STEAM | December II 2014 - A thread for people who don't like sale side posters.

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Huh, guess it rolled over about an hour ago and ITAD is lagging

Get Games Christmas deals changed
  • Spintires 50% off
  • Train Simulator 85% off
  • F1 2014 33% off
  • GRID Autosport & Season Pass 70% off
  • MotoGP13 & 14 70% off
  • MXGP 70% off
  • WRC 3 70% off
  • WRC 4 75% off
  • WRC Powerslide 75% off

Mac Game Store has Bioshock Infinite 80% off, DLC 50% off
75% is definitely possible but my inner pessimist is thinking 66% is more likely.

The community votes are so bizarre though, there must be tons of trolls on steam for games like Orion to consistently win.

Dr Dogg

Hmmm I only used him once. Thanks for the info, I'll try it again. I have been using Lazarus lately.

On another note PalmDesert reached Steamlevel 500... He crafted the Holiday Badge 2944 times...

Some of these badgers must have the financial power of a Bond villain or something. I wouldn't be surprised if they lived in hollowed out volcanos conjuring up plans for world domination when not crafting badges.


Quoting this from Verendus.

I can't wait to match my post to the 108 Stars of Destiny? It's fate Psycho.

1. New Suikoden game in the works now. This one is very far off though as it's a recent thing as far as I know. I'd think 2016 is the earliest we start hearing stuff about it.

2. Superman is looking to make his triumphant return to video games, in a non-fighting game this time.

3. New Virtua Fighter game to come.

4. Good news for some PC MGS fans, there are plans from the top to bring the HD collection to PC. Not that anyone isn't expecting that, I'm sure.

5. On the back of that, FFXII HD on current gen is basically confirmed at this point. As is one of the older Dragon Quest titles in HD (I've genuinely forgot which number though since it's been a while). In addition to that, there is a spin-off Final Fantasy title planned for consoles. Not big budget. Not FFX or FF7 in case people take it there. Not a traditional RPG either.

6. For you, thou shall bring a Xenosaga HD collection. I'm also looking forward to this as I've never played them. Took a whole lotta tryin' just to get up that hill. Now we're up in the big leagues, gettin' our turn at bat. As long as we live, it's you and me, baby.

7. You will start to hear about digital revivals of some old IPs in the next one to two years. Playstation and otherwise.

8. Another unnamed IP which is coming to Playstation exclusively from Sega should hopefully be announced next year. It's had teething issues which seems to be making it take longer than I thought, as have most other projects on current gen to be fair from the looks of it, but I'm happy to mention it again because it looks like we might finally get an announcement next year. I'm hoping at least. This one's not a fighting game.

9. Third Person IP which is big budget is coming and it's set in the Indian subcontinent. Mentioning this because I feel it's quite notable something big is going this route. I don't think I've ever seen a big title in this kind of setting. I find it very surprising, but also very exciting. Western developed.

10. Japanese new IP which is set in...Japan. Third person action adventure title with monsters and machines. Might have RPG elements, not too sure on that unfortunately. Futurisitic setting. Playstation exclusive.

Now for more something which is what you would say is a tease but actually makes perfect sense:

11. A new game which will be a pretty big deal, I'm sure.

12. An old game, which will be somewhat of a big deal I guess.

We should have news on all of the above over the coming 2 years I'd think. There's one or two "twists" here and there where one may not like what happens, but it's all true. I honestly think this is going to be an amazing generation.


BUY SPELUNKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hehe looks like i was being overly optimistic with my 66% guess

Edit: heh, when I loaded the store page it was listed as 50, looks like it just hadn't updated


  • Game of Thrones 25% off
  • Age of Wonders III 66% off
  • Payday 2 75% off
  • Assetto Corsa 50% off
  • Scribblenauts Unlimited 75% off
  • Garry's mod 75% off
  • Goat Simulator 50% off
  • Just Cause 2 80% off
  • Bioshock Infinite 75% off
12 hour deals
  • Darksiders II 85% off
  • Spelunky 80% off
  • Dead Island 75% off
  • Murdered Soul Suspect 75% off
  • Rising Storm 50% off
  • RPG Maker VX Ace 80% off
Community choice
  • Bully 80% off
  • Supreme Commander 80% off
  • Contrast 80% off


There's always that one dude who doesn't wait for the update. Always. One dude. Does not wait. For the update.

You'd think people would know by now to wait for me to do the overview post =p

Edit: Which I won't be able to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow due to Christmas obligations.
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