Assassins Creed Unity Leaked PS4 version shots (Confirmed 900p / 30fps)

Red Comet

Yeah, Ubi already commented in huge detail about how CPU bound the engine is, so I think there is reason to be concerned. Just not willing to give Ubi Kiew any benefit of the doubt anymore.

No matter how decent your rig, locked 60 was pretty much impossible to achieve in AC3/4 due to the CPU.

I managed locked 60 in AC 4 by turning Physics down with a 4770k and 780 ti SLI. AC 3 was trickier, but I managed it after overclocking my CPU. That said, I have no faith that it can be managed in AC Unity.
Nah, it looks like it's running at 900p with a slightly better AA solution.

Wait, are you saying that AC:U has slightly better AA than BF4, or BF4 has slightly better AA then AC:U? If it's the former, then I'd have to disagree. I've played tons of BF4 and it looks crisper than these images.

Ploid 3.0

Just happy there are millions of people who don't give a crap about this and it's only a small percentage of people on obscure forums who are so uptight about this.


It's delicious to read some those comments.

I don't think salty could be used to describe the disbelief. People expected to see something amazing graphically, something that warranted the PS4 version being 900p, and personally I'm not seeing it.

K' Dash

If you're going with PC then there's nothing to fear. Even if the game runs like shit at first it'll be patched until it works.

Console gamers on the other hand are very likely fucked.

I don't think it will be patched until it works, thankfully we have modders that can work miracles, The Evil Within became playable thanks to them, removing black bars, FOV fix and 60fps, bless their souls.
Just happy there are millions of people who don't give a crap about this and it's only a small percentage of people on obscure forums who are so uptight about this.


It's delicious to read some those comments.

What exactly is the point of comments like these? You're happy that it's only a small amount of people who want a better standard for image quality in their videogames?


For the love of God people this is first year for next-gen hardware and you know what games won't look perfect. SS are ok some of them are really nice and beautiful other not so much. Game is huge and scale is really big. Yes they could do many things better but games is fine.
Those screens are genuinely shocking. After all the PR bluster and screenshots showing how incredible the game looked, compared to these screenshots, its absolutely jarring.
Im not puttign on my PC master race robe and wizard hat here, but im gonna put dollars to donuts that all those pre-release screens, and probably even demos were all running on PC. Either that or this game just got a fucking brutal downgrade.


Hey look next gen starts here according to ubisoft like every game now when you see there logo pop up.


I feel i am back in 2002 with PS2 and Xbox.


That can't be right ... can it? It looks like there's some strange compression going on. Those look noticeably worse than AC IV.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I like that the best way to tell if someone is whipping out the hyperbole is that they insist with as straight a face as they can muster that they're not being hyperbolic.
What? That looks awful.

Unity is blurry in the leaked screenshots, but the shader is way more impressive than ACIV.
I wouldn't call it awful, but I think people are definitely overstating how good Black Flag looks.

Playing through it game right now, it can get quite ugly.


The hell is up with the nasty ass blur? My eyes were starting to hurt after looking at those shots. Looks like everything is out of focus.
OP should actually post some of the shots from the other link too. I see good-looking shots and bad-looking ones, and from what I've seen the game looks good in motion.

What do I believe?

Enlarging those images shows that the game is still, in fact, blurry as hell. That ballroom shot is from a cutscene and it looks horrid. Lady he's talking to is blurry, no shadows from any npc, not to mention the terror with no face lurking off to the right.


This, even despite the artifacting on the ship ropes, looks phenomenal.

How Does AC:U look significantly worse than this???

Significantly worse? Do you have any screens of Unity with the same beach settings so I can compare these so called downgraded graphics?


What? That looks awful.

Unity is blurry in the leaked screenshots, but the shader is way more impressive than ACIV.

This...that super sharpened garbage is not good graphics...I think a lot of the issues with these screenshots go back to hbao and how that looks in a static image as opposed to in motion...these shaders and lighting systems are very impressive especially when running the ai they are...wait for high res video
Just happy there are millions of people who don't give a crap about this and it's only a small percentage of people on obscure forums who are so uptight about this.


It's delicious to read some those comments.

What? You're happy about people not knowing what they're buying? What bizarre logic.
This...that super sharpened garbage is not good graphics...I think a lot of the issues with these screenshots go back to hbao and how that looks in a static image as opposed to in motion...these shaders and lighting systems are very impressive especially when running the ai they are...wait for high res video

By "super sharpened", you mean native 1080p, right? Because that's what it is.


This, even despite the artifacting on the ship ropes, looks phenomenal.

How Does AC:U look significantly worse than this???

The IQ is worse, the rest is not even comparable. AC4 graphics were bad, really bad regarding the scenery. These rocks seem to come straight out of a Gran Turismo track.


I love the Ubisoft defenders popping up in this thread. The people that can't come to terms that this game could be downgraded.

But I guess they have a point. I remember how Red Steel, far cry 3, watch dogs, splinter cell blacklist and assassins creed 3 all ended up matching their early marketing....oh wait.
The IQ in Black Flag is better, and I appreciated it a lot, but let's please not pretend that AC4 looked like anything more than what it was—an upscaled and slightly retouched PS3 game.

IQ is the reason I posted the image, as the discussion in here is mainly centred around how bad the IQ is in AC:U.
This...that super sharpened garbage is not good graphics...I think a lot of the issues with these screenshots go back to hbao and how that looks in a static image as opposed to in motion...these shaders and lighting systems are very impressive especially when running the ai they are...wait for high res video

Where are you getting super sharpened from? I think that AC4 shot looks pretty clean IQ wise. And I really dig the art style.
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