So when you upgrade exotics in the new DLC, it seems your weapon's progression is reset. That's a tough one - it requires a ton of glimmer and XP to go through that again.
Here's the link:
So when you upgrade exotics in the new DLC, it seems your weapon's progression is reset. That's a tough one - it requires a ton of glimmer and XP to go through that again.
Here's the link:
I always play with rando's cos GAF groups are always full :'(
Then when i do play with Gaffers i play like shit >.<
Start playing with Rando's again and 14.0 K/D's galore. My chi is all fucked up.
Juju is beastmode during conflux/legion defense phase. Never have to reload.
So when you upgrade exotics in the new DLC, it seems your weapon's progression is reset. That's a tough one - it requires a ton of glimmer and XP to go through that again.
Here's the link:
Interesting. This all generally seems okay. There are definitely Exotics I won't be upgrading further until the DLC.So when you upgrade exotics in the new DLC, it seems your weapon's progression is reset. That's a tough one - it requires a ton of glimmer and XP to go through that again.
Here's the link:
So when you upgrade exotics in the new DLC, it seems your weapon's progression is reset. That's a tough one - it requires a ton of glimmer and XP to go through that again.
Here's the link:
This is some bullshit. I really hope this is not accurate at all. Bungie you did so good this week don't fuck up the goodwill you just gained.
Having to start all over on upgrading your exotics is bullshit IMO. It already takes forever to level them up.
We are only 3 months from launch. It is way too early for this type of stuff.
Yep I'm here! I was gonna start putting day one groups together this Sunday. Hopefully the dlc unlocks at midnight Monday night....
This is some bullshit. I really hope this is not accurate at all. Bungie you did so good this week don't fuck up the goodwill you just gained.
Heres how it works. Upgrading exotic weapons and armor is completed by interacting with the weekend vendor, Xur. When he arrives every Friday morning, he will now have a new option to upgrade one of your equipped exotic items. Each week, hell offer some (but not all) exotic items as being available to upgrade.
Youll need three things. First, you need to own the original version of that exotic item, and turn it in to exchange for the upgraded version. It doesnt matter if this old version of the item is brand new or fully upgraded. To complete the upgrade, youll also need to turn in an exotic shard. This recently introduced new material is available for purchase for seven strange coins from Xur, or by breaking down another existing exotic item in your inventory. Finally, each exotic upgrade costs a hefty dose of cash around 7000 glimmer as of my playthrough of the expansion in mid-November. After turning all three of these things into Xur, hell hand you a brand new version of your item with a higher defense or attack value cap.
Its important to note that this process resets the upgrades on your exotic item, but youll now have a new higher damage or defense cap to work towards so youll need to decide if youd rather keep your fully upgraded old version of a weapon or armor piece, or start over. With that said, the process of upgrading exotic items is now faster, and does not require ascendant materials. Instead, the last slot requires one additional exotic shard, as revealed in Mondays patch.
So when you upgrade exotics in the new DLC, it seems your weapon's progression is reset. That's a tough one - it requires a ton of glimmer and XP to go through that again.
Here's the link:
So when you upgrade exotics in the new DLC, it seems your weapon's progression is reset. That's a tough one - it requires a ton of glimmer and XP to go through that again.
Here's the link:
Here's the text in case I'm misinterpreting it:
Looking ahead to 2015, players can expect that new raid primary weapons will only be available through the hard mode of the Crotas End raid set for launch in January.
What don't you like about this stuff? Also those changes seem great and open up for more experiences depending on how you play the game.
clears throat
"Perhaps most importantly, the loot raid drops for Crotas End have been refined from what we experienced in the Vault of Glass. Specifically, the game will pay closer attention to the drops youve already had, as well as how long its been since you get a fun drop (as opposed to just materials). While theres still a significant component of randomness, Bungie strongly implied to me that players should have a more consistent reward experience with the raid than what has been experienced in Vault of Glass when the Crotas End raid launches on day one of the expansion."
Clap clap clap
Why not do that with the existing raid though, too...
the process of upgrading exotic items is now faster
Doesn't seem that bad but having to redo it is fucking pain in the ass. Wtf Bungie.
So when you upgrade exotics in the new DLC, it seems your weapon's progression is reset. That's a tough one - it requires a ton of glimmer and XP to go through that again.
Here's the link:
What I don't like about this? Is this even a serious question?
It takes a fuckton amount of XP to max out an exotic. Why should I go through all that again instead of just them like adding a new bubble to upgrade?
Oh and they also conviently forgot to tell you that when they updated the game on Monday with the new exotic shards that people already wasted on their current exotics? Why can you even make that last upgrade now with the exotic shard if you are going to have to do it again in a week?
Fuck them.
yeah that's wise. Hawkmoon is pretty damn good out of the box and the last damage upgrade doesn't make a massive difference. I probably will upgrade my maxed Hawkmoon shortly after the DLC hits, but keep my maxed Gjallarhorn for a while until I have more things crossed off the list.havent read this yet but if true... SERIOUSLY? lol...
guess ill stop upgrading my hawkmoon right now and won't waste the damn exotic shard...
clears throat
"Perhaps most importantly, the loot raid drops for Crotas End have been refined from what we experienced in the Vault of Glass. Specifically, the game will pay closer attention to the drops youve already had, as well as how long its been since you get a fun drop (as opposed to just materials). While theres still a significant component of randomness, Bungie strongly implied to me that players should have a more consistent reward experience with the raid than what has been experienced in Vault of Glass when the Crotas End raid launches on day one of the expansion."
Clap clap clap
Why not do that with the existing raid though, too...
To encourage players to embrace initial upgrades even as they wait for raid drops, ascendant materials are now used primarily to upgrade non-raid legendary gear. Raid gear is instead upgraded with radiant shards and energy, which are acquired in the Crota’s End raid. To put it another way, the raid has its own internally consistent upgrade economy.
In addition, if you don’t get the specific energy or shards you’re hoping for, Eris Morn offers an exchange, allowing you to trade in one for the other. Another way to get radiant shards and radiant energy is to break down unwanted items acquired in the raid.
So when you upgrade exotics in the new DLC, it seems your weapon's progression is reset. That's a tough one - it requires a ton of glimmer and XP to go through that again.
Here's the link:
The progression reset on exotics makes no sense to me. Unless it's way faster the second time around that's just an unnecessary grind.
yeah that's wise. Hawkmoon is pretty damn good out of the box and the last damage upgrade doesn't make a massive difference. I probably will upgrade my maxed Hawkmoon shortly after the DLC hits, but keep my maxed Gjallarhorn for a while until I have more things crossed off the list.
I won't be upgrading anymore until the expansion hits at this point.
I won't be upgrading anymore until the expansion hits at this point.
Independent of raid loot, there are some new wrinkles involved in acquiring standard expansion-tier legendary gear. In addition to spending crucible or vanguard marks, buying new purple items now requires that you gain crucible or vanguard commendations. This reward is provided when you hit a new reputation level, and arrives via the postmaster. New legendary gear can be purchased by any Destiny player, regardless of whether you own The Dark Below.
Let me change my stance. There is a particular quote...
It better be waaaaaaay faster or yea... not pleased.
I am definitely in the "hardcore" crowd and I only have 3 fully leveled exotic weapons. Gah damn let us upgrade all this stuff quick so we can have fun enjoying all the exotics. fuck.
Some small but important changes are on the way to raiding and the loot that comes from raiding.
After the initial launch, Bungie noticed that many players were choosing not to fully upgrade their standard legendary gear, and instead were saving the shards and energy for the powerful gear that might drop for them in the raid.
To encourage players to embrace initial upgrades even as they wait for raid drops, ascendant materials are now used primarily to upgrade non-raid legendary gear. Raid gear is instead upgraded with radiant shards and energy, which are acquired in the Crotas End raid. To put it another way, the raid has its own internally consistent upgrade economy.
the interesting/scary part of this is that xur picks what you can and cant upgrade, presumably randomly. maybe you'll never get to upgrade that hawkmoon for a while ;___;
So this kind of confirms that a) Marks still have value for buying legendary gear and b)Current Legendaries (even VoG legendaries?) will be pretty outdated due to no upgrade path.
Didn't someone mention the term "crucible commendation" in this thread recently?
Game Informer said:Xur. When he arrives every Friday morning, he will now have a new option to upgrade one of your equipped exotic items. Each week, he’ll offer some (but not all) exotic items as being available to upgrade.
3? I wish I only had 3 exotics weapons upgraded.
Ugh I should have waited before I maxed out vex. Still have to finish reading what gameinformer posted. Btw I notice universal remote did not get buff or anything. I wonder why.
the interesting/scary part of this is that xur picks what you can and cant upgrade, presumably randomly. maybe you'll never get to upgrade that hawkmoon for a while ;___;
Vex is probably the one exception here since it's attack value is already at 323. But I definitely won't be upgrading any more exotics til the DLC & Xur.