If I enjoy a game I enjoy a game, a small boost in graphics won't increase my enjoyment. If it did I'd just wait for a PC release for most games rather than playing it on XBO or PS4. I might be a minority in that though. I was all but indifferent to the graphical changes when I moved from playing Warframe on PS4 to PC, it doesn't add that much to have it be a little nicer looking.
Same here for the most part, I'll be sticking to the Xbox One as my main current gen console for a while so I won't really mind multiplatform games running at 900p or whatever other resolution unless it's there's a bigger resolution disparity like the Battlefield games and Metal Gear Solid 5.
You just acknowledged it is technologically inferior and then asked if I really would rather have the better version. Obviously, I would rather have the better version.
I didn't ask if you would rather have the better version, I asked how big of a graphical difference you expect there to be between the XBO and PS4 versions of Rise of the Tomb Raider because you made strange comments about the graphical scope of the game being compromised due to being developed on weaker platforms.
The 360 version of Rise of the Tomb Raider is being handled by a different studio so that has little bearing on the XBO's graphical potential. Similarly, a PS4 version isn't going to suffer from lack of graphical ambition just because it was developed on the XBO first because both machines aren't that radically different.