STEAM | December II 2014 - A thread for people who don't like sale side posters.

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Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Yeah, right, I messed up as usual >.<
In fact not my fault, stupid steam search returns no results when searching "bazblue", but when searching "calamity" it works >.<

that's probably because you should be looking for "blazblue" instead ;)
Everyone should play Valiant Hearts. Such a lovely game.



For you.


The Squenixstore has the Eidos Anthology for 20£/26€ with the code GAMESRDR

Gamersgate daily The Evil Within 66% off

If anyone is thinking of getting the Amazon Saints Row IV key, remember, it's Deep Silvered and region locked to all hell.

Dragon Age Inquisitor is 33% off on Origin... or 30% off in Europe, because fuck you EA that's why.

I started with the very easy one but I didn't find any tutorial :(
It's the first thing I saw.
Maybe it got added after you played it?


For Japanese games, a few misc ones I'd recommend off the top:

(I'm going to take Japanese games by meaning with Japanese flavor to them. For example, Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition is a fantastic, Japanese-made game most know about, but it lacks Japanese flavor to it, being very heavily based on American B-Horror movies).

In alphabetical order as I'm going through my game list:

100% Orange Juice:
^Fun online board game with RPG elements and cards you collect and use, a bit luck-based, but very fun.

Agarest Games;
Generations of War:
Generations of War Zero:
^SJRPG Waifu War games, some flaws but enjoyable if you like the elements the game builds-up.

^A very good shmup from Japan featuring mechas and interesting 3D environments.

Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils:
^Zany Metroidvania with devious traps and hard bosses.

Chantelise: Take of Two Sisters:
^Unique 3D Action-RPG where you and your sister-turned-fairy do a variety of tasks while trying to restore her back to her human form, mostly by raiding dungeons and fighting deadly bosses.

Cherry Tree High Series;
Comedy Club:
My! Girls!:
^Comedy Visual Novel-esque games kind of like the social linking from Persona simplified, where you must manage your time to survive and win over peoples hearts.

Eryi's Action:
^Troll rage-platforming game that's overly cutsey and difficult

Fairy Bloom Freesia:
^Beat-em up where you fight off forces trying to destroy nature as a fairy of the forest.

Final Fantasy games: There's several of them on Steam now, so yeah.

Fortune Summoners:
^Side-scrolling action-RPG where you play as a girl in a new village who makes classmate friends to help her combat the forces of evil. Challenging.

Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip To Japan~:
^This visual novel is kind of dumb, to the point it almost because good again. It's kind of like... Trying to teach you things about Japan like an educational game with a strange waifu front. Take it as you will.

GundeadliGne Series:
Gundemonium Recollection:
Hitogata Happa:
^Bullet Hells inspired by Touhou obviously, have some good variety in stages, bosses, first one has online co-op for two people, the last one is the toughest.

Half-Minute Hero Series;
Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy:
The Second Coming:
^Super sped-up JRPGs where you have a constant timer to do actions and move at future speeds. Need to think fast, manage your life, currency, grinding, and more to raid dungeons and defeat bosses and replenish your time. Has some fun 4-player online multiplayer.

Hatoful Boyfriend:
^A great visual novel about birds.

Jet Set Radio:
^Fun old Dreamcast game where you skate around and plant spray paint marks against a growing Tokyo Police Force who are coming down on people's freedom.

Killer is Dead:
^Suda51 hack'n'slash game with a bizarre narrative, interesting visual look, and some fun bosses and strange moments.

Long Live The Queen:
^A strategy game where you are a princess trying to avoid death before you become the queen from various bad fates by choosing what to study and improve in, and what actions to take.

Magical Drop V:
^Fun puzzle game, part of the Magical Drop series. Features online multiplayer.

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae:
^Indie hack'n'slash featuring two sword-fighting girls, featuring high-speed action.

Momodora III:
^Excellent action-platformer with good retro-style sense & music.

NiGHTS Into Dreams:
^Old SEGA Saturn game about dreams and a magical jester against nightmares.

planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~:
^A moving short visual novel by Key, the people who made Air, Clannad, Kanon, Angel Beats, Little Busters, etc. They know their feels.

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale:
^A fantastic indie game where you run a shop and have to keep it in business as you send warriors to collect loot and manage your store against competition and tricky customers.

There's MUCH more out there, though, and more coming. Even more I could name but limited myself to ones I've played and recognize are Japan-flavored.

We met about a year and a half ago a bit unintentionally while I was on vacation and travelling. We kept in touch and talked on things like Facebook, Skype, phone, etc. I travel a lot, but anyways it's one of those situations we started being able to talk about anything and on free days we'd manage to talk for hours and hours.

She's very intelligent, she's in her last year of university as it is and is ranked near top of her grade, she's not from the US originally, but from Singapore in Asia, and can speak multiple languages, though English is her preferred language (though she speaks Chinese with her parents). She was a bit secluded from most people though due to past things that had been effecting her and I didn't realize it at first when I met her as she puts on an overly happy front, she was sinking into depression and was closing herself off from a lot of people. However, I'm pretty good at reading people so after talking a it I totally guessed her situation during one of our first conversations, which she was surprised I figured that out so easily. For me I've spent a lot of time growing up helping people with their problems and such, so this sort of thing comes naturally to me and I can spot people wearing masks to hide other feelings pretty easily, though I hardly call it out though I did in this example, I'm not sure why.

Anyways, we started talking a lot. She has a bad habit of overly working herself, over-exerting herself at her job and school so she can earn money and do well in school, she didn't really have an outlet for releasing all the stress building up in her so I sort of took it on myself to make sure she was taking care of herself. With most people, she seems super serious, I've seen it and it's how she describes herself, most of her classmates thinks she's super cold, but she's opened up a lot to me relatively easily and usually ends up super giggly. We also have formed a lot of strange communication things, I talk kind of oddly to begin with as I have a lot of strange mannerisms (I say things like Oui, yai, yar, hoi-choi, and a few catch-phrases mostly subconsciously all the time), she adapted a few of them unconsciously by talking to me a lot, sometimes when we're being silly we just make noises when talking, or randomly meow (long story).

She's currently visiting family in Singapore for the holidays, she said she was sending me a gift, I told her she didn't need too, but it came in and it's incredibly sweet. The note is over two pages long and it's very heartfelt. I'm in a very good mood now because of all of this.

I'm surprised she chose Wasteland 2 though, I didn't know what the gift was going to be, so a game was surprising, let along that game. She does like SRPGs, so I'm guessing that may have something to do with it.

im not really sure if this games are japanese but i would recommend :

Crimzon Clover World Ignition

Croixleur Sigma

100% Orange Juice

QP Shooting - Dangerous!!

Wow! Thank you both for these suggestions!
I am from France : do you think I can purchase FFXIII from SE US Website and add it to my Steam account without a region problem? It is cheaper there than on Steam.




Life Is Strange System Requirements got posted. Very conservative.
OS: Windows Vista
Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI or NVidia card w/ 512 MB RAM (not recommended for Intel HD Graphics cards)
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Dual Core 3.0GHz or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI or NVidia card w/ 1024 MB RAM (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 or ATI HD 4890)
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space


new Games Republic deals
  • F1 2011-2013 50% off
  • Operation Flashpoint 50% off
  • LEGO Movie 51% off
  • LEGO Indiana Jones 2 75% off (MAC VERSION, Not Steamplay?)
  • LEGO Star Wars III 50% off (MAC VERSION, Not Steamplay?)
  • LEGO Star Wars Complete Saga 50% off (MAC VERSION, Not Steamplay?)
  • LEGO Harry Potter 1-4 75% off
  • LEGO Harry Potter 5-7 50% off
  • LEGO Batman 2 66% off
  • LEGO Batman 75% off

new GMG dailies
  • Red Faction Franchise up to 85% off
  • Total War Franchise 75% off
  • Train Simulator 2015 85% off
  • GRID Autosport 66% off
  • Portal Bundle 75% off
  • Quake IV 75% off
  • Doom 3 BFG 75% off
A month or so late to the party, but Never Alone is charming as hell. Same sort of "use these two characters to platform" thing as Brothers, but (a) side-scroller platformer rather than 3d movement, and (b) it's freaking gorgeous (not from a pushing-system-spec standpoint, more from an art design standpoint.

Dr Dogg

new Games Republic deals
  • LEGO Indiana Jones 2 75% off
  • LEGO Star Wars III 50% off
  • LEGO Star Wars Complete Saga 50% off

Hmmmm says under the DRM section 'Game requires online activation using product key' but are they Steam keys? Time to go a pestering on Twitter.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
new Games Republic deals
  • LEGO Indiana Jones 2 75% off
  • LEGO Star Wars III 50% off
  • LEGO Star Wars Complete Saga 50% off

Interestingly, those Lego games say "Game requires online activation using product key" but don't say to where. I'm guessing not Steam, since Games Republic typically says "You get a Steam key. Requires a free Steam account to install and play." if you do. Such a shame.
I got an Uplay email about some promo stuff they are doing were you can win a game each day or something.

I go to the link in the email and...

uplay said:
Some Uplay Services are under maintenance. Some features might be downgraded.



WTF. Why can't i buy shit. :mad:

"There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance."
Both in Chrome and in the Steam Client, with both PayPal and Steam Wallet.

edit: works again. huh.
finding her dragons
Hahaha :D

Dr Dogg

Interestingly, those Lego games say "Game requires online activation using product key" but don't say to where. I'm guessing not Steam, since Games Republic typically says "You get a Steam key. Requires a free Steam account to install and play." if you do. Such a shame.

Yeah, looks like they're... non-Steamplay MAC versions.

Yeah I think not having a Steam icon on the pages and saying they're Mac compatible pretty says they're not Steam keys. Still tweeted them in vain hope :(

I got an Uplay email about some promo stuff they are doing were you can win a game each day or something.

I go to the link in the email and...


I got a car for Watch_Dogs. Don't know if it's an in game thing of just a silly advent calendar type reward. I must have been online when no one else was as we all know Uplay can only handle traffic of around 5 people at a time before it has a crying fit and shuts down.
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