Otherwise known as KING Boss.Just in time to know the person who taught her all she knows about combat, The Middle Manager!
Otherwise known as KING Boss.Just in time to know the person who taught her all she knows about combat, The Middle Manager!
.The fact that "Solid" is left out of the title should be a dead giveaway that it includes a next-gen port of Rising
sucks for the gun nuts that they have fake guns in MGSV
sucks for the gun nuts that they have fake guns in MGSV
sucks for the gun nuts that they have fake guns in MGSV
It makes sense that the guns aren't real though doesn't it? The guns are coming from Diamond Dogs R&D.
sucks for the gun nuts that they have fake guns in MGSV
What...what am I watching.
Bikkurishita! Did not know he would tease this so soon. Please stay tuned for more details (I see many meetings in my future tomorrow).
EDIT: This is not the admission of anything other than the surprise of seeing that screen.
Seems that way.sex on the stage
I'm not watching - what is it???
It was just a collectin of MGS gear including white PS4 with custom faceplate and some clothes. Oh and a swag as hat or some shit.
"Metal Gear Collection 2014"
Kojima played us like a damn fiddle lol