insanely stupid, there should be a bulletin board for missions or something.
That's a better solution, over matchmaking. Like in PSO. It actually is important that people have some modicum of an idea what they're getting into and know they are expected to communicate for something like this.

For now there's www.destinylfg.net
it should be matching me with other equally-good players anyway.

and i got a legendary helmet for a different class from playing the earth strike, the easiest strike.
i dont understand why everything is so random...
Not knocking you or anything, but this mindset is what worries me for the future of this game. It needs to be random. Bungie does indeed need to fix stuff but the randomness has to stay. I would like to see them tweak it so that the top player gets 3 items (more chances) or it's guaranteed you will get one item. Still random what that item is though.
Completing public events nets you some usually.
Ahhh, ok. I knew it had to be something else.
We could get a good group together if we waited until Friday night or something. I'd be fully leveled up by then and I'd have another guaranteed Legendary armor piece from New Monarchy, and possibly a Vanguard piece too if I farm the hell out of their rep.

Yeah I am planning to do the Raid on Friday as well. Should have a full set of legendary armor by then.... hopefully...


Hey, I'm up for waiting till Friday. I got the entire weekend off. If you're up for it, I don't mind the wait. In fact, I would prefer it since I still need a legendary helmet. All we have to do is setup a group.

I would absolutely prefer it too! By the weekend we'll all be decked out, haha. I'd be able to hit 27 most likely as well, especially with each day's first public event giving an Ascendant Shard.


Don't feel like playing the game right at this moment, but I also want to exploit the good farming spot before any possible nerf.

But then again, if they nerf it that might be enough to make me quit in annoyance.


WHY DOES THIS GAME HATE GIVING ME LEG ARMOR? Still using a shitty green. Not a single blue or higher has dropped. Stop giving me shitty Blue helms and chest pieces....
I'm not attempting that raid again until I'm level 28, one exotic armor piece and everything legendary and maxed out. Already got my trusty Suros Regime as a weapon of choice.


I so need to level more. Only just hit 13 but I have not put a crazy amount of time into it yet. Might try some crucible and see if that speeds it up a bit.


The shingen E was at the gunsmith yesterday but I missed it, is it completely random what appears or will it come up again in the near future?
I so need to level more. Only just hit 13 but I have not put a crazy amount of time into it yet. Might try some crucible and see if that speeds it up a bit.

Crucible and completing bounties for Crucible is a great way to level up fast. I reached level 20 in Crucible before even doing anything on Venus.


Okay, so piece of advice: The raid doesn't drop loot, glimmer or EXP. So just go in knowing that.

Also, I can totally see why Bungie would not allow matchmaking for the raid. This would be impossible if you didn't a) have headsets and b) have decent gear.


Thinking of selling my copy. Loot isn't happening for me and it's feeling more like a chore than other mmo type games.

I actually enjoy most of the game but I doubt I'll get to raid. Not feeling it. Kind of sucks since my PS4 will sit unused until Bloodborne.

It's only been a week, and it's a RNG game, I'm nearly Crucible level 3 via MP and don't have a purple yet


Interestingly, I really wasn't feeling Destiny. Pushed to 12 on my Warlock and didn't really feel keen on pushing on. Tonight I rerolled as a Hunter and I'm finding it much more satisfactory. Only hit lvl5 but I'm wanting to keep playing.

Also strangely, I seem to have the most fun on patrol vs the missions. It's basically action-action-action and fast levelling. No waves of bosses while waiting, respawning and losing progress when dying, etc. Wish there was an Adventure mode equivalent.for faster levelling.
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