Deftones |OT| Working on their 8th studio album

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...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
It's almost impossible to rank their best and their worst. Clearly the debut album shows its age...but that's about it. They're one of my favorite bands ever. I saw them live with System of a Down back in 2012. It was sheer bliss. It was an outdoor arena (Jones Beach) and it was fucking pouring as soon as Digital Bath came on. It was insane.

Can't wait for a new album.
ah, yeah releasing it at some point as a curiosity would be great but i'm guessing it's hard, either emotionally or contractually, to do.

i saw them at download festival around white pony's release and they/chino was dire. completely wasted the entire time.

i was meant to see them again, this time in london with support from a perfect circle but our car broke down on the way there, haha.
years later a friend would tell me how that gig would go down. apparently chino was once again a dick and taunted the fans for wanting them to perform passanger with maynard. made me feel a bit better for missing it, ha!

Wow, that sounds bad... :/

Thankfully, he's been really cool the two times I saw him (Atlanta in 2012 and Mobile 2013). Got to meet the whole band (except Abe), they're all really cool.
Wow, that sounds bad... :/

Thankfully, he's been really cool the two times I saw him (Atlanta in 2012 and Mobile 2013). Got to meet the whole band (except Abe), they're all really cool.
You caught them after Chino was dealing with drug, alcohol problems and his marriage collapsing. I heard numerous stories of Chino being drunk out of his mind at the older shows. I think now he should be fine and in much better physical shape.


I met a girl recently.

We hung out for a while, it was great. One night we decided to go to the lcoal cinema. In the car she put on Around the Fur.

You caught them after Chino was dealing with drug, alcohol problems and his marriage collapsing. I heard numerous stories of Chino being drunk out of his mind at the older shows. I think now he should be fine and in much better physical shape.

yeah, it sucks as a fan to see that but looking back, he must've been going through a pretty fucking tough time.
Deftones is my life and blood. The first band I have ever bought every album of. This new album is gonna be excellent. Reading what happened during the whole process of creating Saturday Night Wrist was crazy. I need to listen to more of that album. They like to experiment but that album went into trippy territory with no coherent direction.
Weird that these guys were the contemporaries of bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit and that whole Family Values Tour crowd and actually hold up today. Those first three albums are huge.

Deftones always wanted to do more than just be stuck with the Nu-Metal scene. There's only so much you can do with Nu-Metal that it all just starts sounding the same and predictable. A lot of bands had to see the decline of the genre was gonna happen after the 2000s. Linkin Park's popularity only postponed the inevitable. Adrenaline is probably Deftones's most straight forward Nu-Metal sounding album but after that they started to branch out.

I've only just got into Deftones a few weeks back and they're all i've listened too.
Seriously cannot get enough of them.

Feel like i've missed out so much though.
Diamond eyes album does it for me with "Youve seen the butcher" and "Rocket Skates" being my jammmmsssss.

Tried listening to Team Sleep but just end up going back to Deftones haha.

Welcome aboard! Great that you seem so excited about this band. Try Chino's other side project Crosses, maybe that's more of your jam.

Since seeing this thread last night Ive had Adrenaline -> Around the Fur on repeat.
So many fun times, fun shows associated with those albums.

Checked to see if they are touring..not yet. If I get to see them again I hope its a lot better than last time when Chino was an obese fuck still trying dress like a hood and sounded like shit.

Nah they're not touring, they're working on the new album now. They probably going to do a few festivals this summer (hopefully) and tour the shit out of the new album late this year and into the next.

I didn't know the Deftons were still around. I kinda lost interest after 'Around the fur', but was a huge fan of 'Adrenaline' at the time.

I'll check this out. Thanks for the head's up OP.

No problem. Tell me how it goes!
Man that makes me think about my most recent ex. When we started dating 5 years ago and we were high as fuck, I put on Deftones and she became a fan. Haha. Good times.

Thankfully, my love for the 'Tones is stronger and I can keep listening to them without thinking about the relationship.


I think I like SNW more than most people here. Hole In The Earth, Beware and Cherry Waves are pretty much my favorite songs from the band. Yeah, it's not as cohesive as the other albums, but song for song it's one of the most enjoyable.


I am super excited for this album. I have been rocking Tempest and Entombed a lot recently, not sure why, but I just crank it and chill.

I was turned onto them pretty late, had a friend audition for a band in college and they did Minerva. I asked him who it was because it was good, and he told me to look up their older stuff, hooked ever since. Easily became one of my top bands, and I purchase their album day one knowing I will not be disappointed.


I think I like SNW more than most people here. Hole In The Earth, Beware and Cherry Waves are pretty much my favorite songs from the band. Yeah, it's not as cohesive as the other albums, but song for song it's one of the most enjoyable.

It's one of like 10 albums I have on my usb stick connected to my car radio in case i cant use google play streaming. Love it.

I was lucky enough to see them when they toured with SOAD a few years ago. One of my all-time favorite rock bands. Glad to see they decided to continue the music even without Cheng.

I have a feeling this is going to be a hyrbid of Eros, which they shelved when Cheng got hurt.
I think I like SNW more than most people here. Hole In The Earth, Beware and Cherry Waves are pretty much my favorite songs from the band. Yeah, it's not as cohesive as the other albums, but song for song it's one of the most enjoyable.
It's a fun ass album. It's one of my treadmill albums, lots of angst and energy in it. Rat!Rats!Rats!, Combat, Rapture, Kimdracula, Beware are some of my favorite Deftones tracks.


Man, I used to be a huge fan of Deftones, but for some reason I had trouble getting into anything after White Pony - one of my fav albums ever. This thread and news might make me check out their news albums... later after I've enjoyed white pony some more...
I think I like SNW more than most people here. Hole In The Earth, Beware and Cherry Waves are pretty much my favorite songs from the band. Yeah, it's not as cohesive as the other albums, but song for song it's one of the most enjoyable.

I'm a huge fan of the album as well. Helped me through a lot.

Great thread. Thanks for making it, it's been years since I listened to them. Ahhh, the memories.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Awesome! Adrenaline is probably my favorite album. Though the two EPs from Crosses are my all time favorite Chino related stuff.
1. Around the Fur - SENSATIONAL.
2. Saturday Night Wrist - Great. Super underrated.
3. Self titled - Awesome vibes
4. White Pony - Same as 3, 3/4/5 all even really
5. Diamond Eyes - Yep, still great.
6. Koi No Yokan - Overrated and missing something. Feels uncompleted.
7. Adrenaline - Bland as shit.


Koi no Yokan was the first time I was truly disappointed by the band. Apart from leathers, poltergeist and rosemary I rarely go back to it. Anyway I'm stocked for the new album! (Especially becuase it's not from the same producer of DE/KNY).

My album ranking:

1) White Pony
2) Saturday Night Wrist
3) Self-titled/Around the Fur
4) Diamond Eyes
5) Adrenaline
6) Koi no Yokan


New news!

During appearance on this past weekend's edition of BBC Radio 1's "Rock Show" with Daniel P. Carter, DEFTONES frontman Chino Moreno offered an update on the band's follow-up to 2012's "Koi No Yokan", which is tentatively scheduled for release on September 25.

According to Moreno, sixteen songs were written for the new album, which is once again being produced by Matt Hyde (SLAYER, CHILDREN OF BODOM, MONSTER MAGNET, WINDS OF PLAGUE).

"The record, as far as music, has been all recorded, and I am currently working on the vocals," he said. "So I've been recording from my home studio here in Oregon. Slowly but surely, [we're] getting it done, man. It's coming out really good. It's just another DEFTONES record. And I feel like it's us reaching a little bit, getting more into the song structures and trying to challenge ourselves a little bit, you know what I mean? It's sounding good. I think it's gonna be a great record."

"I think it's a little more of a heady record," Moreno said when asked how the DEFTONES' new material compares to that on "Koi No Yokan". "I feel like we've gone into the songs and really dissected them. If something sounded a little straight, we took a left turn and made things a little screwy. We just tried something completely opposite, not to sabotage it, but to challenge ourselves and try new things that we haven't done in the past.

"It definitely feels like we've taken a step from our last record," he continued. "But it's definitely a DEFTONES record, and it has all the elements that make us who we are. We're not going out there to change anything, other than just thinking outside the box."



Yeeeesssss. Koi No Yokan was great. Anyone else seeing them on tour with Incubus? I haven't seen Deftones since their self titled album and man, I can't wait!


I don't know but there was a perfect opportunity when I saw Deftones and Tool at Download festival many years ago. It didn't happen. :(

That was a quality weekend.

They didn't even do it when APC opened for them at the Wembley arena. Just an hour of the crowd begging for Passenger and it not happening.


Any of you going to one of the summer shows? A friend of mine grabbed tickets for a group of my friends (me included). I'm also down for a little Incubus nostalgia and Death From Above 1979 will be a treat.


Any of you going to one of the summer shows? A friend of mine grabbed tickets for a group of my friends (me included). I'm also down for a little Incubus nostalgia and Death From Above 1979 will be a treat.

Yes I'm going. I loved early Incubus up to Make Yourself. I didn't listen to much of their stuff after. They are now off their label and their new music sounds a lot more interesting to me and a lot less commercial. It reminds me of the Make Yourself era but a little more out there and a little lighter. I'm hoping they have some harder sounds in the rest of the songs that they release from the new album.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Yeeeesssss. Koi No Yokan was great. Anyone else seeing them on tour with Incubus? I haven't seen Deftones since their self titled album and man, I can't wait!

I saw them on tour with System of a Down and they were awesome.

Incubus is a shit band these days. So boring. No energy whatsoever.


war of titties grampa
Deftones at red rocks will be glorious this year! New album rumored for September release! Good year for a deftones fan!
I think I like SNW more than most people here. Hole In The Earth, Beware and Cherry Waves are pretty much my favorite songs from the band. Yeah, it's not as cohesive as the other albums, but song for song it's one of the most enjoyable.

I saw them when they toured for Saturday Night wrist. Show was insane. When they played Kim Dracula I fucking lost it. That's probably my favorite of their songs besides digital bath. I missed them for koi no Yukon because I had no idea they were coming back and tickets sold out in minutes. Hopefully I can catch them when they come back to Atlanta.



So long as they can balance that headiness out well enough, I'm down. Chino going out into left field is always good, and the last two records were absolutely amazing.
I'd still like to hear Eros at some point, even though I can see it never happening given the circumstances with Che. Just don't tip too far into self titled/SNW territory.

I can only hope their tour with Incubus comes to Toronto, as it would be two bucket list bands in one go.


Pumped, hoping for a new Deftones album to go along with the long awaited new Tool album this year.

White Pony is my favorite, but I love Around the Fur and Adrenaline a ton as well. I liked all their later efforts, Diamond Eyes, and their Self Titled album especially, but those first three are what define the band to me.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
"Digital Bath" popped up on shuffle today – I just fucking love that song. Some of the best production I've ever heard.

White Pony and Around the Fur will always be my favorites; I have given all the subsequent releases a chance, but I just can't get into them, unfortunately. I'll certainly check out the next one, regardless.

I'd love to see them again, but I'm not into the big/expensive shows they naturally tend to play. I only saw them once, in 2000 with Glassjaw opening, and that was awesome.


Pumped, hoping for a new Deftones album to go along with the long awaited new Tool album this year.

White Pony is my favorite, but I love Around the Fur and Adrenaline a ton as well. I liked all their later efforts, Diamond Eyes, and their Self Titled album especially, but those first three are what define the band to me.

You and me both, man. I mean, I know it ain't gonna happen, but screw that, it IS gonna happen!
Yeeeesssss. Koi No Yokan was great. Anyone else seeing them on tour with Incubus? I haven't seen Deftones since their self titled album and man, I can't wait!
My girlfriend and I are going to the August 5th show. It'll be my first concert actually, I can't wait.
I saw them on tour with System of a Down and they were awesome.

Incubus is a shit band these days. So boring. No energy whatsoever.
My GF and I had a discussion about who would win in a fight between Brandon Boyd and Chino and we both agreed that Chino would pretty much eat the guy alive, it would be hilarious.


I love the Koi No Yokan album, was the soundtrack for my 2012 (and a roadtrip through the US) and will forever connect certain songs with that time.

Other than that I never got into the older albums but still looking forward to the next one.

Saw them live at a festival in 2013 and left a bit disappointed. They only did a small set and the sound mix wasn't that great but I honestly expected more.
I've been with them since day one, so Adrenaline will always be #1 for me. At the gym it gives me twice the workout in half the time. Wrist and Diamond Eyes started to drone for me after awhile... but I really loved Koi No Yokan, so excited for this next album.

Gonna go bang my head to Battle-Axe now, c ya!

Me too.
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