J JeffZero Purple Drazi Apr 16, 2015 #1,154 No, BB8 can't keep it down! BB8 for life, host! Stop talking, host!
S Salsa Member Apr 16, 2015 #1,155 BLIP BLOOP BEEP yeah we were think- BLOPBLOPB but we knew tha- BEEBEEBOP great show
bengraven Member Apr 16, 2015 #1,158 It's a complete fucking sphere, not two sides divided like we theorized. how the fuuuuuck
A Alienous Member Apr 16, 2015 #1,164 dork said: how long do you think these guys were coached before they got on the stage to not give anything away Click to expand... I don't know, how long does it take to pull a gun on someone?
dork said: how long do you think these guys were coached before they got on the stage to not give anything away Click to expand... I don't know, how long does it take to pull a gun on someone?
L LastNac Member Apr 16, 2015 #1,165 Shit is going down. Hard to imagine that thing practical at full speed.
S Sn4ke_911 If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me. Apr 16, 2015 #1,166 HOLY SHIT
stufte Member Apr 16, 2015 #1,167 BB8 is more practical than i could have ever dreamed. I don't get how it works. but it does.
T TacticalFox88 Banned Apr 16, 2015 #1,180 Who wants to bet BB8 is gonna be the Breakout Character of the franchise going forward and will sell SHIT loads of toys?
Who wants to bet BB8 is gonna be the Breakout Character of the franchise going forward and will sell SHIT loads of toys?
D Dicer Banned Apr 16, 2015 #1,187 Aiii said: I still don't understand how this fucking thing works. Click to expand...
G GuitarAtomik Member Apr 16, 2015 #1,193 I'm guessing it's magnets or some shit, but that is amazing.
C ChosenPredator Banned Apr 16, 2015 #1,195 that BBA toy is going to make billions of dollars as a figure in motion
R Rootbeer Banned Apr 16, 2015 #1,199 Their priorities are in the right place to be creating these amazing practical droids :3