Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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I honestly feel like those types of conversations wouldn't make me feel uncomfortable.

I was pretty okay with it too be honest. We were all drunk when it happened but the next morning she kinda freaked out about it and was surprised that she was more freaked out than I was.


I was pretty okay with it too be honest. We were all drunk when it happened but the next morning she kinda freaked out about it and was surprised that she was more freaked out than I was.

That's hilarious. She was probably super drunk to not even be conscious of what she did.


That's hilarious. She was probably super drunk to not even be conscious of what she did.

Nah she wasn't that drunk. In fact she was probably the least drunk other than the guy who didn't drink. Other things that happened that day were me getting make-up put on my face and my friend having the words ""Fuck me harder" drawn on his chest in lipstick and a photo of that sent to our very shy friend.


Nah she wasn't that drunk. In fact she was probably the least drunk other than the guy who didn't drink. Other things that happened that day were me getting make-up put on my face and my friend having the words ""Fuck me harder" drawn on his chest in lipstick and a photo of that sent to our very shy friend.

That poor guy. How did he take it?
I started watching GunBuster. What I like about is that it's absolutely not sad in any way.

Gunbuster is the sickest shit. Make sure to watch Diebuster. Gun is like, the beta version of Eva, as where Die is the beta version of Gurren.

This happened:

You gotta get more shameless. I chat with women about all that shit all the time. It's the easiest thing in the world to bullshit through with a smile. Though, no girls try to make me uncomfortable, because it's fairly obvious that it would not work.


My friend showed me her Dildo.

Mh, yeah this takes the cake. Our conversation was in the school cafeteria, and II doubt any of those girls would take a dildo to school

You gotta get more shameless. I chat with women about all that shit all the time. It's the easiest thing in the world to bullshit through with a smile. Though, no girls try to make me uncomfortable, because it's fairly obvious that it would not work.

I was kind of smilling, but I tried to hide it. There were some moments were I burst in laughter tho.
And I would be more willing to take part in the discussion if it was more serious.
It was mostly laughter giggling, shouting, and showing of their shaved legs.
But they rarely have hot older Russian female Rambo waifus

My female friends have done that to me too by the way. I'm getting more comfortable hearing about periods than most guys would be, I think.

I never understood why men were uncomfortable hearing women talk about periods, it's just a period it's not like they are discussing why there is lime green discharge coming out of their vagina.
What, you don't do that?

Americans only have the ritual of scalping 15 virgins over the constitution in honor of our lord and savior the Bald Eagle ever July 4th.

I start to think that the guy who made that twitter somehow hates me, because nothing I wrote appeared there.

I go on there every now and then to check and see if I have anymore on there, but then I can't remember if any of the shit is mine or not.
Bloodborne is officially the first game to crash on my PS4, unfortunately.

Hope I didn't lose a lot of progress.

Damn, so it's not just my PS4 it's killing.

On another BB note,
Bloodletting Beast is absolutely destroying me. This bastard hits hard as hell and has a ton of HP.
Chalice Dungeons ain't no joke sometimes.
Nah, Bloodborne has quite a few technical issues, it seems. Your PS4 should hopefully be fine.
Also, I just started with the first one and yeah, you guys were right, I'm going to adopt the strategy of "never try to counter bosses".

It's really not worth it trying to counter anything that isn't humanoid. You can abuse them in far easier ways if they're big and lumbering. Usually by
going for the legs. That made bosses like Paahl a total joke.
Yeah, I edited the last part in a a bit too late. Just gonna adopt the Souls strategy of baiting attacks, dodge and then counter during their recovery. It's so much easier and safer than shooting them during charge up and getting flattened because it didn't work.

Most bosses do have
options against people who stand behind them and pummel their legs
, but those are easy to dodge.

It really is both safer and more dangerous than parrying was in Souls purely dependent on the enemy you're facing. Some have such absurdly small counter windows that missing it will get you smashed.


I don't actually have trouble with the timing. It's that Souls games, to my knowledge, made it somewhat clear which attacks could be parried. Large enemies could obviously not be countered, as all you have is a somewhat small shield. Regular attacks with normal weapons usually could be countered, but the problem was always that the timing was really strict.

With bloodborne, it's more "try it out until you find attacks you can counter", but it's not always the same. There was a large enemy that would jump towards me and I shot it in the air, staggering him. I did that to a different large enemy and he not-so-gently lowered his weapon onto my face. If I use it, I make sure I try it on attacks I can still dodge if it doesn't work. Not willing to take too many risks.

I stopped using the gun completely after enemies stopped dropping quicksilver. Trying out isn't really an option since I have to go farm for ammo afterwards.
Like what?
I've been focussing on skill, endurance and vitality (all of them 20). My Arcane and the other thing are still at 9 and my str is at 10.

A permanent use item that buffs weapons with Arcane. A permanent use beast claw that shoots and aoe roar around you that knocks everything back. A permanent use bone that increases the iframes of your dodge and rolls. There are more stuff for more Arcane but those are the main 3 you can use at 15.


Un Rama
A permanent use item that buffs weapons with Arcane. A permanent use beast claw that shoots and aoe roar around you that knocks everything back. A permanent use bone that increases the iframes of your dodge and rolls. There are more stuff for more Arcane but those are the main 3 you can use at 15.

Wow, might start boosting that stat then. I'm mainly a strength build but that stuff sounds good.
Really wish I knew how many bosses were in game. I'm staring the final boss in the face but don't want to fight them because I don't wanna miss anything.
Hey, it had to happen some time. I'm just glad it happened with bloodborne, as that auto saves every ten seconds. I merely lost an item and like 15 seconds of playtime.

I'm so glad about the incredibly frequent auto-save function of these games.

It's going to get worse though.

It always gets worse <.<
Hey, it had to happen some time. I'm just glad it happened with bloodborne, as that auto saves every ten seconds. I merely lost an item and like 15 seconds of playtime.

I'm so glad about the incredibly frequent auto-save function of these games.

That's most likely why it's so frequent in video games now: because most Day 1 games are crashing and are semi unstable builds.
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