Assassins Creed Unity Leaked PS4 version shots (Confirmed 900p / 30fps)


Who's talking?

"I'm happy to enlighten you guys because way too much bullshit about 1080p making a difference is being thrown around. If the game is as pretty and fun as ours will be, who cares? Getting this game to 900p was a BITCH. The game is so huge in terms of rendering that it took months to get it to 720p at 30fps. The game was 9fps 9 months ago. We only achieved 900p at 30fps weeks ago. The PS4 couldn't handle 1080p 30fps for our game, whatever people, or Sony and Microsoft say. Yes, we have a deal with Microsoft, and yes we don't want people fighting over it, but with all the recent concessions from Microsoft, backing out of CPU reservations not once, but twice, you're talking about a 1 or 2 fps difference between the two consoles. So yes, locking the framerate is a conscious decision to keep people bullshiting, but that doesn't seem to have worked in the end. Even if Ubi has deals, the dev team members are proud, and want the best performance out of every console out there. What's hard is not getting the game to render at this point, it's making everything else in the game work at the same level of performance we designed from the start for the graphics. By the amount of content and NPCs in the game, from someone who witnessed optimization for lots of Ubisoft games in the past, this is crazily optimized for such a young generation of consoles. This really is about to define a next gen like no other game before. Mordor has next gen system and gameplay, but not graphics like Unity does. The proof comes in that game being cross gen. Our producer (Vincent) saying we're bound with AI by the CPU is right, but not entirely. Consider this, they started this game so early for next gen, MS and Sony wanted to push graphics first, so that's what we did. I believe 50% of the CPU is dedicated to helping the rendering by processing pre-packaged information, and in our case, much like Unreal 4, baked global illumination lighting. The result is amazing graphically, the depth of field and lighting effects are beyond anything you've seen on the market, and even may surpass Infamous and others. Because of this I think the build is a full 50gigs, filling the bluray to the edge, and nearly half of that is lighting data."

however, the source of this is an email on GiantBomb's BombCast, so no idea if legit. But i'm sure that's what the poster you quoted was referring to.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I´ll wait for the Assassins Creed 2 of this generation.

That would be AC4

Wowwww. Those images look REALLY blurry even on my ipad mini retina. What the hell are they going to look like on my 50 inch 1080p tv upscaled to a 1080p screen? Its going to look even worse.

It's a pity your TV wasn't a little smaller, otherwise it would look like native 1080p



I'm sure it looks better in motion but those shots don't look too great. I kind of got my AC fix with Shadow of Mordor though. I guess I'll see how the reviews are.
This is a new engine, I'll wait and see how it goes perfomance wise before shitting on Ubi's face.

I have a decent rig, don't worry about me ;)

Yeah, Ubi already commented in huge detail about how CPU bound the engine is, so I think there is reason to be concerned. Just not willing to give Ubi Kiew any benefit of the doubt anymore.

No matter how decent your rig, locked 60 was pretty much impossible to achieve in AC3/4 due to the CPU.
It always amazes me that Ubisoft games seem to look worse as the generations go on. Last year Black Flag got a great PS4 version; 1080p, rock-solid 30FPS that looked really nice. This year? Brand new engine, built from the ground up for the new consoles, and it looks worse. Lower res, lower framerate, blur filter, looks like warmed up shit. WTF happened here?
I would wait to have a reputable site do some videos about the game instead of ripping apart Ubi's throat, but what do I know? keep the hate train going!

I'll be getting my 1080p60 and I'll brute force this bitch until there's nothing to squeeze, it will look beautiful.
Ahh yes, let's wait for "reputable" sites to tell us only a minority will care that the game looks like this as opposed to judging direct feed screenshots we have right now.


If I force my PS4 to output 720p, will it look better?
If I get it.

anything that upscales to the native pixel resolution of your display looks somewhat blurry.

unless you have a 720p TV or monitor, it'll still going to look equally blurry if not worse on your 1080p panel.


Totally different engine and both those other games aren't running any sort of GI. I never understood the argument that, "This game runs and looks like this, why doesn't this game!!??" Games are develop my human beings with a variety of different skill sets and skill levels.

True, but it's not like Ubi are a small studio with a meager budget. There's a reason why we have to sit through 15 minutes after the credits rolls. Hundreds (maybe 1000-2000 people even) work on these things. They always sell truckloads. It just comes down to talent and the vision to discern what can or can't be done. GTA V had it's share of problems, the fps wasn't the greatest, but I believe they will pull off something incredible with the "remaster". In terms of polish and scope they're unparalleled, and they don't act like they're better than everyone else. Listening to the team talking about AC Unity one would expect the second coming, like everything that came to ps4/x1 was not real "next gen". If this is the result of their hardwork than I question the viability of their methods. I was really excited for this game, then parity hits. I was upset but decided to give them a chance, then this hits. It looks real bad and some are reporting it plays as bad. It's a shame.

Like I said the other day, I'm having AC1 flashbacks. Maybe "Unity 2" will blow us all away.
I doubt the game will look like that. I highly doubt it.

It looks like someone took all the effort to make the screenshots look as shit as possible.

Ubisoft aren't that untalented, right?


Wow that looks like garbage. And watch, the number of times you will see 1000+ NPCs on the screen will be few. What a crock of shit you lying bastards at Ubisoft. #ps4noparity
I still don't think those look that good. They look blurry and the textures look really generic.

It is really a bipolar looking game so far, with some screens and scenes looking great and then others looking awful. The colour pallate doesn't help either.

AC 4 was colourful and vibrant, which makes it even more difficult for aliasing to be hidden.

In the end, it seems that they have used an aggressive AA solution due to the 900p resolution, which is causing the blurry image.

Also, the AF is atrocious.


Some of those don't look too good. It seems like there's a filter, or settings and details are set to low. The character models especially look kind of bad.
It always amazes me that Ubisoft games seem to look worse as the generations go on. Last year Black Flag got a great PS4 version; 1080p, rock-solid 30FPS that looked really nice. This year? Brand new engine, built from the ground up for the new consoles, and it looks worse. Lower res, lower framerate, blur filter, looks like warmed up shit. WTF happened here?

I always thought AC1 had better graphics then AC2, AC looked more realistic.

K' Dash

Ahh yes, let's wait for "reputable" sites to tell us only a minority will care that the game looks like this as opposed to judging direct feed screenshots we have right now.

you can do whatever you want, I'll wait and see, I won't be buying the PS4 version anyway but I'll keep an eye on it.


It always amazes me that Ubisoft games seem to look worse as the generations go on. Last year Black Flag got a great PS4 version; 1080p, rock-solid 30FPS that looked really nice. This year? Brand new engine, built from the ground up for the new consoles, and it looks worse. Lower res, lower framerate, blur filter, looks like warmed up shit. WTF happened here?

They tried to up the anti on the crowds and city density, plus co-op. But consoles have weak sauce CPUs so they had to cut corners in other areas to get it to run.
Just happy there are millions of people who don't give a crap about this and it's only a small percentage of people on obscure forums who are so uptight about this.


It's delicious to read some those comments.

Ploid 3.0

Thousands and Thousands of unique NPC are just to much to handle for next gen consoles.

Waste of resources, what they should be doing is creating the illusion of thousands of unique npcs. That's if it's the cause of the graphics being the way it is.
you can do whatever you want, I'll wait and see, I won't be buying the PS4 version anyway but I'll keep an eye on it.
If you're going with PC then there's nothing to fear. Even if the game runs like shit at first it'll be patched until it works.

Console gamers on the other hand are very likely fucked.
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