Super Best Friends Thread 14: Sacrifice your life for more posts in the thread

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I was about to get annoyed with Majora's Mask when I realized that a new cycle means the dungeons reset.
Thankfully you can teleport straight to the boss rooms, so crisis averted.

As a child this experience mad me straight up angry. I assumed I had to go back to the dungeon the long way and didn't play the game again for a long time till someone told me about it.


It almost felt like you set yourself up on purpose.

Its almost like I'm dumb enough to make avatar bets about a FNF that will probably never happen.
I have 0 problems with it being a single button throw. I wish the distance that they would activate was slight larger like a normal fighting game though instead of me having to get up in someone's ass just to use it.

I hate the one button thing. Distance is fine, but using Potemkin's big dumb forward circle every time I whif is effing awful.
I already did. Joose took the bet.

But Goodwil is right. I can feel the ultimax boiling in my blood.

Its time.

I feel like Dengeki bunko whatever has a better change of showing up next week.

Didn't the tutorial mention how if you press two buttons at the same time or something you won't wiff with the forward circle?

No clue. But I only use the move to counter that insane millia blockstun Shack has mastered so it hasn't been a priority with my lab time.
It's almost like it took you forever to learn the multi quote button

I still don't use that shit.

+quote button is for casuls. Only the cool kids copy paste the quotes.

They are either doing all the anime games in some lead up to playing Ultimax, or they are doing Ultimax a while from now, perhaps when persona 5 hits here.
That's all I can think.


Ultimax is gonna be this Friday.

You're misremembering. His problem was that he didn't know how to make a Steam account.



Sounds like a plan...
now if only I could do a Hammerfall stop into Potemkin Buster reliably. I'd be a goddamn sexual tyranosaur recking Shack's shit all day long.
Try do forward kick with potemkin and do hammer fall cancel and decide to do either potemkin buster or the anti air grab




The truest hero.
All this ultimax and SMT x FE
talk reminds me that I need to start making more avatar bets around the thread.
I've got this massive folder of horrible fanart and nothing to use it for!
Thaaat's no good!
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