Anyone pick this up on Steam yet? Post your impressions!
It's not unlocked yet. And oddly enough for a game as high selling and with good word of mouth I can find next to no press on it period. Hmmmm
It's not unlocked yet. And oddly enough for a game as high selling and with good word of mouth I can find next to no press on it period. Hmmmm
apparently you didn't watch any pax streams
apparently you didn't watch any pax streams
I'm kind of nervous about this. On the one hand the characters look like they actually play very differently for once, but on the other hand the levels look kind of mundane. I really liked all the wild levels and locations from Dark Legacy. It made it feel really epic.
Got the code. Thanks for the heads-up!Anyone interested in some good looks at the game should watch the livestream on Twitch. You can also fill out this quiz for a code for an exclusive in-game item (only for the first 5000 people though, first come first serve)
do you lose health over time like you did in OG gauntlet?
do you lose health over time like you did in OG gauntlet?
So I bought and downloaded. Only thing is I can't seem to get the game to detect my display as capable of 1080p? It only goes up to some weird step down res around 1760 horizontal.
no and no time limit
lame. this is not the gauntlet I grew up with.
friend had the same problem for him it was hidden just hit down past that and then hit your select key
lame. this is not the gauntlet I grew up with.
lol you're right it literally doesn't show up on the screen, no scrolling or anything. How does that make it past QA?
Don't want! I couldn't stand playing this back when I was a kid!
The whole losing health mechanic only existed to force people to feed quarters into the arcade machine. It's an archaic mechanic that would have been universally panned by reviewers had it been included. I'm glad it's not there; the game is hard enough without it.
any impressions? I can't find any reviews
So I've been playing on hard and is it just me, or does the Valkyrie absolutely suck compared to the other classes? The Wizard is basically Invoker from Dota 2, huge utility in every situation, the Warrior can clear crowds like crazy, the elf is mobile as furk and the Valkyrie is ... kind of a not-as-good Warrior.