Origin Sale is here again. BF3 1 euro, Garden Warfare 4,7$ (Mexican Store).
Everyone should buy Garden Warfare.
Origin Sale is here again. BF3 1 euro, Garden Warfare 4,7$ (Mexican Store).
Judging by that gif it seems you dont.I finally got TiTs ;__;
Judging by that gif it seems you dont.
Geez I think HeroPrinny might have a screw loose. These origin sales are always so sad since it's the same batch of games every time.
Maybe he just loves EA that much.
Geez I think HeroPrinny might have a screw loose. These origin sales are always so sad since it's the same batch of games every time.
Maybe he just loves EA that much.
Judging by that gif it seems you dont.
YessssssOrigin Sale is here again. BF3 1 euro, Garden Warfare 4,7$ (Mexican Store).
Origin Sale is here again. BF3 1 euro, Garden Warfare 4,7$ (Mexican Store).
Not really lewd, but you can't be too safe.
Lol. 72% off a 2 week old game.
Let em know!Your censoring is as bad as the Japanese govt's doujin rules.[IMG]
DA:I didn't even chart for any platform and they still can't even manage a 50% off deal? Garbage.[/QUOTE]
I'm more surprised they lowered it even that much. Even if it's basically been 50% off from other retailers speaking of which.
If anyone is wanting dragon age I have a 10 dollars off any order of 30 or more coupon. Can also use it on a hardline preorder and maybe even combine it with Mexico price. First to quote asking for it gets it. If you're the first pm me if I'm not around
Let's see if BioWare points are on offer.
*opens Origin to gaudy DA:I Game of the Year promo lampooning The Last Supper, checks ME2 DLC...*
Aaaaaand no. I guess EA really doesn't want my money.
Don't know if the ORIGN20 promo coupon still works but might be worth a shot to try and get an extra 20% off.
Hah. Was about to post the same thing.Your math is off. It's 22% off after the 50% discount has been applied. It's only 61% off in total. Still a great deal though.
Not really lewd, but you can't be too safe.
Let's see if BioWare points are on offer.
*opens Origin to gaudy DA:I Game of the Year promo lampooning The Last Supper, checks ME2 DLC...*
Aaaaaand no. I guess EA really doesn't want my money.
Don't know if the ORIGIN20 promo coupon still works but might be worth a shot to try and get an extra 20% off.
I got a car for Watch_Dogs.
Geez I think HeroPrinny might have a screw loose. These origin sales are always so sad since it's the same batch of games every time.
Maybe he just loves EA that much.
Any questions?
Hmm, didn't I drive around in this car? May have unlocked it through the Uplay rewards.
"You already own this reward
Your gift is unlocked & you just got 1 more Luck Booster!"
Thank you Ubisoft, if only Gaben gave us such beautiful gifts.
Why, what did he do?
I take it you mean every game released on Steam in 2014? Even scraping release date info from store pages wouldn't result in an accurate list as some publishers prefer to use an older game's original release date. Since SteamDB tracks app history, though, maybe they can generate a list of game apps that have an "Added store name" change dated this year?
He said seriously that origin has better sales than steam.
I don't believe you. Granted, he's weird. But not batshit insane.
I had a look and could not find this option.
I saw Mom's Heart for the first time in Binding of Isaac... I nearly beat it, it was one hit left... sucks.
I saw Mom's Heart for the first time in Binding of Isaac... I nearly beat it, it was one hit left... sucks.
Ask xPaw/Marlamin.
At this point were better off just waiting for the collection with all DLC. It's bound to happen.
Hmm, didn't I drive around in this car? May have unlocked it through the Uplay rewards.
"You already own this reward
Your gift is unlocked & you just got 1 more Luck Booster!"
Thank you Ubisoft, if only Gaben gave us such beautiful gifts.
Hopefully it won't take you weeks to get back to the boss.
That happened to me ;-;
I know that feeling. I've only recently started being able to beat Mom's Heart in Rebirth (and I don't think I ever even beat Mom on the original). I've watched like 40 hours of Rebirth runs on Youtube and just think to myself 'someday...' when I see how good the players are.
Never reached that far on the previous version. Only put 6 hours into Rebirth now and I'm proud of my progress. Most of it is just having luck with the upgrades I guess. I still gotta survive 2 levels without taking a single hit somehow...
Never reached that far on the previous version. Only put 6 hours into Rebirth now and I'm proud of my progress. Most of it is just having luck with the upgrades. I still gotta survive 2 levels without taking a single hit somehow...
Lol. 72% off a 2 week old game.
Well, I don't want to spoil myself since I've read the game is deeper than meets the eye.
But how many hours did it take to get an ending?
And do you know whether there are multiple endings?
Unlock Azazel, he's almost too good.
Yup, need to unlock Samson. The others will be unlocked when I beat Mom's Heart I think. Yeah a bit of skill is aquired over time, true. Game is addicting...For Samson? Yeah, I restarted a good dozen times trying to do the first two levels without taking damage before I unlocked him.
I've got around 9 hours into Rebirth so far myself. I've beaten Mom's Heart 4 times I think, and almost all of those have been in the last few hours of play. Some of it has definitely been luck with drops, but some skill is starting to set in, and I'm learning strategy too (like watching for tinted rocks, when to save certain tarot cards, and where secret rooms are likely to be).
I already unlocked him pretty early. I was not super happy with his range. Really worth it ?
Its random. its possible it doesn't end. There are different event endings though. I got that ending after letting it run for 67 hours.
Okay, 26 min to go for new dailies.
C'mon, today's deals have got to be better than yesterday for me.
I mean, I'm sitting here waiting for Divinity: Original Sin, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Lords of the Fallen, the Long Dark, and This War of Mine. Almost all of those are shoe-ins for dailies, I would think.
Hmmm I only used him once. Thanks for the info, I'll try it again. I have been using Lazarus lately.He can float which gives you more maneuverability and access to all items without using bombs and you don't have to aim. Load up his shot, float past a bunch of enemies and watch them die.
Murdered soul suspect has probably had it's cheapest deal elsewhere, gmg and the square store both had good deals on it I believe and I doubt steam will match them.
75% off isn't entirely out of the question, which would come very close to that previous GMG deal, wouldn't it?