Giant bomb "dot com" official thread 12 - anime + waluigi discussion webzone

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Drunky McMurder
If I were involved in a secret conspiracy, I'd probably deny it. Just saying. Know who else has a lot of meetings? Conspirators.

Also, I kind of love this Rugby game but I think it's mostly because the running and near braindead AI reminds me of Tecmo Bowl.

Wow some of the place-name pronunciation attempts are shocking.

Awfully liberal use of the word "attempt" you've got there.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Wow some of the place-name pronunciation attempts are shocking.
Put me in the "started playing Red Dead after all the recent talk" camp. I've never beaten it (only put in about 3 hours on release), so I stopped short of that last email in the Bombcast. I don't have a 360 anymore, so I grabbed the GOTY edition for PS3. I had always heard it was the inferior version, but it looks and plays great to me.

I'm about 4 hours in, and loving it. I can't remember why I didn't put more time into it way back when, but I'm looking forward to making up for it now.


You should just ask us rather than wonder. There are no secret conspiracies happening. What do you want to know?

What is your work week like? How about Alex's? Theres no podcasts, no premium videos and less reviews so how do you spend your weeks? Does corporate ever ask what they are paying for? Also why didn't they outsource the studio build to people who aren't content producers? I mean looking at the few live shows you guys did it's obvious you guys have done a lot of work but isn't it better left for people who would have done it two months ago?

Also who told on me? I bet it was that Rorie, wasn't it? I'm gonna give that tatle tail cooties!

Peace. No animosity intended.


Drunky McMurder
Kind of want to give the Film and 40's commentary a shot, but have no interest in watching Rocky IV. Hmmm.

If you've never watched it you should really watch rocky4. Everybody should. A guy ends the cold war by punching a steroid computer boxer in the face.

Also, rocky4 has an amazing 80s robot for no god damned reason. It's so great.



You can't possibly expect us to answer that kind of question when we have no idea of what everything Alex does for the company. Obviously nothing wrong with criticism, but hypothetical questions like that are just odd, especially when none of us except the crew know what "the raw numbers" actually are.

I wasn't specifically asking you anything. It is called speculation and a general interest. Brad and Dan have both commented on their working day on here and blogs before, so it isn't that so unlikely me might gain some insight. If you are not interested then maybe sit the discussion out?

I'm talking more about the fact that he has two infant children which I can't imagine lends itself well to an environment where you can record a podcast for 2 hours.

If your home environment is not suitable for work then you go in to the office and record it. I am not sure why so many people think that Vinny is rearing his kids on works time. Does anyone really think that the several days a week not spent in the office is taken up with child minding?


Giant Bomb Producter/Bufu Caster
What is your work week like? How about Alex's? Theres no podcasts, no premium videos and less reviews so how do you spend your weeks? Does corporate ever ask what they are paying for? Also why didn't they outsource the studio build to people who aren't content producers? I mean looking at the few live shows you guys did it's obvious you guys have done a lot of work but isn't it better left for people who would have done it two months ago?

Also how told on me? I bet it was that Rorie, wan't it? I'm gonna give that tatle tail cooties!

Peace. No animosity intended.

No worries, some good questions.

I'll speak to my role, since, you know... it's mine. I'm head of video for Giant Bomb. Where Jeff is head of editorial, I'm head of video. We both report into the same boss. That means for my part in CBS Interactive, I'm responsible for all our video production. That's costs, technology, archiving, how we're spending man hours, etc. Luckily, I have fantastic producers like Drew and Jason that make my job a lot easier. Being in content is not actually my main responsibility. Making sure there is video content on the site is. I think that's important to remember.

What is my week like? Currently, a lot of it is navigating this studio build and laying the foundation for more content here. Currently we have a lot of issues, from actual studio space, budget, and getting network access. All of these things need solutions. From putting holes in a wall to asking IT to allow access to Xbox Live, everything requires meetings and time. We're still working on getting air conditioning in the studio. The lights went up yesterday.

So Monday, I come in and go through data and emails. If I can I'll usually start playing a game to QL I will. Let's take an actual week. So I'm playing Castle in the Darkness prepping for a QL. Then I jump into Lisa. At about 1:30 there's a meeting with my boss to go over video and whatnot. At 2:00 there's a meeting with Drew and Jason to go over the week in production. I'll play some more to prep. That week happened to be the week our quarterly budget was due, so I probably spent more time working on that.

Tuesday we recorded Castle in the Darkness, Grow Home, and Lisa. Had a meeting from 4-5, probably did more studio crap after that.

Wednesday start prepping Supreme and Darkness Assault. Spent a long time trying to find where Darkness Assault saves, I remember that. Couldn't find it so I had to replay some stuff in the studio. Had a Wednesday meeting 1-2pm. Then I meet with Drew every Wednesday to see how he's doing over there. Not sure where the rest of the day went, but making those quarterly budgets eat up a lot of time.

Thursday we recorded Supreme, there's a weekly meeting with the whole team, and I think I spent a bunch of time trying to figure out why the colorspace on our videos was mismatching. I think I also tried to rig a better baffling solution that week in the studio. Got a new capture device as well. Figure out why one of our capture machines wouldn't record 4 channels of audio (kind of...).

Friday we recorded Darkness Assault and Sunless Sea. Did some other stuff. Can't remember, I actually have to run. Giant Bomb East is not an island. So let me move on.

If corporate is concerned with where their money is spent, I have never heard it. Actually, you're maybe the first person to question my work ethic in my 15 years of doing this. Not offended by it. I can see how a lot of what happens doesn't make it to the public.

We don't have the money to hire someone else to build the studio. That's the short answer and actual one. Who is going to build it? Same reason we don't have someone else to record and post the videos. Or clean the studio. Or fix the 135 problems we run into a day that go into doing content. Everything costs money and we need to stay profitable.

Ok, really have to run! Hopefully, this answers some of your questions! If not, let me know. Happy to share.

If your home environment is not suitable for work then you go in to the office and record it. I am not sure why so many people think that Vinny is rearing his kids on works time. Does anyone really think that the several days a week not spent in the office is taken up with child minding?

My original point was that for a period of time they didn't have that studio space for them to record in, then someone responded that Alex was able to do a podcast without a studio so I was saying that it might be more difficult for Vinny to do a podcast from his home.


No worries, some good questions.

I'll speak to my role, since, you know... it's mine. I'm head of video for Giant Bomb. Where Jeff is head of editorial, I'm head of video. We both report into the same boss. That means for my part in CBS Interactive, I'm responsible for all our video production. That's costs, technology, archiving, how we're spending man hours, etc. Luckily, I have fantastic producers like Drew and Jason that make my job a lot easier. Being in content is not actually my main responsibility. Making sure there is video content on the site is. I think that's important to remember.

What is my week like? Currently, a lot of it is navigating this studio build and laying the foundation for more content here. Currently we have a lot of issues, from actual studio space, budget, and getting network access. All of these things need solutions. From putting holes in a wall to asking IT to allow access to Xbox Live, everything requires meetings and time. We're still working on getting air conditioning in the studio. The lights went up yesterday.

So Monday, I come in and go through data and emails. If I can I'll usually start playing a game to QL I will. Let's take an actual week. So I'm playing Castle in the Darkness prepping for a QL. Then I jump into Lisa. At about 1:30 there's a meeting with my boss to go over video and whatnot. At 2:00 there's a meeting with Drew and Jason to go over the week in production. I'll play some more to prep. That week happened to be the week our quarterly budget was due, so I probably spent more time working on that.

Tuesday we recorded Castle in the Darkness, Grow Home, and Lisa. Had a meeting from 4-5, probably did more studio crap after that.

Wednesday start prepping Supreme and Darkness Assault. Spent a long time trying to find where Darkness Assault saves, I remember that. Couldn't find it so I had to replay some stuff in the studio. Had a Wednesday meeting 1-2pm. Then I meet with Drew every Wednesday to see how he's doing over there. Not sure where the rest of the day went, but making those quarterly budgets eat up a lot of time.

Thursday we recorded Supreme, there's a weekly meeting with the whole team, and I think I spent a bunch of time trying to figure out why the colorspace on our videos was mismatching. I think I also tried to rig a better baffling solution that week in the studio. Got a new capture device as well. Figure out why one of our capture machines wouldn't record 4 channels of audio (kind of...).

Friday we recorded Darkness Assault and Sunless Sea. Did some other stuff. Can't remember, I actually have to run. Giant Bomb East is not an island. So let me move on.

If corporate is concerned with where their money is spent, I have never heard it. Actually, you're maybe the first person to question my work ethic in my 15 years of doing this. Not offended by it. I can see how a lot of what happens doesn't make it to the public.

We don't have the money to hire someone else to build the studio. That's the short answer and actual one. Who is going to build it? Same reason we don't have someone else to record and post the videos. Or clean the studio. Or fix the 135 problems we run into a day that go into doing content. Everything costs money and we need to stay profitable.

Ok, really have to run! Hopefully, this answers some of your questions! If not, let me know. Happy to share.




That more than answers any questions I had. Damn I feel embarrassed to think you were picking your nose on someone's dime.

Also since you are responsible for all video it's only appropriate I extend my thanks to you for a solid overall quality for the content.

Thanks :)
It's clear that Vinny had, for example, already played an over-abundance of Lucius 2 to give us an informed opinion of it. A game that maybe doesn't deserve it? But simultaneously...kind-of does?

I know it isn't the same people making the same criticisms, but when Giant Bomb doesn't play enough of a game beforehand, they get criticised for not doing their homework. When they play too much, it's all, 'Where's muh video? The Quick Look rate is nowhere near the 15-per-week that I demand!!!"

I'm exaggerating here of course, but it's a little disheartening when we don't have enough trust in the guys who have been consistently delivering since 2008 (and for much longer beforehand at other pastures) to just [let] them do their thing. Having to spent X minutes or hours on GAF, Twitter, Tumblr or whatever to give a running, micro-managed commentary is pointless, unless real and new insight is gained.

Thanks for the explanation, Vinny. We are not the boss of you though. I'm sure you know that!
Yeah thanks for explanation Vinny!

I'll admit I've sometimes found myself thinking "What the hell does Jeff do all day?" but then I hear him talking about literally sitting in meetings for an entire day. Big corporations can be a pain.
Very interesting post from Vinny, thank you for the insight. It was getting real Weekend Gaf in here for a minute.

I'm really bummed too, Brad. Just another stark reminder these complete strangers can mean a lot to us, and sometimes we only appreciate it once they're gone.


I think working in an office in general is just filled with bullshit meetings and other stuff that doesn't directly relate to your main task. I'm an accountant and I have so many days where I'm just getting interrupted, new high priority jobs come in, people need help etc. and the further you go up the hierarchy the more of that bullshit there is.
I want to say I've come in this morning with one clear goal that should have taken half an hour. It's been five hours and I've done five minutes of it. The amount of people popping their heads in, unanswered emails, and surprise meetings wrecks my day. I don't even work at a real company so I can only imagine how much worse it gets.

We had a meeting to figure out how to fill out like 3 fields in a text document and then ten minutes of talking about that dumb dress color stuff. I've only been on gaf on my phone walking down hallways. I'm finally at a computer just waiting for someone else to come and interrupt me as I try to write and source like half a page!


I'm stuck in my office grading all afternoon, so I figured I'd put Vinny's stream of Far Cry 4 on in the background since I missed it at the time. My God, what a train wreck. This would be excruciating with literally anyone else in the world behind the camera, but Vinny somehow makes it great.

Edited to add: He just started throwing infinite rocks at a dead pig!!!!!


Drunky McMurder
Anybody ever have to work with payroll and corporate structure so large and overbearing that you have to bill a different department for doing your normal job, but doing it at the request of somebody you don't report to? I wonder whether Danny had to report the number of hours he spent educating Dan and Jeff on Rugby. How many FTEs does it take to get Dan Ryckert to learn about another culture? Let's schedule a meeting to determine the best time to meet and figure it out.


I'm stuck in my office grading all afternoon, so I figured I'd put Vinny's stream of Far Cry 4 on in the background since I missed it at the time. My God, what a train wreck. This would be excruciating with literally anyone else in the world behind the camera, but Vinny somehow makes it great.

I like that even tho the game glitched and triggers broke, he kept going and it was hilarious. like watching a QA tester
Anybody ever have to work with payroll and corporate structure so large and overbearing that you have to bill a different department for doing your normal job, but doing it at the request of somebody you don't report to? I wonder whether Danny had to report the number of hours he spent educating Dan and Jeff on Rugby. How many FTEs does it take to get Dan Ryckert to learn about another culture? Let's schedule a meeting to determine the best time to meet and figure it out.

Since they all work for the same company, it's probably simpler at that. They're probably paid for the time they're clocked in(IE Assuming 8-6), and whatever they do during that time they're getting paid for it. So they can essentially do what they want during that time, as long as the end results are positive.

Atleast, I guess.


Drunky McMurder
Since they all work for the same company, it's probably simpler at that. They're probably paid for the time they're clocked in(IE Assuming 8-6), and whatever they do during that time they're getting paid for it. So they can essentially do what they want during that time, as long as the end results are positive.

Atleast, I guess.

My example was working for the same company too. They kept budgets very strict and made people log what hours they worked serving each department so those departments technically paid out for that work. This included logging meetings under the department that called the meeting in the first place.


It's been said a million times, but Giant Bomb stands above the rest in their transparency and interaction with the community. Makes me glad to be a fan.


intangibles, motherfucker
I guess i get why these kind of questions come up.

At the same time, cmon. Its Vinny. I feel like i learned quite a while ago to never doubt Vinny Caravella.
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