Sibersk Esto
Southern Bastards made me so mad
Also, for some reason this page is attacking me and turning aggressively into a blatantly fake, probably virus infected "Your Java is outdated so you should totally update through this pop-up site" thing. Maybe I picked up a virus or something, I don't know.
Southern Bastards made me so mad
As far as I know, the only place to buy it is Bergen St Comics in Brooklyn or etsy when Michael Fiffe randomly puts issues up there for sale. It'd be great to be proven wrong since it sounds like something I'd absolutely love.
Slayven posts have that effect. Just wait til this page is over, friend.
Who do I believe?!I am the virus
Who do I believe?!
Who do I believe?!
Slayven posts have that effect. Just wait til this page is over, friend.
You know how you are like the Legion of Superheroes? Tried, forced, and yet you keep going even though all your fans are gone.
Hey gang, I'm looking to get back into reading X-Men comics this month. Would "All New X-Men" be the place to start?
You know how you are like the Legion of Superheroes? Tried, forced, and yet you keep going even though all your fans are gone.
You know how you are like the Legion of Superheroes? Tried, forced, and yet you keep going even though all your fans are gone.
I just cant read Southern Bastards. Its so clichee Hill Billy style, at least in the first issue. I feel so akward while reading it...
You should probably just get over your awkward awkwardness and read it. The creators are from the South and telling a Southern-ass story, and it's incredible. Every issue is damn impactful and it's all setting up to snowball like Scalped did. I'd say get to issue 4 before you even consider dropping it.
Bro, bro brobrobro BRO. Don't do this. Your verbal drone strikes are going to cause collateral damage that you can't afford.
Hey gang, I'm looking to get back into reading X-Men comics this month. Would "All New X-Men" be the place to start?
You know how you are like the Legion of Superheroes? Tried, forced, and yet you keep going even though all your fans are gone.
It seems to be pretty controversial on account of Bendis writing it.
Yo did you read Deathlok? Shit was amazing.
I just cant read Southern Bastards. Its so clichee Hill Billy style, at least in the first issue. I feel so akward while reading it...
I am the virus
Ya'll love voting so much, so now its time to vote for the Top 100 Comic Writers/Artists of All-Time again.
CBR did this four years ago, here's 2010's top 125 Writers and Artists lists
Did anyone get that Deadpool & Cable Omni this week? I'm thinking about getting it, but I never read the series.
Worth it?
Ya'll love voting so much, so now its time to vote for the Top 100 Comic Writers/Artists of All-Time again.
CBR did this four years ago, here's 2010's top 125 Writers and Artists lists
94 Judd Winick – 106 points
93 Kieron Gillen – 107 points (1 first place vote)
92 Scott Lobdell – 109 points
91 David Lapham – 110 points (1 first place vote)
90 Peter Tomasi – 111 points (1 first place vote)
You can order the first TPB from here.
The art is absolutely stunning. Some of the most creative stuff I've seen in comics.
how did Judd Winick get 100+ points
big Jason Todd fans out there I guess
Just to quote myself, I think I have a top 10 I won't hate myself for voting
1. Grant Morrison
2. Frank Miller
3. Peter Milligan
4. Alan Moore
5. Garth Ennis
6. Matt Fraction
7. Jason Aaron
8. David Lapham
9. Chris Claremont
10. Rick Remender
1. Frank Quitely
2. Otomo
3. Moebius
4. Jack Kirby
5. Frank Miller
6. Alan Davis
7. Bill Sienkiewicz
8. David Mazzucchelli
9. Geoff Darrow
10. Marcos Martin
Oh nice, thanks!
This totally makes up for the Nightly News gaffe on your part.![]()
Also, high five for including Miller and Martin on your top 10 artists list.
Just before I refreshed the ComicsGAF page and saw your post, I was thinking about how I need to catch up on Private Eye. I think I might hold off until it's finished though since it's sort of close to wrapping up. I loved the first five issues though. Especially Martin's art.
Do that, the whole 10 issue series is gonna read well together. As it is, it takes about 2 months for each 28+ widescreen pages issue to come out, but I think its the best thing BKV has ever done, and its no small part because of Marcos Martin's fantastic work. I could have put a million people in that #10 slot, but I went with Marcos. I honestly believe he's one of the best sequential artist ever.
Southern Bastards made me so mad
2 pages already! Don't you guy's have families or something.
I'd be interested in a top 10 colorists list. This year I've been hyper aware of incredible colorists like Jordie Bellaire, Rico Renzi, FCO, etc.
Moebius is the worldwide GOAT. Everything else can be up for debate.
Damn it! I'm moving my last posts my the previous thread to here.
Full time job here, though honestly most of my posting happens while at work. On the weekends I'm doing shit around the apartment, spending time with my GF, and trying to play video games.
Did you know I didn't finish black flag. I got 3/4 of the way through it, and then the fucking seagate external hard drive died and took all my game saves with it. I disliked the ship stuff so much I can't go back.
Also my GF and I got woken up at 4 am this morning by my server's raid card's alarm because the last of the seagate drives I bought died. Fuck Seagate. 4 drives in 2 years dead.
YAY on Batman 35 making it, at least 1 of the books I voted for made it in the list this month.
I guess it just goes to different tastes, but I thought the ship stuff was the best part of Black Flag.
Is Transformers #35 a pick up of an old series? I've only been following More Than Meets the Eye (which is fantastic). I didn't think there was a non-subtitled Transformers book coming out.
We totally should do a ComicGAF best of the year list.
We totally should do a ComicGAF best of the year list.
On to a new month.
So I finally read Harley Quinn PeeGee..
I may get banned.... but it just doesn't do much for me.
I enjoyed it,, book looks good.. I don't dislike it. Just doesn't do much for me.
Sorry Messi lol.
Also I finally did it,, finally dropped Amazing Spider-Man. Never been crazy about spider-man,, the only thing that got me ready amazing spider-man was because I really like Superior Spidey and just continued onto Amazing.