Mortal Kombat X |OT| This is NOT a Brutality. This is a FATALITY

As much as I like his moveset and design. I may have to give up on kotal kahn online. I'm just getting bodied online by these quicker characters that can hit me with high low mixups and I don't feel like I have anything to respond except for an EX Grab in Sun God variation
Heh, funny, tru3 is streaming Kenshi right as I was planning to learn him today. Possessed looks beastly, but I think Balanced looks cooler. What's the difference between the two? They both seem similar aside from a couple of moves.


Heh, funny, tru3 is streaming Kenshi right as I was planning to learn him today. Possessed looks beastly, but I think Balanced looks cooler. What's the difference between the two? They both seem similar aside from a couple of moves.

In my personal experience with both, Balanced is more combo-based while posessed is great for zoning and distance.

Beta Stage

Neo Member
I need a secondary character. No one is as fun as D'Vorah to me >_<
Weird, I could swear I did Cassie's second brutality before unlocking it. Must have been my imagination then.

Oh well. Thanks for the link, though!

Yeah, and I did Sub-Zero's second brutality before unlocking it as well.


I bet something like 8210 and got a Quan Chi emblem. So I guess you'll be able to unlock a bunch of stuff that way.

Beta Stage

Neo Member
Speaking of Sub-Zero, has anyone else notice how good his Cryomancer variation is? I can consistently deal 34% damage combos at midscreen without the use of meter, he has some great high-low mix-ups, and his best combos end in a reset.


Junior Member
I grabbed the PS4 version last night. Still have yet to play it. Still trying to decide if I want to buy Goro or not. I hate having a incomplete roster.
Speaking of Sub-Zero, has anyone else notice how good his Cryomancer variation is? I can consistently deal 34% damage combos at midscreen without the use of meter, he has some great high-low mix-ups, and his best combos end in a reset.

Any examples? A friend of mine was complaining about Sub-Zero and his lack of damage potential.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
btw, I can get 900p/60fps with Ultra settings in Alien Isolation but I'm playing MKX at 720p with everything at Low and I can't hit 60fps.



I got excited because I thought Jason Vorhees was out too. Saw him at the character select once then that was it. Once I quit the game he was no longer there. My friend still saw it though.

Beta Stage

Neo Member
Any examples? A friend of mine was complaining about Sub-Zero and his lack of damage potential.

Here is an easy one: JIP, B+2, Run, F+421+3. It deals 33/34% (I can't quite remember) and it ends in a reset. You can also add:B+12, exDB+2 in between the JIP and B+2 to boost the damage to 40%. And, if you time it right, you do not have to run after using B+2 if you used exDB+2. You could also do: JIP, F+242, Run, F+421+3. That deals around 31% and, again, it ends in a reset. And one more thing: you do not want to start a combo with Ice Ball. It will scale more if you do.
Here is an easy one: JIP, B+2, Run, F+421+3. It deals 33/34% (I can't quite remember) and it ends in a reset. You can also add:B+12, exDB+2 in between the JIP and B+2 to boost the damage to 40%. And, if you time it right, you do not have to run after using B+2 if you used exDB+2. You could also do: JIP, F+242, Run, F+421+3. That deals around 31% and, again, it ends in a reset. And one more thing: you do not want to start a combo with Ice Ball. It will scale more if you do.



I need a secondary character. No one is as fun as D'Vorah to me >_<

Have you tried Kitana?

I'm a D'vorah player, and I evolved from Kitana in MK9. She's still halfway decent in MKX with some unbreakable fan juggling, and the Assassin mode is too fun with the running grab to end your fan juggling, and Sharpen to give a slight boost to your fan damage.
The noobs are the ones that stand there blocking instead of backdashing and then punishing.

Yup, lol. Why stop using a tactic if it keeps working? I'll spam anything if my opponent doesn't wise up to it. I'm not putting in work if they're gonna stay so free.

Dr. Buni

Have you tried Kitana?

I'm a D'vorah player, and I evolved from Kitana in MK9. She's still halfway decent in MKX with some unbreakable fan juggling, and the Assassin mode is too fun with the running grab to end your fan juggling, and Sharpen to give a slight boost to your fan damage.
Haven't played Kitana enough yet. I was playing Mileena actually and she is really fun, but I don't like the character so I don't plan to stick with her.

Does sharpen only boost special moves or does it boost basic attacks that use the fan as well?


Heh, funny, tru3 is streaming Kenshi right as I was planning to learn him today. Possessed looks beastly, but I think Balanced looks cooler. What's the difference between the two? They both seem similar aside from a couple of moves.

One of the advantages of Balanced is that you don't need meter to get good damage. His b&b does 33% without meter and his corner does 40% meterless.


How to unlock all Revenant and Dark costumes.

Revenant Kung Lao - Win 30 king of the hill matches. I had a streak when it unlocked.

Revenant Jax - Win 25 Kustom Kombat matches. Again, I had a streak with danger modifier.

Revenant Sub Zero - Win a test your might tower.

Revenant Kitana - I unlocked this outfit after a 49 win streak in regular king of the hill, with an overall 100 matches played in online modes.

Revenant Liu Kang - 35 wins in ranked matches, with a 20 win streak unlocked him for me.

Hotshot Johnny Cage - 10 win streak in king of the hill survivor unlocked him for me and others.

Dark Empress Kitana - Keep playing Living Tower challenges, rotating between the 3. She unlocked after completing Goros tower. Overall about 10 towers played when she unlocked.

Dark Emperor Liu Kang - Complete 10 Tower Challenge towers and he will unlock.



I just finished the story and I liked it a lot.

I am having a blast doing classic tower and living towers with different characters, even ones where I previously had no interest in feel so fun to play. Jax, Kano, Kenshin, hell even Ferra/Torr are fun.

I will probably never touch online matches, because I am bad, but with the single player aspects I feel I am getting my money's worth.


I can't figure out a place where to stick the block button on stick and I hate the dpad on my 360 pad, soooooooo I think ill just not block

Have you considered using a modified form of the original MK layout?

In Arcades MK used the following setup.


However change it to something like this using a 6 button Arcade Stick


This will cover every shortcut.

X-Ray, Throw, Stance Switch, and Interact are all actually shortcut commands.

For example Stance Switch is just FK + BK

X-Ray is just the Stance Switch + Block = FK + BL + BK (hitting the bottom three buttons will trigger this)

Throw is FP + FK so the first two buttons on the left row will let you throw. (Just like in Street Fighter 3 and 4 hitting LP + LK is throw)

Interact is FP + BP

And with block in the center you have access to your defensive option and Enhanced Specials at all times.


I'm 133/6 online and main War God Kotal but I don't think he's very good. He's super slow, and everything is unsafe besides 212 and 114, both of which start high and will get blown up by uppercuts. He also doesn't really have much for mixups, he doesn't have any overhead strings that don't end in a knockdown. Even that leap overhead is bad, I was sweeped mid-air with it, wtf. A lot of his specials aren't great either.


Haven't played Kitana enough yet. I was playing Mileena actually and she is really fun, but I don't like the character so I don't plan to stick with her.

Does sharpen only boost special moves or does it boost basic attacks that use the fan as well?
Mileena is super fun but unsafe. Her ethereal variation is also kinda pointless it seems, at least for now.
Have you considered using a modified form of the original MK layout?
I did, don't like it, I keep pressing block by mistake since my fingers tend to rest on the first 4.
I'm considering either going at it with my left thumb or put all the attack buttons on a line so I can rest my right thumb on the block button

Dr. Buni

Mileena is super fun but unsafe. Her ethereal variation is also kinda pointless it seems, at least for now.
She also have two really easy combos (if I can pull them off I assume they are easy). That variation with the extra sai moves seems like her best one to me.
I just realized the female characters in this game don't have massive exposed breasts. The art style is such a staggering step up over MK9.
Yeah, one of the best things about MKX. It is possible to play with the female chars without embarrassing yourself.


I did, don't like it, I keep pressing block by mistake since my fingers tend to rest on the first 4.
I'm considering either going at it with my left thumb or put all the attack buttons on a line so I can rest my right thumb on the block button

Maybe try this:


Might work because everything is adjacent?
I just realized the female characters in this game don't have massive exposed breasts. The art style is such a staggering step up over MK9.
Yeah! I think they realized that somewhat early on in development. Mileena's concept art starts with MK9-esque designs but slowly adds more clothes.
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