Fighting Games Weekly | 4/20-26 | Beowulf Wrasslin', Mewtwo Smashin', Netkode Krashin


If they buy game now, they have to pay for the first 3 DLC characters
Also they might have missed the DLC trial period if they didnt play the game for a long time.

There is no trial period, the DLC characters were offered for free for the first three months after they're released. Lab Zero went with this solution because it would have been too much of a hassle making sure everyone who donated got a key for each DLC character otherwise, if I'm not mistaken.

It sucks if you missed on the free period but those who didn't donate aren't entitled to get them for free. Lab Zero sends out an e-mail reminding everyone who donated that the character got released to make sure they don't miss out on them.


I downloaded Skullgirls again because of the Beowulf hype. And no, I still can't get into this game :[ I'm not sure what's about it that simply doesn't click with me. Oh well.


Lab Zero went with this solution because it would have been too much of a hassle making sure everyone who donated got a key for each DLC character otherwise, if I'm not mistaken.
Nah, the keys were given for donators all right, it's really just to give interested players a chance to get the characters for free while keeping long-term profits possible.


Nah, the keys were given for donators all right, it's really just to give interested players a chance to get the characters for free while keeping long-term profits possible.

I think that was meant for the PS360 players. Though on PC even a GPU as lowly as the Intel HD 4000 could run the game.
so anybody training vulva in the blanka chun matchup? Also if juicebox is still reading, how do you fight mai in kof13. I always get my shit blown in when fighting against our local mai player. stupid fans are like +100 on block

Mr. X

Nah, the keys were given for donators all right, it's really just to give interested players a chance to get the characters for free while keeping long-term profits possible.
DLC key cost money on consoles. They saved money by just putting up a 3 month window to dl them free.


aris doing an anti-420 edition stream right now
so anybody training vulva in the blanka chun matchup? Also if juicebox is still reading, how do you fight mai in kof13. I always get my shit blown in when fighting against our local mai player. stupid fans are like +100 on block

He got out of his Evo pools last year against Blanka tho


so anybody training vulva in the blanka chun matchup? Also if juicebox is still reading, how do you fight mai in kof13. I always get my shit blown in when fighting against our local mai player. stupid fans are like +100 on block

Git gud heheheh #gotem

Really though you just gotta get in and stay in on Mai. Stand your ground in the neutral. Don't jump midscreen unless it's on reaction to a fan or you're close enough that her grounded normals can't threaten you. If you score a knockdown there's nothing she can do on wakeup without 2+ bars and even then she has nothing to threaten the space directly above her except for neomax. Keep airthrow in mind but understand that it's a pretty risky guess if she has to do it defensively.

Basically your #1 goal against Mai should be to corner her. Once she's there, don't let her out without forcing her to use meter. Practice whatever frame traps you've got 'cause her only meterless options to escape are pressing buttons or jumping/rolling out.
If this actually happens, the only team in my mind that would stand a chance would be PR Rog, FullSchedule and Cloud805. Cloud has taken has Justin, Rog can take down Champ and FullSchedule has a solid chance against Chris. Seeing the three marvel gods together in one team is terrifying lol

Is FullSchedule going to NWM?
Booo. Ok. Fair enough.

I saw that tweet...that's kind of brutal as a team. Is FullSchedule coming? Only one of those I know that is coming is PR-Rog

I saw on Reddit that Cloud is going too. Haven't heard anything about FullSchedule, I would be surprised if he traveled that far.


Slayer of Combofiends
Is FullSchedule going to NWM?

Its only 3 hours by plane, I can see it happening if he finds a cheap flight or he gets a hook up.

I saw on Reddit that Cloud is going too. Haven't heard anything about FullSchedule, I would be surprised if he traveled that far.

Well time to find someone who is as good as him lol, which is highly unlikely unless a Terry Bogard anomaly pops up again.


Neo Member
Sup guys. /r/StreetFighter tournament in a few hours, we had a 59 person turnout last week if you want to join.

We're also going to be covering NWM7 this weekend with the same tournament coverage we had at NCR, hopefully with a few mentions on stream.

El Sloth

We actually linked our checklist in the thread, it's fixed now :/ whoops

We're on PC, everything should be in the rules thread.
lol I saw that. How organized of you!
I saw the gaf checklist too!
Alright, that's too bad. I keep bodying myself with this shitty laptop.

Wish we still had someone who was still willing to do ranbats or a weekly thing on gaf.


Sup guys. /r/StreetFighter tournament in a few hours, we had a 59 person turnout last week if you want to join.

We're also going to be covering NWM7 this weekend with the same tournament coverage we had at NCR, hopefully with a few mentions on stream.
I'd enter but I won't be home til like 10est. Im about to watch a movie in a theatre so I won't be able to check back in until after it ends. If there's room, can you enter me?
Edit: signed up. Gonna be rushing home after this movie haha


FGC Waterboy
Shouta, am I allowed to start spoiling NWM tidbits yet here or no? :D

Also, I never did get my title of FGC waterboy after last year's NWM. :D
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