February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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NeoGAF's smiling token!
To Vanatu's credit he has always defended Batista for as long as I have noticed him posting which has been at least a whole month.


Taylor swift avatars?


what type of mess is of a thread is this


Now I know how The Rock feels when he comes back on occasion. You come back, expect the lights to still be bright, the crowd to still be hype, but instead some five foot hobo is main eventing Wrestlemania 30.

What happened? Is Vince still alive? Is Michael Hayes still a racist?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Boots, what OT are you going to when wrasslegaf gets permanently shut down for being up their own ass all the time?

Beef, I think you need to blow that whistle.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
There's no reason we can't all get along. Don't live the stereotype that all wrestling fans are base people that are intolerant.
so i'm finally watching NXT

I'm glad the Itami/Breeze feud is continuing, since they work really well together
Did we ever find out why Frecklestein got banned a third(?) time anyways?
People suspected that he had/was an alt and the mods found out. Never confirmed tho


God dam it, I'm going to banned because of Taylor Swift?
Mistakes were made.

Before I'm dead, does anyone know when/if Main Event will come back to the Network? I honestly miss watching jobbers in matches longer then 6 minutes.
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