GTA V PC |OT| Benny Hill Sped Up Fake Gamey Edition



This is what I get every time I launch the game. Going back and forth between waiting for a fix or trying a clean OS and downloading again.

Same here :(.
Found no solution yet.


Hahaha, what the fuck? I tried to run a benchmark and I think it loaded up the single player with the benchmark and some weird glitchy shit happened where the benchmark would cut into the single player and I failed the first mission while benchmarking.


So....everytime I launch the game (Steam version), it decides to revert to 800x600 Resolution at 60Hz refresh, instead of 1920x1080 at 144Hz.


Seems that GeForce Experience never detects that I've launched the game to apply the optimal settings for the drivers either.


Hahaha, what the fuck? I tried to run a benchmark and I think it loaded up the single player with the benchmark and some weird glitchy shit happened where the benchmark would cut into the single player and I failed the first mission while benchmarking.

yeah seems to be a known bug. Best to not run the benchmark until you've played the game some lol
Last time I buy a non-Steam version of a game from Rockstar.

LOL, even to put in a support ticket, it pops up with "You have selected "PC" as your platform. Please upload a DxDiag and MSInfo from your PC to continue using the "Add File" link above."

No, Rockstar. I won't.


What the fuck is going on? I start it on Steam it makes me sign into my Rockstar account and then I get a blurb with Link these accounts? on the end and nowhere to click.
Last time I buy a non-Steam version of a game from Rockstar.

LOL, even to put in a support ticket, it pops up with "You have selected "PC" as your platform. Please upload a DxDiag and MSInfo from your PC to continue using the "Add File" link above."

No, Rockstar. I won't.

Putting in a support ticket is pointless. Rockstar support is incompetent. They just give generic solutions.


I've never played a GTA game.

Watching a stream for this gives me the urge to impulse buy a huge, $60 game, download it, and try to spend the game being as law-abiding as possible. Not randomly stealing or murdering, obeying traffic laws, and so forth.

That's normal, right?
i5 4670k (not overclocked), GTX 970, 8GB cannot maintain 60 fps on mostly Very High and Ultra settings @1080p sadly. :/ Getting dips into the low 40s in the city with my rig.


If you want to run the benchmark, you need to finish the first mission and get to the first save point in the city. After you've woken up you can run the full benchmark and get a full output in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Benchmarks


Okay, whoever had the external download to the 300 mb patch needs to just spill the beans. Please.

Yeah no kidding... Really hate when someone does that shit. Hey everyone look at me, I figured out a solution isn't that great! Hell no, I'm not telling anyone!

Runs off gloating....

Panda Rin

so...shit. Apparently I already had a RSC account linked to my steam account, and I activated the code under my new I'm SOL? Won't let me go past the launcher...


Got it updated and got through the beginning parts
first "heist" and the car repo
crashed like 90 times because driving with a keyboard is infuriating so i am def going to hook up the X1 controller.

Runs like absolute butter maxed out on my i5/8gbram/980 but i see what a lot of reviewers were saying when they did their impressions, it's a pretty game but it's not THAT impressive if you have already seen the jump from previous to current gen but the 60fps makes it so much better, i topped out at like 87 in the open world but i had to turn on vsync because it was giving me some tearing. I am not tech expert or will pretend to know what any of the settings do or describe the major differences but outright the vegetation, population, lighting and shadow stuck out to me. Hopefully the online works? Haven't tested.
They should really say that you need 120GB of free hard drive to extract this mother fucker.

My 150ishGB intel SSD might not be able to to free that much.


Game is DOA for me. Crashes straight away with either nothing or Launcher stop... Tried verifying/reinstalling SC/admin/no av/fw/comp mode. Launching the game by Steam and using launcher from root folder gives me the crash, launching with GTA5.exe gives me a 'use Playgtav.exe' message. Said file doesn't exist on my PC. WTF?
I will stay calm.
I will maintain my collected attitude.
This is okay.
Don't let the darkness in...
Don't let the monster come out...

Keep getting references to PlayGTA.exe, but I can't see such file in the install directory, only GTA5 and GTA5Laucher.

I tried moving the launcher to another directory and running an integrity check, will post results.


Let's be fair to Rockstar, they only had two years to prepare for the launch. You can't expect perfection.
Look at MMO's that have half a decade if not longer to launch and still have problems. Shit, Blizzard can't even launch an expansion 10 years later without shit breaking.

I know it's not a MMO but i very rarely expect anything to work perfectly on day 1 that has a huge multiplayer component.
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