Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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I hate to put this down right at the end, but it's 4AM and I've now exhausted of my supplies of Dews, Blood vials, and bullets. I'll have to farm some shit tomorrow and then try again.
Inb4 needs to push buttons keeps me up tonight
So I decided to watch both Maxamillians week of Jojo and his Yo video games jojo video, and the first video is great cause they dont even pretend to know what the fuck theyre looking at and its fun to see non jojo fans look into this universe, but the yo video games video is just painful cause theres a guy in it who knows a little bit about the series but mostly only about Part 3 and is saying so much wrong information like calling Will zeppeli one of the D'arby brothers and not knowing which one Is Johnathan or Joseph and saying theres no part 7 the worst one is just him saying "I have no idea who this is" when they put it on Ceaser.
Yeah I remember people shitting on that guy when it came out. I'm sure I would've too had I read JoJo at the time.

Later whoever sees this
You love it.

Speaking of my LPs, I have absolutely nothing lined up for Monday, what game should we LP next? We haven't even thought about it so we'll probably do just about anything except Shadow The Hedgehog.

Me and my friend should really be working on our videos....We did a bit of KH but havent upload it, but fuck if were not gonna play Eyes of Heaven the day it comes out and I will just gush all over it.


It was my first Souls game too, I didn't parry and I beat him on my first try with a goddamn Battle Axe. Gwyn is real shit.

I think the boss I had the hardest time on was Nito for some reason.
Gwyn was shit, but his theme song makes up for it. Only boss I had trouble with was the stupid dlc dragoon. I still haven't beat him.
Me and my friend should really be working on our videos....We did a bit of KH but havent upload it, but fuck if were not gonna play Eyes of Heaven the day it comes out and I will just gush all over it.

I've been wondering why you haven't uploaded anything recently. Waiting for this feud to get going right proper.
I've been wondering why you haven't uploaded anything recently. Waiting for this feud to get going right proper.

My friends been busy with school and I dont have the videos to work on them.
I really wanna do a jojo video since I'm SUPER into Jojo and I can go on for hours just talking about it and just talk trivia and say stuff about the series.
Gwyn was shit, but his theme song makes up for it. Only boss I had trouble with was the stupid dlc dragoon. I still haven't beat him.
Theme/significance makes that fight.
Speaking of my LPs, I have absolutely nothing lined up for Monday, what game should we LP next? We haven't even thought about it so we'll probably do just about anything except Shadow The Hedgehog.
Battleblock theater
Any RE


So, I was gonna post about how I felt there were too many active LPs on the channel, but in doing some research, the only "traditional" LPs ongoing were RE:R2 and PE. But with MechaWeek(s), the return of the Bond-a-thon, and the abrupt disappearance of MadWorld, it felt like way longer between episodes of series for some reason. There's actually fewer LPs than normal, but the two "theme" series and absence of an ongoing LP (not to mention the episodic games, but I understood those before I looked into it) make the gap feel huuuuge and unsatisfying.

Does anyone else feel like a theme week and active bond-a-thon at one time is a bit much? Not that I mind too much RE:R2 (one of their best LPs IMO) but diversity of content is nice.
Does anyone else feel like a theme week and active bond-a-thon at one time is a bit much? Not that I mind too much RE:R2 (one of their best LPs IMO) but diversity of content is nice.
Bond-a-Thon feels like it doesn't exist, to be frank. Mostly because of the infrequency.
Theme/significance makes that fight.

*Played on mute and never payed attention to dialog*

Battleblock theater
Any RE

Isn't that a puzzle game? That would probably be fucking terrible to watch us struggle to understand.

And RE is our go to, since I can do speedruns of the entire series. We might have to do one out of necessity, though.
Isn't that a puzzle game? That would probably be fucking terrible to watch us struggle to understand.

And RE is our go to, since I can do speedruns of the entire series. We might have to do one out of necessity, though.
It's a co-op platofrmer where you collect pieces to get to the end in little arena stages. It's not very puzzly. It just gels with how you guys get at odds with each other and might make it comedic. Might be too heated if you guys get actually mad though.
It's a co-op platofrmer where you collect pieces to get to the end in little arena stages. It's not very puzzly. It just gels with how you guys get at odds with each other and might make it comedic. Might be too heated if you guys get actually mad though.

Hmm, I'll check it out. Though I need to get a new 360 controller before anything co-op.

And we don't get actually mad, we just yell at each other for being shits and it's all in good fun.
Hmm, I'll check it out. Though I need to get a new 360 controller before anything co-op.

And we don't get actually mad, we just yell at each other for being shits and it's all in good fun.
Might be perfect then, for later anyway, I guess. (Him playing Sanic felt a little awkward, is why I said that btw, but you apologized for that n shit.)
What's wrong with it?
I posted a quick breakdown of it last thread but it got buried under the Bloodborne hype. The set list is a joke. There is like 10 songs with 2 remixes, free play is locked from the start, it is actually mostly a VN. Gameplay is fine, it is just a super simple project diva clone. The game looks good but I felt fucking slowdown depending on which stage I was playing on. They have a couple songs up for download on PSN but in order for me to access it it sounds like I would have to format my vita and set it up again with my japanese account.

It is a real shame. The 3 versions bullshit hurt this game, if all the version specific songs were included in one package I would forgive it but there just isn't enough songs as it stands. I'll still play it because it is fun and there is good music but I would not recommend it to people.
Well, it's 4:30. I guess I should probably go to sleep.

I posted a quick breakdown of it last thread but it got buried under the Bloodborne hype. The set list is a joke. There is like 10 songs with 2 remixes, free play is locked from the start, it is actually mostly a VN. Gameplay is fine, it is just a super simple project diva clone. The game looks good but I felt fucking slowdown depending on which stage I was playing on. They have a couple songs up for download on PSN but in order for me to access it it sounds like I would have to format my vita and set it up again with my japanese account.

It is a real shame. The 3 versions bullshit hurt this game, if all the version specific songs were included in one package I would forgive it but there just isn't enough songs as it stands. I'll still play it because it is fun and there is good music but I would not recommend it to people.

Wow, I didn't think they'd split the songs between all 3 version. That's really bad. The fact that it's mostly a vn doesn't sound great either. At least you get some cool nendos.
I sent Aaron a PM of games that would be worth LPing.

Cant be worse than the Magic only Dark Souls LP


Weirdly, we did do an episode of Cthulu Saves the World. My friend hated it and it went awful. It was me talking about JRPG mechanics and the different ways they go, and him silently skipping all dialog and not even trying to do battles well.

Oh, and I bought Alpha Protocol on Sale. Gonna give an LP of that a shot, I heard it was busted to shit, so that might be fun.


I should probably look around for a cheap PS3 or something.
My urge to play MGS HD collection and Demon's Soul's is rising.



I love sonic for this reason alone


Weirdly, we did do an episode of Cthulu Saves the World. My friend hated it and it went awful. It was me talking about JRPG mechanics and the different ways they go, and him silently skipping all dialog and not even trying to do battles well.

Oh, and I bought Alpha Protocol on Sale. Gonna give an LP of that a shot, I heard it was busted to shit, so that might be fun.

Hey Aaron, have you read the story I wrote talked yesterday about? It might interest you


Does anyone else feel like a theme week and active bond-a-thon at one time is a bit much? Not that I mind too much RE:R2 (one of their best LPs IMO) but diversity of content is nice.


Bondathon is once a week or so. The only problem for you is that 2 of the days of each mechaweek are either a Mechaweek/Bond or a double dose of Mechaweek. Combine that with Hotline Miami 2 taking up 2 of the spots then yeah, you're left with little left over for actual regular LPs. I hope to see Madworld and Rev 2 come back full force, but I understand why it isn't for now. I hope to see them go up semiregularly with the weekend and the 9 PM EST slots on Mon-Thu. Bloodborne is also going to be starting and that's going to be every weekday for months. There's also Game of Thrones and Life is Strange to get back to. They also probably have a couple Mystery Boxes already recorded considering what they've said before. There's a lot of content coming up or on the backburner. When Mechaweek ends then yeah, prepare your butt for a bunch of shit probably. I almost wonder if the guys ever wondered about making Friday a three video a day thing or something. That seems like a thing that would be possible considering the amount and variety of content they have lined up.

Also eh, I find Mechaweek pretty diverse even if the bottom line is mecha. The games are all different and spark different conversation. I'm not really bothered by it. I'm in a situation right now where I appreciate the one offs since it's something I don't need to worry about if I wanted to play or not before watching it.

That Episode Duscae Quick Look is still supposed to happen too. Also Let's watch King of Fighters when Matt gets done subbing it after 6 months.

Also Oberon, I read the recent 10 something chapter dump of Prison School and it was some good shit. Maybe such a big chunk of Prison School made me feel like I laughed more or it was just fucking hilarious. I don't know. All I know is that it was the best.

The fucking moment of "Well, we already have our boy" and I just whispered to myself "Andre?" Then Jabba The Fucking Hutt/Rancor of Andre comes out and I just die. It's too good.

Also cake-sannnnn.
I almost wonder if the guys ever wondered about making Friday a three video a day thing or something. That seems like a thing that would be possible considering the amount and variety of content they have lined up.
I assume there is a limit of content you can put out and have people keep up with. 3 videos, even if it's one day a week, can be too much. As it is, we already get the odd 3 or 4 if you count Machinima episodes sometimes, so I'm sure they have some type of logistics on how it affects views.

I've already seen a good amount of "man I can barely keep up"


I assume there is a limit of content you can put out and have people keep up with. 3 videos, even if it's one day a week, can be too much. As it is, we already get the odd 3 or 4 if you count Machinima episodes sometimes, so I'm sure they have some type of logistics on how it affects views.

That's why I figured it would be a one day a week thing. I'm obviously ignorant on the fact and don't have the numbers in front of me to know. I'd just wondering if it's something they could do. I was thinking as I was writing the post that if they went to three videos a day that would be an easy way to ruin the channel. I imagine it'd just become too much content at some point and you'd get less views on things, but just have it more spread out. Right now feels like a good place with two a day and occasionally a third video every two weeks or something like that. If they could do three a day though for a day like Friday or Saturday or whatever day they get the most views? Then yeah, that might be neat. They would just have to test the waters and look at all their youtubes graphs of money or whatever it is to know if it's a viable thing.
That's why I figured it would be a one day a week thing. I'm obviously ignorant on the fact and don't have the numbers in front of me to know. I'd just wonder if it's something they could do. I was thinking as I was writing the post that if they went to three videos a day that would be an easy way to ruin the channel. I imagine it'd just become too much content at some point and you'd get less views on things, but just have it more spread out. Right now feels like a good place with two a day and occasionally a third video every two weeks or something like that. If they could do three a day though for a day like Friday or Saturday or whatever day they get the most views? Then yeah, that might be neat. They would just have to test the waters and look at all their youtubes graphs of money or whatever it is to know if it's a viable thing.
Maybe, it's pretty speculative since we're not YouTube analysts, but even right now, I feel like the more content they produce the more... I dunno... The less emphasis is place on it maybe. I'm not sure how heavily delaying some LP's scheduling with Mechweek affects views or if consumers who are very selective of which LPs they watch, are affected.

I'd love to get some good numbers on a lot of stuff, but it's mostly just ideas.


Maybe, it's pretty speculative since we're not YouTube analysts, but even right now, I feel like the more content they produce the more... I dunno... The less emphasis is place on it maybe. I'm not sure how heavily delaying some LP's scheduling with Mechweek affects views or if consumers who are very selective of which LPs they watch, are affected.

I'd love to get some good numbers on a lot of stuff, but it's mostly just ideas.

Yeah, it's a simple Quantity vs Quality thing. Of course they could crank out 30 mystery boxes of bad games with 30 minutes a piece, but god no. They've been good about putting more thought into it then that.

Also yeah, I'd love to see some numbers of how things like views of these weeks or certain LPs go down. You can easily see the trend of people keeping up with bigger or "cooler" games like RE4 and then you can see the views radically decrease with lesser known games like Parasite Eve. I like the idea of "Weeks" from a Paul Marketing view point since it's an easy way to create one offs which people will usually watch as it requires no keeping up to date or anything. It still has effort put behind it even if it could be seen as a money thing.

And the barely keep up thing is happening a lot lately since these mechaweek videos are longgg. Some of the games require a lot of time to make a one off. It'll be a nice little bit of slowdown when we get back to only an hour or so a day. I'm sure some will miss it, but whatevs. I've been busy lately and it's definitely been a little hard to keep up. A slowdown will be alright with me.
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