Mortal Kombat X |OT| This is NOT a Brutality. This is a FATALITY

Anyone else having issues getting into the faction wars or living towers areas on PS4. I haven't been able to get into either for the past two days, keep getting check back later messages.

Yeah. It seems hit-or-miss for me. I got into Living Towers a few times, but the rest I get a message saying none are available.
Oh yeah, I love how Takeda plays. He has options in just about every area except in the corner, at least in the teleport variation. Feels like I don't have to work so hard to get a win which is what irks me with Kotal Kahn. That guy is just too slow.

Gonna try out Kenshi tomorrow. Seeing people completely zone with Balanced looks so cool.

So far my main focuses are Takeda, Ermac, and Kotal, but I get the feeling Kenshi is gonna win over Kahn soon.
Finally got all the 2nd Fatalities for each character. Only left for me to unlock in the Krypt are a couple more Brutalities, concept art, music, and possibly character costumes


So, is anyone else on PC getting horrible visuals out of the Dead Woods stage? It seems that the snowfall is causing problems and the game has squares everywhere. I also installed a recent AMD update from leshcat on my laptop but I doubt that's the cause.
Jason will be available next sunday?

Not sure if it's been mentioned, I'll be honest I didn't look very hard.

I have the problem on PS4 where the game crashes when I try to load it. Apparently the cause is it trying to log in at WB servers or something like that, so I disabled the Internet on my PS4 and started the game up.

When I went to the character select screen all 4 DLC characters had slots. Jason's said "Buy Jason Now" or whatever, same thing it says for people who didn't catch Goro with the pre-order. The other slots just had shadows and said "Coming Soon."

I bought the version from PSN that included the Kombat Pack, so that might make a difference. But I wouldn't be surprised if Jason is available very soon.


Not sure if it's been mentioned, I'll be honest I didn't look very hard.

I have the problem on PS4 where the game crashes when I try to load it. Apparently the cause is it trying to log in at WB servers or something like that, so I disabled the Internet on my PS4 and started the game up.

When I went to the character select screen all 4 DLC characters had slots. Jason's said "Buy Jason Now" or whatever, same thing it says for people who didn't catch Goro with the pre-order. The other slots just had shadows and said "Coming Soon."

I bought the version from PSN that included the Kombat Pack, so that might make a difference. But I wouldn't be surprised if Jason is available very soon.

Can you make a screenshot?
Can you make a screenshot?

When I saw it, I thought that the DLC was out already so I went to the settings and flipped the connection back on. When I did that it logged in to the game server and updated something (in-game). Once the update happened the characters weren't there anymore. I just tried disabling the network and starting it again, but it's too late it seems.

I hadn't played the game for a couple days at least before today because of the crash issue. If there's anyone out there that hasn't opened it on PS4 for it to update recently, I'd try it out and see if they're there for you too.

edit: what I'm assuming is an identifier for what version I'm running now (post WB data update from today) is 0.138-124-ce4cf1de. So if you're on that its too late. This is the number that shows on the WB copyright splash screen, to be clear.
EDIT: Does anyone have a good way of grinding for koins? I want all of Takeda's stuff.

PC MKX netcode in action:


It never displays the ping of the opponent. Bortal Wombat is me. Without a region lock or at least a clear region indicator it's impossible to know if you're getting matched up against somebody on a different continent or with a generally bad connection.

IMO this is the reason most people think the netcode sucks. It's probably not really the netcode that much - it's the functionality that supports the netcode.

I should be able to restrict myself easily to playing UK players to avoid distance-related latency, but the current system makes that impossible.

This is basic, basic stuff. SSF4 came out in, what, 2010, and it's better in almost every way than the functionality of MKX.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Switched from Mystic Ermac to Master of Souls in the lab for a bit. He has a really easy/cool looking meterless 37% combo, I'm liking it a lot.

Dr. Buni

It takes so damn long to find a match online :/ I want to play more, but it isn't fun waiting five minutes for a match.
I can't believe more people would join Quan Chi over Sonya. :(
I can't believe most people would join Lin Kuei instead of Special Forces, but it is what it is.
I think the online setup is not that great. It takes so long to find a match and you have to go through more menus than it seems needed.

I wish it had practice mode interrupt like capcom games, so I can mask the waiting around while practicing stuff.

Then when I get in a game, it's laggy!!! lol ;)
If you look through the challenges needed to complete some of things on your kombat kard, there's one called "Complete the MK1 Tower". It's probably related to that. There's also MK2, MK3, etc towers.

Ah, I see...I never saw that pop up.

Anyway, I finally decided to play story mode earlier. I went through the whole thing in one go. It was pretty awesome.
I've spent some time in the krypt...and i really liking so far, all the mystery, locations, finding items....

Konquest mode really needs to make a comeback.


Ah, I see...I never saw that pop up.

Anyway, I finally decided to play story mode earlier. I went through the whole thing in one go. It was pretty awesome.

Story mode was awesome, don't get the hate. I couldn't be bothered with MK9 or Injustice story, but I was diggin X's.

The living towers and stuff haven't worked for me since launch day..

How do I fix this

Keep trying. It messes up for everyone. Don't give up!


IMO this is the reason most people think the netcode sucks. It's probably not really the netcode that much - it's the functionality that supports the netcode.

Something's not right though man. On Injustice for PS4 I could vs a friend online and it was actually not bad. On MKX I vs the same buddy and it's garbage, and tons of input lag.


Just tested the PS4 share play function for the first time. God damn this is some amazing feature that deserves more credit. Just spend an hour playing 2 player versus against a buddy who doesn't own the game yet. Played just like he was on couch next to me. So good.


Neo Member
Netkode is okay in some games, however some other dont even bother.

Btw: I am sick of versing Goro with noobs spaming the stomp move -.- Surely that move should be blockable...


Joining KOTHs is still a fucking pain in the ass through rooms. Is there even a way to tell if a room is full? Then you have to sit there waiting for it to connect............

I just want to spectate.

Next game really needs a way to spectate or watch replays of others. This should be the standard in every multiplayer game ever.

I don't know if you saw way earlier in this thread but I mentioned I'm playing on ps4. Are you??


I can't believe most people would join Lin Kuei instead of Special Forces, but it is what it is.

I figured they would have the most numbers, cause ninjas. Would have been interesting if Scorpion's group was a faction choice.

I wish it had practice mode interrupt like capcom games, so I can mask the waiting around while practicing stuff.

For what it's worth I think you can practice while you wait for your turn in KOTH. Though you would be missing out on who and how your opponents fight.


For those who still are affected by the PS4 blocked switches in the Krypt problem, and do not want to wait for a patch from NRS, someone found a good workaround, and it does not involve losing any player settings progress.

Link to WBE Support thread discussing this

The steps are:

- Uninstall the game.
- Re-install the game and Goro DLC if applicable (if your copy is digital, this kind of sucks, I know). Do not install the cumulative (now 3GB) patch, however.
- Disable auto-upload for MKX (considering that the game uses 11MB of online storage per match replay recording, this probably is a good idea anyway). This is just to be safe and have a backup of the original saves. You might alternatively copy the saves to USB.
- Launch the game without patching (do remember go to notifications to pause the patch download again if necessary). This means you will be back at version 1.0.
- You will notice that the Krypt and even the Story modes are disabled in the single player menu. This has to do with checking the player settings file version in the main menu, do not worry.
- Now, force the game to overwrite the player settings file by doing something such as starting a single player match and quitting. You will notice in the character selection screen that all the extra costumes are gone. Again, this is normal, do not worry.
- Go back to the main menu. Now that the settings file was overwritten with the older version number, the Krypt and Story modes are enabled again.
- Now, start Krypt mode. You will notice that you start with exactly the same amount of Koins as you ended with last time. (In fact, if you play another single match you will now see that all the costumes that existed as of version 1.0 are back).
- Go to the infamous blocked levers and door. In version 1.0, when all levers are stuck, the game interprets that as successfully unlocking the door. So, just go ahead and open it.
- Allow the game to save the progress, and then leave the Krypt.
- Now quit the game, and update it. That's it, you got past that horrible door in the Krypt, and did not lose anything in the process.

Should anything go wrong in this, you can still restore your backed up saves, but I can guarantee it did work for me :).

Do note that this bug has already been acknowledged by NRS and is going to be patched along with other Krypt bugs very soon either way (probably next week). So, only do this if you are very impatient and/or keen on unlocking everything in the Krypt (like me).


Started playing as Cassie online, trying to stick to one character and she's the one I've chosen. I can't share my online record. It's bad. I did win once!


My most hated player in the game is ermac

all the cpu does is spam the, lavitate me upside down, like Im a fool

Nah, Corrupted Shinnok is worse. If you're unlucky, he just spams those chest death rays and you're dead with four hits. Feels like the Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection final boss.


Just tested the PS4 share play function for the first time. God damn this is some amazing feature that deserves more credit. Just spend an hour playing 2 player versus against a buddy who doesn't own the game yet. Played just like he was one couch next to me. So good.

I was wondering if WB would choose to block SharePlay. Good on them for not doing that. :)

Dr. Buni

I take back what I said about the online being good, at least on PC. For the past hour I got a "the game session is no longer available" in EVERY match

Ah, I see...I never saw that pop up.

Anyway, I finally decided to play story mode earlier. I went through the whole thing in one go. It was pretty awesome.
Yeah, it was great. It managed to be satisfying and leave me excited for the story of the next game at the same time.


Oh yeah, I love how Takeda plays. He has options in just about every area except in the corner, at least in the teleport variation. Feels like I don't have to work so hard to get a win which is what irks me with Kotal Kahn. That guy is just too slow.

Gonna try out Kenshi tomorrow. Seeing people completely zone with Balanced looks so cool.

So far my main focuses are Takeda, Ermac, and Kotal, but I get the feeling Kenshi is gonna win over Kahn soon.

I thought this too but then folks started doin a lot of his neutral game. Holy crap is his neutral scary. He even has a dashup launcher as a normal move! Just dashed up into an uppercut and juggle me for something like 40%

Don't sleep on Kotal...

Lord Phol

So I've been doing pretty damn good with Kitana, lots of combo variations at around 30-40% and even I managed to pull some off, both against the AI and online. Then I met a super defensive Ermac and my life was ruined. He was constantly sitting there blocking and since Kitana has no string that starts or goes into an overhead there wasn't much I could do but get lucky with grabs. She only has one OH move that knocks them down but that's it :7.

What to do in these situations? I guess grab cancel is my only option? Or getting lucky with an OH neutral jump.
I don't know if you saw way earlier in this thread but I mentioned I'm playing on ps4. Are you??
Haha, sorry I definitely missed it, but yeah I'm on PS4. :) Spiritreaver05

I thought this too but then folks started doin a lot of his neutral game. Holy crap is his neutral scary. He even has a dashup launcher as a normal move! Just dashed up into an uppercut and juggle me for something like 40%

Don't sleep on Kotal...
Ah ha, see I figured people would start figuring him out. He hits like a truck.

I guess I'll keep him in my ranks for a while.


could never
I need to get good with Kung Lao but finding him on another level compared to some... I also unlocked Dark Empress Kitana last night. No idea how.


Formerly Gizmowned
The Shrine of the Dead seems a complete rip off. What ever I gamble I only get 50% back in koins. I never receive any other item.


Oh I was under the impression that you had to unlock it in krypt first

I thought so too, but apparently that's not the case. I just found the inputs for Cassie's Selfie fatality online, went into fatality pratice, and input the correct inputs and she did it. And then the ??????? under the movelist had changed into the inputs for the fatality.
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