User 73706
hamgurger buns

I wonder if Talents punched additional holes into his walls? Anybody know?
Tell me more.
nigga what?
hamgurger buns
Hold on:Hamburger grenades y'all.
Tell me more.
your the wurstThe N bombs enslave there victims.
I'm out.
The N bombs enslave there victims.
I'm out.
Hamburger grenades y'all.
The other aspects of it were:
Visibility impairment (through forced ghosting effects though, which would be horrible. Perhaps HUD loss/interference though? Is that too COD-like to be accepted in Halo?)
Visibility impairment always seems like a cool idea, and on maps that people know it'd be a fun way to show some skill if you can still move while partially blinded. But on new maps with new players it would just be too punishing. I never really had a problem with the concept of the radar jammer though.
As Halo fans, we must never give up hope.You can make the same argument day in and day out, but the people in charge of decisuons don't care about you. Sorry.
RIP CheddarNow there is an idea we can all agree on.
I think Nightfall and the Halo 2 bonus scenes have failed to do what they are supposed to do, and that's endear Locke to the audience.
He's some meek c-lister character in universe. A nobody of consequence with significant less presence than Commander (fuck no its her) Palmer. He can't carry a scene, and when face to face with with a major player with the Arbiter it's pretty clear he's a short man in tall man's armour.
Not a single original character 343 have created thus far have even the charisma of Johnson's cigar ash.
Needs more black triangles under the eyes.
Why doesn't Destiny have more variation. What the poop.
Why are you so frustrated over people having a conversation over a game mechanic? These conversations have been taking place for years...not sure what you were expecting when you joined.Classic Destiny had a compelling story, no sprint, good AI, great action set pieces, and no aim down sights.
I remember when Destiny was actually good.
So just bcuz 343 says Sprint is here to stay we can't continue to discuss about it?Read the 3 pages after my last post last night.
Honestly, are we STILL discussing sprint? Insiders and pros who have had close discussions with 343 have stated that sprint is here to stay. They are keeping it, but are trying to balance it.
Take it or leave it. It's going to be in Halo 5.
It would just as foolish to ask you to get used to it and accept we'll talk about it.Take it or leave it. It's going to be in Halo 5.
Why are you so frustrated over people having a conversation over a game mechanic? These conversations have been taking place for years...not sure what you were expecting when you joined.
Am I to late to the grenade idea party? Would proximity grenade work in Halo? Or what about a stun grenade that would lock up your armor and make you freeze for a second?
Am I to late to the grenade idea party? Would proximity grenade work in Halo? Or what about a stun grenade that would lock up your armor and make you freeze for a second?
I like logic and reason over useless banter. Just a preference of mine.
It's already confirmed it's here to stay. Do I like sprint? Heck no.
But is talking about it over and over when we know it's staying going to change anything?
Why are you so frustrated with that?
Defensive-play sandbox elements in Halo (regen field, etc) are usually a bad idea because they slow down gameplay. A grenade that kills your momentum completely? Helllll no.
I am waiting to watch Nightfall in one sitting and reading these reviews is a bit disappointing. I thoroughly enjoy Mike Colter's character on The Good Wife, and thought his voodoo devil part on American Horror Storiy was wonderfully intense. I believed he was perfect for the lead role in Nightfall.Locke acting is very bad. And he's supposed to be one of main characters.
Haha slow down. It was just an idea tossed out there. How about a grenade that posts a complain to HaloGaf?
B'cuz talking about it is fine and wanting change is fine. It's not like we're in denial that Sprint is in Halo and would never leave it (Unless you're Jem, lol, jkjk) but coming up with ideas to figure out how halo can become even better by discussing it. It's not useless banter.I like logic and reason over useless banter. Just a preference of mine.
It's already confirmed it's here to stay. Do I like sprint? Heck no.
But is talking about it over and over when we know it's staying going to change anything?
Why are you so frustrated with that?
I like logic and reason over useless banter. Just a preference of mine.
It's already confirmed it's here to stay. Do I like sprint? Heck no.
But is talking about it over and over when we know it's staying going to change anything?
Why are you so frustrated with that?
I think it's pretty obvious that the majority of users here don't appreciate such a dismissive attitude as "conversation over".
That is probably why they're is still so much discussion on sprint because that's effectively what 343 has been saying this whole time and even more clearly recently.
I'm not the one saying discussion over, they are.
We could talk about what balance to sprint could be implemented (as they already have to some degree.. We shall see), but arguing its inclusion or not seems more than vain.
Just trying to be logical man.
If we dismissed any discussion after 343 / Bungie's official stance was reported, there wouldn't be a halogaf.
Another excellent grenade idea.diahrea fart in the wind.
tfw Halo 5 still doesn't have a CGB and you realize we got at least 3 more years of Halo playlist discussions to go through until a Halo 6 trailer shows up while the population dies and we gnaw at each other, gathering scraps to get our fixtfw you realize we got at least 3 more years of Halo Sprint discussions to go through until Halo 6 trailer shows up
I guess I'm fine with that then.
If that's what HaloGaf is to most of you then it's just a diahrea fart in the wind.
I didn't want to be the one who brings this to attention, I'm not personally offended by this, but has it been brought up yet as to why there are no female voices in the Halo 5:G Beta footage we've seen so far?