Mortal Kombat X |OT| This is NOT a Brutality. This is a FATALITY

His Xray can only be triggered while in the air. Try pressing the triggers when jumping.


Thank you dude!

I hate sounding like such a noob. I've been gaming for years and I've played every MK since the first one and I still can't figure this stuff out. :)

BTW can someone explain his "Stance changes"? What is the deal there?
People who want to have quality single player content and don't care much about competitive (which is a shitload of people) would completely disagree with you. Story mode adds a lot to the game, and makes it feel like a complete package.

Okay a boring 3 hour campaign with no replay value doesn't make this game a better purchase for solo players.
I read 40 ranked wins somewhere, and it seemed to unlock around that time for me. There might be other methods too.

Dark emperor or regular revenant?

Im hoping there is another way to get them because Im gonna get my ass handed to me online.. I read that Kung Laos is unlockable by winning 30 KotH matches I couldn't even find a match for that mode earlier today.
Man, I suck at this game.

I thought I was making pretty decent progress as D'Vorah, being able to consistently pull off a 6 hit combo that I had made up.

Then I just played someone who was also using her and they were doing something like 11-13 hit combos on me. I didn't know some of those animations for D'Vorah EXISTED until then.
Man, I suck at this game.

I thought I was making pretty decent progress as D'Vorah, being able to consistently pull off a 6 hit combo that I had made up.

Then I just played someone who was also using her and they were doing something like 11-13 hit combos on me. I didn't know some of those animations for D'Vorah EXISTED until then.

I may consider getting this on the pc due to being to play this on my monitor with 2 ms response time instead of a TV just to help me on the combos


I care about MK lore but that story was pretty bad. I mean, I had fun playing through it, but looking back it was just awful. It's funny how they made
so much more interesting and relevant to the plot than half the roster, yet he isn't playable but we get some new jobbers in the Outlworld crew taking over for the former commander in chief of jobbing

Some of the things that happen just make no sense, like Kotal Kahn
is such a pansy and he gets his ass whooped in the beginning by Kung Jin? LOL, my boy Shao Kahn would be roasting that fools head like a marshmallow. How did this clown get to be Emperor?
A lot of "power levels" are out of wack, like
you expect me to believe Cassie can take out Corrupted Shinnok when every other encounter she was involved in up to that point had her getting the shit kicked out of her?

The only new character I felt like earned their spot in the roster turned out
to be just some lowly lackey for Shinnok. That annoyed the hell out of me. I mean Shinnok is just the epitome of lame.

The ending scene was cool and way more interesting than what we got.


I've tried that guy and I keep sucking with him.

Can someone please help me?

I cannot even figure out how to do his XRay attack. I press the triggers, but he seems to just change his stance. What am I doing wrong here?
I just picked him up a few hours ago and you'll crush people if you do nothing but control the area in front of you with the shurikens and the jumping spear and learn how to combo out of his ridiculous overhead.

B21 xx ex spear B21 xx teleport punch, uppercut is actually really easy to do, even online, and it does 35%. The awesome thing is that the initial B21 is so slow that you can do the ex spear once you see the first hit connect, that way you don't waste any meter if they block it. You can also combo out of his B3, which hits low to keep the person guessing. (This is for the Shin Ryu variation, or whatever it's called)

He seems really fun.
Man, I suck at this game.

I thought I was making pretty decent progress as D'Vorah, being able to consistently pull off a 6 hit combo that I had made up.

Then I just played someone who was also using her and they were doing something like 11-13 hit combos on me. I didn't know some of those animations for D'Vorah EXISTED until then.

Yeah, everyone thinks they're good at fighting games until they go online. :p Just look up some combo videos and try to practice them. It's all muscle memory, so the more you do it the easier it becomes.


I've been practicing Takeda combos for the past couple of hours.

I can get the njp follow-ups fine, it's just a step forward.

The one I'm having issues with is one of Chris G's easier combos.

njp, 33 xx EX bf1, b22 xx bf1. For some reason you are just a tad too far to hit the bf1 and you need to take another step forward (like when you do njp to 33) but it just isn't clicking in my head. Timing seems really strict.

Just need more practice I guess. I'm not very good at execution in general though. Haven't even tried his harder shit.

Just spent some time and came up with an easy 28.
Let me try that one.


Supposedly, which is a bit weird because new DLC usually pops up on Tuesdays. Maybe that's the early date for Kombat Pack owners.

Heard earlier that some site said Jason is releasing early, tomorrow morning, hopefully that's true but I'm not crossing my fingers! I'm debating on if I should plop down the $30 for the Kombat pack. I know for sure I want Jason and Predator and kind of want the other 2 but I could live without them. But what all costumes does it come with too? I have $23 in PSN credit on my account now that was all from earning points on Bing Rewards and Featurepoints so I'd really only be spending out of pocket $7 but I'm also considering just buyign Jason and Predator separate, hrm decisions.


Man fuck this. After the patch they have mad the combo strings so much fucking harder. square triangle down back L2 combo with subzero is only possible when doing it lighting quick. This game is unplayable online due to the input lag as well. Forget doing complex combos online.
Dark emperor or regular revenant?

Im hoping there is another way to get them because Im gonna get my ass handed to me online.. I read that Kung Laos is unlockable by winning 30 KotH matches I couldn't even find a match for that mode earlier today.

For Revenant Liu Kang.

If you want the Dark Emperor Liu Kang, you need to do 10 Tower Challenges.

Apparently you get Revenant Jax through 15 Flawless Victories. I still need to figure out how to get Hotshot Johnny.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If you look through the backgrounds/icons/borders they're listed in there too.

Still haven't seen him yet. Also Living Towers just don't work at all right now. Says there are no Living Towers available.

Huh, really? My friend didn't either. Does anyone else see this on the select screen?



I can get that combo, except for the bf1 to land. Maybe in a corner. What is the damage supposed to be?
I can do it if I am in a corner. For 30 it's okay. I can get 29 ending it differently that's easier.


There are plenty of times where I try to use a combo using the left and right buttons and my character jumps instead. I tried out training mode and found out that unless I'm pressing on the very right or left on the d-pad, they are registering as diagonal up. Is my PS4 controller fucked or is this a normal thing?
Even with the region locking all my games are laggy messes.

I can't believe I was silly enough to think I'd be able to enjoy online for a fighting game in AU.

My last fight before I "quit" online was against a Cassie player that kept getting in my face and repeatedly using the same mixup string, over and over. Just couldn't properly block due to the lag...let alone get off my own combos.


I was wondering if anyone else noticed that.

I had to take a picture because the game wouldn't let me take a screenshot of the main menu. Heh.

If you look through the challenges needed to complete some of things on your kombat kard, there's one called "Complete the MK1 Tower". It's probably related to that. There's also MK2, MK3, etc towers.


Does anyone know if your win registers if your opponent leaves the match during your fatality? I've had it happen to me multiple times now.
Joining KOTHs is still a fucking pain in the ass through rooms. Is there even a way to tell if a room is full? Then you have to sit there waiting for it to connect............

I just want to spectate.

Next game really needs a way to spectate or watch replays of others. This should be the standard in every multiplayer game ever.


Anyone else having issues getting into the faction wars or living towers areas on PS4. I haven't been able to get into either for the past two days, keep getting check back later messages.
Got around to trying reptile out. His animations and normals actually look really good. It's weird how some characters look like animated mannequins(cage), while others don't
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