Assassins Creed Unity Leaked PS4 version shots (Confirmed 900p / 30fps)

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
OP should actually post some of the shots from the other link too. I see good-looking shots and bad-looking ones, and from what I've seen the game looks good in motion.

What do I believe?


Armchair video game critics are the worst.

Game looks good; can't wait to play it.



Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Those screens looking like garbage have less to do with 900p than they do with art assets, AA, lighting, fucked up colors and weird DOF.

Everyone saying oh.. 1080p.. that's why it looks shit.. just no.. The stuff you see there would look like shit on any resolution.. wouldn't make a bit of difference.
What if Rockstar pulls 1080p/rock solid 30fps in Gta V? What then, Ubi?
Fuck, all this talk about Mordor not having good graphics, at least it had a solid framerate and no vaseline. And 1080p. And fights with dozens of enemies.

I think Mordor is very pretty on PC. On top it runs well. Not sure how the PS4 version looks but it can't be that much worse.


Those screens looking like garbage have less to do with 900p than they do with art assets, AA, lighting, fucked up colors and weird DOF.

Everyone saying oh.. 1080p.. that's why it looks shit.. just no.. The stuff you see there would look like shit on any resolution.. wouldn't make a bit of difference.

We demand sharper shit.


Neo Member
This is a huge dissapoimtment. After watch dogs I was expecting it to be the exception not the rule. Well that just made my November cheaper. At this stage its very very fine margins as to what I spend my money on. If it looked like the promised reveal I would have got it without question as I am a huge assasins fan, but im sorry I got stung with Watch Dogs I wont be going near this until its second hand and even then im tempted not to bother.

Farcry 4 looks as if its going the same way too.


The shots are (for some reason) upscaled to 1080p. So 44% of the detail in the image has been pulled out of some piece of software ass. At least they're being honest about how it'll look on the vast majority of peoples TV's I guess.

That's because they are captured using the PS4 share button (you can see the capture pop up in one of the pics). The game is rendered at 900p, but displays at 1080p on the console, so when you capture a screenshot it will be 1080p. The piece of software ass upscaling it to 1080p is the game. The game is the software ass.


Lack of reflections, shadows and SSAO on surfaces that look like they need it to be convincing.

That is it. It honestly looks like the people don't belong. They stick out from the backgrounds badly. Since these are leaked images, I'll assume they have not gotten to adding in those details. If they are indeed having issues with framerate at 900p looking like the game currently does, they have their work cut out for them.


OP should actually post some of the shots from the other link too. I see good-looking shots and bad-looking ones, and from what I've seen the game looks good in motion.

What do I believe?

I trust the videos I have seen in motion. The PS4 footage looks particularly nice. You can cherry pick screens from any game and make it look like shit. Especially when it is from compressed to hell and back footage.
The scariest part is that its October 31st and they have barely showed the game off to this point. No direct feed footage.

They were showing off AC4 like crazy before launch.

Any time a game is not being shown before release its a bad sign. Really hoping its not as bad as it looks in the OP.

On a side note, I know Sony says they won't refund preorders, but has anyone had luck getting a refund before?


That's because they are captured using the PS4 share button (you can see the capture pop up in one of the pics). The game is rendered at 900p, but displays at 1080p on the console, so when you capture a screenshot it will be 1080p. The piece of software ass upscaling it to 1080p is the game. The game is the software ass.

This actually looks better than most shots captured from the PS4. If that really is the case, I wouldn't judge it off of these at all.


Yeah probably ... but that doesn't mean it has to look like absolute SHIT in stills -_-


Black Flag on PS3 looks more sharper and better defined than this ..

(couldn't find any screens with more NPC's on DF).

That actually looks pretty good imo. I wonder if the NPCs will be really dynamic this time through. That would be really neat.
What if Rockstar pulls 1080p/rock solid 30fps in Gta V? What then, Ubi?
Fuck, all this talk about Mordor not having good graphics, at least it had a solid framerate and no vaseline. And 1080p. And fights with dozens of enemies.

Totally different engine and both those other games aren't running any sort of GI. I never understood the argument that, "This game runs and looks like this, why doesn't this game!!??" Games are develop my human beings with a variety of different skill sets and skill levels.

K' Dash

I would wait to have a reputable site do some videos about the game instead of ripping apart Ubi's throat, but what do I know? keep the hate train going!

I'll be getting my 1080p60 and I'll brute force this bitch until there's nothing to squeeze, it will look beautiful.


Wow, so after AC4 was 1080p with perfect IQ and a rock solid 30 FPS they went back to this blurry mess and (according to someone in this thread) dropped the framerate to AC2 on PS3 levels, too? Yeah no, thanks. Definitely skipping this one.

It's sad they could do this with last gen but can't get it right now....Blacklist was beautiful on last gen....follow your own lead, Ubi!
I would wait to have a reputable site do some videos about the game instead of ripping apart Ubi's throat, but what do I know? keep the hate train going!

I'll be getting my 1080p60 and I'll brute force this bitch until there's nothing to squeeze, it will look beautiful.

I hope you got your liquid nitrogen CPU cooling ready, so you can run it at 6ghz to get remotely close to a stable 60. Let's not forget this is an Ubisoft engine.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
After looking at these screens, I'm glad I canceled my preorder just on the graphics alone. To be honest, my favourite part of AC4 was the sailing part, so I don't feel that I'll miss out on anything gameplay wise.


Generally I think it looks fine. When it's in motion it seems to look pretty good and I think that when people are sitting at an appropriate distance from their TV then it'll be fine.


I think Mordor is very pretty on PC. On top it runs well. Not sure how the PS4 version looks but it can't be that much worse.

I think the game looks very good. Sure, the landscape is a bit barren (as it should, given the setting) but the IQ was good, lots of enemies, good textures and steady framerate. On PC it even looks better (of course). I was referring to Ubi, when they made the comparison between both games they said that mordor had some "next-gen features" such as the nemesis system, but as far as graphics go, it was last gen. AC Unity was "next gen".

Not seeing it here. BlackFlag looked better than this, but then again this is Ubi and they're compulsive liars so it shouldn't come as a surprise. People who think this looks good better have their eyes checked or they have really low standards. There's a lot going on and the art direction might help, but technically this game is a mess. It's like they don't even test their games properly. Who thought it would be a good idea to have hundreds (thousands?) of npcs on screen if that meant the game will be a blurry mess running at sub 1080/25fps? No one asked for this. They keep bitting more than they can chew, it's ridiculous.

Who's talking?

Ubi commented on that a while ago, and established the comparison in a non-flattering way.


What would they use to wash it off? It might surprise you to learn that the poor people in 1789 didn't have taps.

I've done manual labor and never once in my life managed to get more dirt on my face than hands. And spit and a towel can do some good in a pinch.

In before 1080p patch after a week or two.

Devs need to start announcing day one patches ahead of time, it seems likely there's some fuckery here that will be fixed at/post launch. I hope.

K' Dash

I hope you got your liquid nitrogen CPU cooling ready, so you can run it at 6ghz to get remotely close to a stable 60. Let's not forget this is an Ubisoft engine.

This is a new engine, I'll wait and see how it goes perfomance wise before shitting on Ubi's face.

I have a decent rig, don't worry about me ;)


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
They can. AC4 - PS4:


I do forget just how gorgeous that game could look. Those ACU screens look like absolute wank.

After AC4 and Mordor this game has some high standards to live up to, and I don't think it will. I really hope I am wrong though.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I've done manual labor and never once in my life managed to get more dirt on my face than hands. And spit and a towel can do some good in a pinch.
I honestly don't think you're appreciating what's happened in the last 200 years if you think that doing manual labour in the early 21st century gives any insight at all into living as a poor person in pre-Revolutionary France.


Wowwww. Those images look REALLY blurry even on my ipad mini retina. What the hell are they going to look like on my 50 inch 1080p tv...

If I force my PS4 to output 720p, will it look better?
If I get it.

upscaled to a 1080p screen? Its going to look even worse.
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