Honestly I think this is a perfect time for Microsoft and 343 to delay Halo 5 as well. Halo 5 is defiantly the first party exclusive that has to get it right, MS cant afford to fuck it up. So a delay to super polish things up is a good idea in my book.
For those predicting a Halo 5 delay I'd hold off on that. MS marketing has begun already for it in full force. First Live Action trailer is airing during Walking Dead season finale Sunday, that ain't cheap.
For those predicting a Halo 5 delay I'd hold off on that. MS marketing has begun already for it in full force. First Live Action trailer is airing during Walking Dead season finale Sunday, that ain't cheap.
For those predicting a Halo 5 delay I'd hold off on that. MS marketing has begun already for it in full force. First Live Action trailer is airing during Walking Dead season finale Sunday, that ain't cheap.
We'll see how much the MCC fiasco has damaged the franchise.
The overall lineup looks strong tho.
yup quality is secondary when it comes to 343
Games hitting in september whether its completed or not, master chief collection style.
Well we've seen nothing from Gt7 so atm it really is a pipe dream for it to come out this holiday season.Wouldn't change my opinion though as i've played both franchises and vastly prefer Forza.
Just think for sec, Halo 5, Blops 3, Battlefront, The Division, Forza 6 and Rise of the Tomb Raider all on Xbox One this holiday at $299 would sell through the roof imo.It's a decent lineup. I'm hoping for a couple of surprise announcements during E3. Otherwise, I think Blops 3 and Battlefront will be the two big games this holiday season (maybe The Division as well).
I don't think Sony going to get caught with their pants down again. The holiday season was brutal for them last year and I expect them to actually compete this holiday season.
True that. GT is a big franchise and with the lead PS4 has it would sell gangbusters. That would be the equivalent of Killzone going up against Halo in terms of exclusives.True, but sales wise it's not even a contest.
Just think for sec, Halo 5, Blops 3, Battlefront, The Division, Forza 6 and Rise of the Tomb Raider all on Xbox One this holiday at $299 would sell through the roof imo.
Honestly I think this is a perfect time for Microsoft and 343 to delay Halo 5 as well. Halo 5 is defiantly the first party exclusive that has to get it right, MS cant afford to fuck it up. So a delay to super polish things up is a good idea in my book.
It was brutal? The PS4 still sold by the boatload without a single price cut and apperently with "no games" and WW it sold like twice as much. Games wise, they were about on part with the other two.
I mean, am I living in some bizarro world here or something?
for me, Halo 5 is MS and 343 last chance at making things right for the Halo franchise, a delay can only make things better.
for me, Halo 5 is MS and 343 last chance at making things right for the Halo franchise, a delay can only make things better.
Why is it assumed Halo 5 is being rushed for it to come out this year? Genuinely curious.yup quality is secondary when it comes to 343
Games hitting in september whether its completed or not, master chief collection style.
Honestly I think this is a perfect time for Microsoft and 343 to delay Halo 5 as well. Halo 5 is defiantly the first party exclusive that has to get it right, MS cant afford to fuck it up. So a delay to super polish things up is a good idea in my book.
For people on the hunt for a console this holiday the full package( mutiplat and exclusive) looks great so far for X1 this holiday and if they get the price to 299 it will sell a ton considering everything coming out.3 of the 4 biggest games are multiplats available on PS4 this Fall too. Forza won't sell much, but Tomb Raider is a bit of a wild card. Still looks it will appeal mainly to people that like Halo.
Why is it assumed Halo 5 is being rushed for it to come out this year? Genuinely curious.
Why is it assumed Halo 5 is being rushed for it to come out this year? Genuinely curious.
They need an impressive, AAA, XB1 exclusive. Not on PC either.
They need to build a game with eSram in mind and show it off and prove the world wrong.
That's all.
Why is it assumed Halo 5 is being rushed for it to come out this year? Genuinely curious.
They probably should do this to counter Uncharted 4 which Tomb Raider was positioned to do. Now that it's delayed I doubt Square would agree to delay their game as well. Something else needs to fill that spot.
With the news of Zelda for Wii U not reaching it's 2015 goal for release and Uncharted 4 being delayed until 2016, both PS4 and Wii U both lost their big holiday exclusive game to next year, while Halo 5, Xbox One's big holiday exclusive is set to launch this year. With neither PS4 or Wii U having a big exclusive for the holiday, could this be the holiday season for the Xbox One to really shine?
But at the same time, MS is doing everything in their power to beat the PS4, atleast in NA.
MS is in prime position again to demolish the PS4 in terms of sales for Nov/Dec.
They aren't going to miss this opportunity.
Strange rationale. There's no need to start the heavy marketing until after E3. You really don't need a year worth of advertising to get the word out that a new Halo is coming...I think since they've been relatively quiet since the beta and the marketing machine hasn't fully spun up yet people take it as a sign of the game being behind schedule and needing to be delayed, rather than it being a bit early in the year for it to be in the spotlight.
It's gonna be hard to top a holiday of Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2 and MCC.
They probably should do this to counter Uncharted 4 which Tomb Raider was positioned to do. Now that it's delayed I doubt Square would agree to delay their game as well. Something else needs to fill that spot.
But at the same time, MS is doing everything in their power to beat the PS4, atleast in NA.
MS is in prime position again to demolish the PS4 in terms of sales for Nov/Dec.
They aren't going to miss this opportunity.
With neither PS4 or Wii U having a big exclusive for the holiday,
Well we've seen nothing from Gt7 so atm it really is a pipe dream for it to come out this holiday season.Wouldn't change my opinion though as i've played both franchises and vastly prefer Forza.
nope. Halo series isn't the juggernaut it was in the xbox and xbox360 era
halo 4 killed the series status. all ps4 needs is a superior multiplat and they win again.
They give exactly no shits.Success based on the delays of their competitors is not something I think MS would want to define their holiday season.
Yeah...sure :lolSuccess based on the delays of their competitors is not something I think MS would want to define their holiday season.
Spartans never die.
Success based on the delays of their competitors is not something I think MS would want to define their holiday season.
"ESRAM in mind" is bait for fools. ESRAM used to its full, DX12, Brad Wardell-endorsed, Big Mac, secret circuitry in the power supply that people have physically taken apart and found no circuitry in, extent is definitely a plausible development for this winter, will definitely improve Xbone performance, but leads to an Xbone that has memory nearly as good as the PS4's but still lacks a third of the processing hardware.
If there's a global salvation, it's in exclusives, but right now the AAA industry is pointing to a PC/PS4/Xbone "oh god please give us money before we go broke" meta that will stunt the PS4 and strangle the Xbone.
The price is already cut and that's not helping. Also from that tweet we got recently Sony isn't trying to give Microsoft a smooth ride this holiday.the answer to this depends on what Sony does and how much cheaper MS can get the X1. If they can't undercut the PS4 significantly like they did last year, they'll be left behind. It doesn't really matter though. At best they take Nov and Dec in NA, but WW they still get absolutely outdone by the PS4 and the gap continues its rapid rise.