Fighting Games Weekly | 4/20-26 | Beowulf Wrasslin', Mewtwo Smashin', Netkode Krashin


ArcSys needs to get a new IP going or they're gonna be in trouble.
BlazBlue's dying down and nobody wants Guilty Gear.

Mr. X

I don't even understand this criticism. "Little variety" in terms of what? If you mean in terms of team permutations - that seems like a superficial criticism. It's a hard criticism to level against most fighting games, really. I haven't played the game, but from what I've heard, the game has variety in terms of what matters - its game to game interactions. Despite the low permutation, are matches starting to play out too similarly?

Granted, I don't play the game purely due to its aesthetics which could be dismissed as the ultimately form of superficiality, but I'm curious.

What is the basis for this criticism?
A 1v1 game would have less matchups.
(14*13*12 = 2,184 trios) + (14*13 = 182 duos) + (14 solos) = 2,380. Not counting different assist types or team orders, which if you followed MvC2, know can change a match up or how the same team can be played.

There are 44*44 = 1,936 matchups in USF4, which is less than the number of trios one can make. There are 2,380*2,380 = 5,664,400 possible matchups in SG, still ignoring assist types or team order.
Like 20 nowadays



Don't wanna be that guy but your math is off. E.g one character has 44 match-ups, the second has 43 (you don't count the one with the first character twice), the third has 42, etc.

So it's actually 44+43+...+1 = 44(44+1)/2= 990 matchups in SF4

I am studying for calc. ._.


I heard some initial reports but now that the game is out in the wild, is the netcode for MKX really that bad?

Edit: Also, I thought the point of the original Skullgirls characters was a sexy pin up girl vibe for the most part. Also char design is super subjective, and unless you want broad appeal, you're gonna put out stuff some people don't like. Again, some people see just anime-esque aesthetic and go "I'm out". Skullgirls went after a niche, it actually ended up with 2 in the FGC crowd and the tumblr/indie/whatever the hell it is crowd who wanted it for that style. That's the crowd that gave them millions of dollars to keep making it. Doesn't seem like a pretty big screw up to me.

A big part of it is that Alex Ahad (the lead artist) is a fan of the dichotomy between sexy and scary (paraphrasing here) - hence the large undercurrent of horror and horror themes that run through the entire game. Alex talks a bit about inspirations and character design here:

A lot of the characters are cheesed up for no reason, or just uninteresting looking. Or in the case of the bad guys, dressed or in subservient positions for fuck all reasons. I'll say this again, any particular reason valentine isn't a doctor, but a nurse. Or everyone almost or does have their butts hanging out. It seems like a lot of those character designs started out not that, but someone said do that , and they did. Its hard to make character feel like they were forced to be sexy, but there they are.

I legit only enjoy 3 character designs on that roster. When poison a character who's design consists of daisy dukes and a torn t shirt feels more natural than your character design, you may want to hit the drawing board again.Like they don't even feel like comfortably cheese, it really feels forced on a lot of accounts. I don't feel like the characters in the game, based of their personalities would be wearing their outfits. Thats how much of a disconnect I'm having.

A) Valentine is inspired by the nurse from Silent Hill (Alex is a huge Silent Hill nerd):


B) I can see that with regards to Filia and to a lesser degree Parasol but not really any of the other characters. Agree to disagree?

ArcSys needs to get a new IP going or they're gonna be in trouble.
BlazBlue's dying down and nobody wants Guilty Gear.

Hasn't GGXrd been doing well?


Every time a new SG character comes out, I think I'm going to finally learn to play it. I never do.
Skullgirls is the reason I started playing fighters. Played it one day, then didn't. Now I'm learning too many other games to go back to it.

I know Satarouman has been wanting to MM Louffy for some time now but for $10000


He just made GodChan's Sagat look like Marz'.

Louffy doesn't even have to bring the money with him.

This gonna be Mike Tyson vs a Toddler b

$10,000 Santarouman? Really?


Supposedly KSB will have Tokido, Bonchan, Nemo, Eita, Haitani, Pepeday, RF, Kindevu, and Justin (depending on passport). I know a couple of jp players that wanted to sign up didn't get to because registration ended so fast.

edit: Actually they have a full list of players attending. Gachikun, Matsuri Chun, KOK, Shiro, Kazunoko, Misse, Mizoteru, Tonpy, Kindo, Reiketsu, Inco, Itazan, Kawaguchi, Akimo, Taiga, Kojikog, Fubar duck, Kim123, Kyoku, and Oitajin.

Justin is most likely going to get some practice in because he isn't going to get points in this tournament.

Mr. X

Valentine occupation is like a US Navy Seal. The Last Hope was the name of her squad and they were all ninja nurses. Not sure if they provided any on field medicine for the wounded but they were the strongest defense against a Skullgirl.

The only doctor title in SG we see in game is by Dr. Avian who seems to infuse people with parasites and artillery when their human bodies are practically destroyed (seeing Big Band and Peacock's past).


About Skullgirls being 1v1, I wish you could force that on lobbies just because I love the VSav round system and you can't get that when someone plays teams.

Did you never play Jon Talbain? When in doubt, Wulf Blitzer up in that bitch. You can literally control the direction he flies in.
Literally all I do. LK xx Wulf for days, trying to get them with cMK for some knee droppin'

It feels awesome.
Now is this $10k from each party or $5k from both sides?

Also, was the biggest SF4 MM before this the $500 between Daigo and Arturo?


About Skullgirls being 1v1, I wish you could force that on lobbies just because I love the VSav round system and you can't get that when someone plays teams.

Literally all I do. LK xx Wulf for days, trying to get them with cMK for some knee droppin'

It feels awesome.

I can see why it's not a feature in the lobbies but I really do like playing 1v1 matches on occasion.

One of my favorite updates for Ms Fortune allowed her to be able to recall her head before the next round starts.
It's that time again...
8-way air dashes
Non-aggressive teleports
Flight (Sentinel/Painwheel)
Attacks that reach anywhere (Purification)
Full aerial control (Smash)
Pushblocking (Blockstrings are Zzz Zzz)
Character Customization

Least Favorites:
Tight Links
Non-universal chains

I didn't Mewtwo's nair was a safe air move. This is good info, thanks.
Just don't land in shield grab range. Try to land just out of reverse shield grab range behind your opponent for max safety.


Valentine occupation is like a US Navy Seal. The Last Hope was the name of her squad and they were all ninja nurses. Not sure if they provided any on field medicine for the wounded but they were the strongest defense against a Skullgirl.

The only doctor title in SG we see in game is by Dr. Avian who seems to infuse people with parasites and artillery when their human bodies are practically destroyed (seeing Big Band and Peacock's past).
Lore doesnt make me hate the design less. Navy ninja nurse is fun to say though.

Edit:, I thought the point of the original Skullgirls characters was a sexy pipeoplbe for the most part. Also char design is super subjective, and unless you want broad appeal, you're gonna put out stuff some people don't like. Again, some people see just anime-esque aesthetic and go "I'm out". Skullgirls went after a niche, it actually ended up with 2 in the FGC crowd and the tumblr/indie/whatever the hell it is crowd who wanted it for that style. That's the crowd that gave them millions of dollars to keep making it. Doesn't seem like a pretty big screw up to me.

Of corse its my opinion and subjective, obviously there are people who dissagree. I just dont like the designs. I think they messed up, but who am I.

I just hope one day i have a fighting game in which people can complain about the designs.

A big part of it is that Alex Ahad (the lead artist) is a fan of the dichotomy between sexy and scary (paraphrasing here) - hence the large undercurrent of horror and horror themes that run through the entire game. Alex talks a bit about inspirations and character design here:

A) Valentine is inspired by the nurse from Silent Hill (Alex is a huge Silent Hill nerd):

B) I can see that with regards to Filia and to a lesser degree Parasol but not really any of the other characters. Agree to disagree?

Hasn't GGXrd been doing well?
Of course we can disagree, i can't force you into anything nor do i want to. If you like it thats fine.I am just not fond of it myself.

Also inst xrd doing not great


Santaro. He's one of the best Sagats in Japan. He's equal or might be better than Bonchan as I recall but he doesn't travel, lol
Santaro. He's one of the best Sagats in Japan. He's equal or might be better than Bonchan as I recall but he doesn't travel, lol

10k (or 20k?) mm confirmed

I been posted this but all dudes wanna talk about is anime.

Louffy has clapped on Bonchan and Ryan Hart for free recently.

He's gonna be at Stunfest because he won the qualifier but.. #nahbreh.

I'm open to side bets


Anything you post automatically makes it more boring Blackule. It's the Deejay curse. ResidentSleeper.

Anime is more interesting now anyway. Everyone's gonna get Eddie'd this week.
Anything you post automatically makes it more boring Blackule. It's the Deejay curse. ResidentSleeper.

Anime is more interesting now anyway. Everyone's gonna get Eddie'd this week.

This sentence makes no sense and anger/confuses me.

Just got Raspberry pi 2 running and now have to do actual work and make the table/cabinet for an arcade. I want to do something similar to this:
It's that time again...

I love, love, love the Stand system in Jojo's that innovated the puppet character archetype in fighting games. There's a sort of power and creativity you get to channel when you're trying to manipulate two bodies at once. Unfortunately, puppet characters are inherently more powerful than other archetypes in games not based around them like Jojo's, so when they do appear it's with pretty limited movesets.

Playing Carl in BB or Zatoichi in GGXrd doesn't feel anything like playing Dio or Vanilla Ice or D'bo in Jojo's. The flexibility just isn't there, they just feel like characters with a really good special move for pressure strings. Assist-based games like MVC3 are closer to the feel of a true Stand character to me because you get the extra flexibility of mixing and matching characters that's closer to the way you got multiple movesets in Jojo's.

My most hated mechanic of all time is proximity blocking. FUCK proximity blocking. You have no idea how often I see a focus attack and try to walk backwards out of range and get clipped because I'm not allowed to walk backwards for... reasons.


Louffy he said got lucky and ran it back at Topanga.

straight baby lambed b

that admin shield to stronk.

we still playing at Evo right?

If I'm not too busy with shit yeah. I do a lot of running around at Evo, especially since this year since I'm pot monster-ing a ton of games and I've got the usual rounds to go and gambling. =p

This sentence makes no sense and anger/confuses me.

Just got Raspberry pi 2 running and now have to do actual work and make the table/cabinet for an arcade. I want to do something similar to this:

Anime is confusing, posts anime game picture!


$15 and 6 free DLC characters and the best netcode hands down, Skullgirls is pretty great.

And it has more viable combinations than MvC3 and MvC2.

Combo Breaker is going to fucking sick for Skullgirls play this year.

Arent DLC characters 5 US Dollar/Euro each?
I am confused because I got the key during the Indiegogo campaign and didnt have to pay for any DLC character.

They are just 14 character but unlike MvC2/3 they are so different from each other that even learning two character combination will take more time than 3 characters of MvC games
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