Just gonna plonk down a wishlist of features I think would very much improve the game. Call it Destiny 2.0 if you will.
- Shaders you buy at the Outfitter should have a preview option. Theyre quite expensive and the colours and colour distribution do not always turn out as expected.
- The Material Exchange-options at the Vanguard and Crucible Quartermasters should detail what youll get beforehand. Right now the only thing the option tells you is that theyll take something away from you without any information on what you get in return.
- There should be a way to preview gun sights on guns bought from any Vendor. You can sorta-kinda see what sight a gun has from the current preview, but it would be great to just preview the actual sight as it is in first person.
- Engrams should not decrypt into gear of lower quality than the Engram itself, ever. A Rare Primary Weapon engram should at the very least give out a Rare Primary Weapon. A Legendary Chest Armor Engram should at the very least give out a Legendary Chest Armor piece.
- In the same line as the above point; Materials should not drop from Gear or Weapon Engrams, ever. Materials should either drop as-is or get their own Material Engram.
- High-end Materials should have higher drop rates from Strike Bosses and shielded yellow-bar enemies, with the type of Material tied to the enemy race. This would allow for more targeted play as opposed to just playing the game / finding the most efficient farming spot and hoping something drops one of them eventually.
- Overall loot drop rates need to be reworked. Regular red-bar Dregs / Shanks / Psions / Goblins / Etc. should drop loot less frequently and in lower quality. Regular yellow-bar enemies should have increased drop rates for higher quality drops and Strike bosses / unique named enemies should have a guaranteed Rare drop with a change to drop more. As it is right now, the only really viable and efficient method to get new gear is finding whatever is the best and fastest farming spot, as all enemies have seem to have the same drop-rates for any quality.
- Crucible loot distribution should be revamped in some way. Have a kill-threshold for loot eligibility ( kill 3 enemies to be able to get loot ) to prevent very late-joiners or AFK players from getting loot and have at least some consistency / system in who gets loot and who doesnt vs. the 100% RNG that we have now.
Clan / Social
- There should be an option for proximity chat for matchmade Fireteams during Strikes and Crucible.
- In the Roster section of the menu, there should be a column for clan members.
- The option for matchmaking should be added to all modes, with the only possible exception being the Raid ( though I think adding it there would do no harm either, provided you get sufficient warning before turning it on ).
Other / general
- The Vault should be accessible from Orbit, at least for deposits. I dont want to have to go back to the Tower just to store something.
- If you have finished a story mission once, you should have the option to have it flow into an explore instance when you complete it again instead of having the game eject you out of the game and into orbit.
- If you have finished a story mission before, you should be able to skip the cutscenes.
- I would like there to be a small chance in Explore ( and perhaps even any Strike ) for any enemy to spawn as a shielded yellow-bar version of itself with increased loot drop chance. I know theres already Public Events, but they happen so sporadically that it would be great to have something like this to spice up the regular encounters, which right now always spawn the exact same enemies in the exact same spot with very little variation.
- Let us pick difficulty and possibly even modifiers on specific existing strikes without having to go into random matchmaking via the Vanguard playlist.
- I would love the addition of some sort of advanced tooltips. By how much does this upgrade reduce my recoil? What is the exact fire-rate of this gun? How much does this subclass-upgrade increase the size of my grenade? How exactly does this upgrade affect my various grenade types? How much more Light do I actually need for the next Light level? How much does 100% Discipline effect reduce my grenade cooldown? Etc. Etc. I would like something more concrete than the current vague bars and percentages.
I feel like some of these changes would make the loot experience more consistent and enjoyable while streamlining some of the rough edges Destiny currently has regarding flow and social features.