From what I can see, Skullgirls has 2 pretty glaring problems. The first one is what everyone complains about (the artwork, I don't mind it that much) and the second is that the character roster isn't big enough to support a team game. They started with 8 and now they have 14 characters? It wouldn't be this big of a problem if the game was 1v1 only, is all I'm saying.
I'm not a fan of ratio systems- either do 1v1 or team vs team and build the game from the ground up based on which you choose.
I would have liked it more if it was 1v1. My two biggest problems with it is having to learn multiple 6 buttons characters and down time, both of which wouldn't be as bad if it was 1v1.From what I can see, Skullgirls has 2 pretty glaring problems. The first one is what everyone complains about (the artwork, I don't mind it that much) and the second is that the character roster isn't big enough to support a team game. They started with 8 and now they have 14 characters? It wouldn't be this big of a problem if the game was 1v1 only, is all I'm saying.
Who are you? Stealing Coffeeling's account and writing positive things about SFIV!
*joins angry french mob* We are gonna kick your ass, Thomasorus!
Yo, if we're putting game shit in the title now then where da fuck is blazblue?
excellentIn japan
I gave up around CS2. Phantasma is great, but I can't deal with these expensive disc releases anymore. There is good news, though. CPExtend will probably end up on Steam sooner rather than later. You'll have to wait for your witch a while longer, though.Goddamn. I couldn't handle being a fan of this series. Did they at least add a big new story mode to continue stuff along there?
I'm a known major fanboy, so I'm probably going to end up being biased...From what I can see, Skullgirls has 2 pretty glaring problems. The first one is what everyone complains about (the artwork, I don't mind it that much) and the second is that the character roster isn't big enough to support a team game. They started with 8 and now they have 14 characters? It wouldn't be this big of a problem if the game was 1v1 only, is all I'm saying.
Down the road should Capcom ever make another versus fighter.
make capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcommake capcom vs capcom, capcom
It's that time again...
I don't really like a lot of mechanics that most games have now. I'd say the only one I truly like is EX Mode from Dissidia. When you hit the opponent (or get hit), tiny spheres will fly out, which your character can collect. Once you fill up your EX Bar, you can activate EX Mode which will grant unique bonuses and allow access to a super move. Think of it like Dark Force from Vampire Savior, but with a "controllable" timer. Each character gets their health regenerated (a small percentage every 4-ish real-time seconds), gets a raised critical hit percentage, and one or two special abilities. Some examples include all of Cloud's sword attacks becoming unblockable, Tidus' movement/attack speed being doubled, Terra's attacks hit twice, etc.
The ones that I don't mind would be Rage from Tekken, and Clashes from Injustice. They're not stupidly overpowered to the point where it becomes a constant thing you have to watch. In Injustice's case, it's still something you have to worry about, but it's not overpowered at all and it's done really well.
Least favorite mechanic is X-Factor, bar-none.
At least with BBCPEX they threw in all the DLC. Those stages and songs and announcers really added up. If you bought the DLC already though, you're probably not too excited. If you don't care about any of that, you're also not too excited.
It's still pretty shitty, especially when you consider it launches with even more new DLC, but it could actually be worse. This is basically the "definitive goty edition", except it comes with a balance update, which sucks for the people who just want the update.
Because people buy it.Has Arc ever given an excuse as to why they do it this way?
Has Arc ever given an excuse as to why they do it this way? This shit is fucking ridiculous.
From M2K's fb: "I dropped out of melee singles cuz i was feeling depressed/unconfident in how i was playing and i felt like switching games all day was messing me up badly so im trying to do good in smash4 since i feel better in this today than melee. Stop making things up people."[/url]
Japan. It's an old holdover of whatever business that the core fans will still buy I guess. I'm curious what the guys at Aksys think though, they cannot be happy with trying to sell that here as a new disc, especially after CSEX.
I personally love the art and am always baffled when someone says they don't like it. Though I do think they should have cut down on the cheese, it was a bit too much.
Are they required to sell it? If it's not going to make them any money because of poor sales, they could say no.
They obviously make something over here selling it. I'll just say that Arc's business model is such a ripoff I probably wouldn't buy their games even if they were day and date on Steam. They just aren't trustable enough.
Japan. It's an old holdover of whatever business that the core fans will still buy I guess. I'm curious what the guys at Aksys think though, they cannot be happy with trying to sell that here as a new disc, especially after CSEX.
A lot of the characters are cheesed up for no reason, or just uninteresting looking. Or in the case of the bad guys, dressed or in subservient positions for fuck all reasons. I'll say this again, any particular reason valentine isn't a doctor, but a nurse. Or everyone almost or does have their butts hanging out. It seems like a lot of those character designs started out not that, but someone said do that , and they did. Its hard to make character feel like they were forced to be sexy, but there they are.
Not disagreeing with you their. I just meant that the base art-style used is very nice if you disregard the cheese.
Yeah, but it seems stupid to release all but one character as DLC and then release the last one exclusive to a new edition.
It's that time again...
I know Satarouman has been wanting to MM Louffy for some time now but for $10000
He just made GodChan's Sagat look like Marz'.
Louffy doesn't even have to bring the money with him.
This gonna be Mike Tyson vs a Toddler b
sorry 4 character designs , squiggly is aiight. But yeah, the animation and the art style is fine, its just the character designs. Like characters are more the sellinng points in your fighting game, than almost any other genre. And when I look at a game and most of them are bad, thats a pretty big screw up.
I'm willing to bet that would go over way better for the NA market, but then you'd have to deal with reverse importing and the JP community and yeah. If you guys think this is bad, you should see how hard actual otaku and anime fans get fucked. It is absurd. Hell, if you wanted the DLC for the JP edition of BBCP, you had to shell out for all of the Blurays for the shitty Blazblue anime just to get old stages and music. Hundreds of dollars just to have the good CS music. In the NA market, they managed to release those as just standard DLC, considering those BDs weren't going to be available in NA and people would just go nuts.
I knew things are bad in japan but not this bad.
It gets way worse. Anime industry is kind of fucked. If you think game stuff is bad, you haven't seen a Blu Ray for your favorite show cost hundreds of dollars, then watch people buy it because they threw in some nipples.
It gets way worse. Anime industry is kind of fucked. If you think game stuff is bad, you haven't seen a Blu Ray for your favorite show cost hundreds of dollars, then watch people buy it because they threw in some nipples.
i wish skullgirls had a slowdown mode. i always want to appreciate the artwork of the various movements.
i wish skullgirls had a slowdown mode. i always want to appreciate the artwork of the various movements.
Find that dude on nico who does 2 hour long frame by frame breakdowns of panty shots, I'm sure he'll give you the hook up.
It does in training mode.
$10,000 money match goin down and y'all niggas still talking about anime
I like how it turned out because it's the most solid versus game imaginable all things considered (small roster, lack of funding and small development team size). It has grown a lot despite experiencing far more than most games have in twice the time and it's honestly a miracle that it's gotten this far. I know one thing for a fact after all my time as a minion. We'd freaking LOVE to get attention, consideration, cooperation and input in MvC3 that Lab Zero applied to Skullgirls post release (Capcom isn't entirely to blame here, licenses are a thing).
I'd totally agree to judge the game as you have had it released at a $60 pricepoint, but Lab Zero really did wonders with an 8 character digital fighter released at a dirt cheap $15 pricepoint. Such a model is LITERALLY impossible for Capcom to even fathom (obviously after how hard it became just to get the SFV project up and running with the help of Sony). It also might have gone better had legal troubles not slammed Autumn Games and Konami from day one. Squigly's development was stalled partway through and it even showed in the lower price for getting her done using the IGG campaign. To this day the game actually remains incomplete without Umbrella, Dahlia and Marie.
It may not be Mahvel tier, but it was good enough to sell a few hundred thousand copies while offering a ton of unique ideas that are sure to show up down the road should Capcom ever make another versus fighter.
I know Satarouman has been wanting to MM Louffy for some time now but for $10000
He just made GodChan's Sagat look like Marz'.
Louffy doesn't even have to bring the money with him.
This gonna be Mike Tyson vs a Toddler b
I didn't Mewtwo's nair was a safe air move. This is good info, thanks.Nair, man. It comes out on F6 or 7, I forget. With pre-jump frames, it's just 4 frames slower than Fortress, but it is 100% safe and has lots of priority and mobility, plus it can combo at some %s. I watched ZeRo play for 30 minutes, and not one Nair OoS - so many missed opportunities.
Least you took a game! The only times I'm getting wins at the moment is because people don't expect the random Fortune level 3 lol.Just finished going 1-30 against Duckator. Sometimes it is good to know your place in the world.
In the trash where Beowulf snapped me to
Whether is pad or stick the trick is in the left hand. You have to press forward + kick and then immediately afterwards press back. I can't stress this enough. Then after getting the charge there are two other critical timings: to QUICKLY press forward + P + H (so you get as much charge as possible before pressing forward), in the same frame if possible , and then to wait 15 frames to do again forward + K and then hold back AGAIN. I can't tell you how important the very fast forward to back and back to forward movements are. Remember you have a 3 frames window for error. Also the more hits you get, the harder it is to do because the opponent recovers faster. So if you're getting the 3rd rep to miss, my best guess is that it's a combination of not doing the HFB as soon as possible and not doing the 6K afterwards as early as possible.
I'm going to use my "basic 6K loop" as an example. The first hit is the sweep, the second hit, the first 6K is VERY easy to cancel early because you have the roman cancel slowdown to get the charge. The second 6K is the only true "6K loop" cancel because you have no buffer, no roman cancel nor other charge trick to make it easier so it's the hardest part of the combo. The 2S is easier to link because it's 2 frames faster than a 6K and getting the third 6K to connect is a joke because it's a chain combo. You can do it a bit early and you'll get some buffering time to get the charge so it's easier than a regular loop. And the fourth 6K is even easier because you're not worried about doing the forward into back because you're cancelling it into Heat Knuckle.
So as basic practice I would say you can do sweep into RC into 6K xx HFB, 2S into 6K xx HFB, 5H xx Heat Knuckle xx Heat Extend(works on all characters). Once you get that combo going you can do sweep into RC into 6K xx HFB, 2S into 6K xx HFB, 2S into 6K xx HFB, 2H xx Heavenly Potemkin Buster(character specific, try it on Sol or Ky), you have to do the cancels on this one a bit faster tho. Then after you can do those with your eyes closed you can start adding true "6K loop" cancels like with the "basic 6K loop" combo above(the one with the video link), first one 6K after the "easy charge because of the RC" first 6K, then two and so on. That's why I practiced doing 6K into HFB into 6K into HFB from one corner of the screen to the other corner and back again: to get the optimal charge time(and press back very fast after the 6Ks) and to get down the optimal timing for a 6K after the HFB.
PS: For the "dumb corner combo"(which is character specific) there's a catch: you have to cancel the first 6K LATE so you get more forward movement so the second 6K(after the second 2S) reaches the opponent in time. Finally, RIP your hands.
I'll take a page from Seth Killian and say over complicated attacks for least favorite and supers for most favorite.It's that time again...
It gets way worse. Anime industry is kind of fucked. If you think game stuff is bad, you haven't seen a Blu Ray for your favorite show cost hundreds of dollars, then watch people buy it because they threw in some nipples.
$10,000 money match goin down and y'all niggas still talking about anime
Thing is, I like the game mechanically but it being a team game means that there's very little variety to be found in the matches since you have such a tiny amount of characters.
Had it been designed to be a 1v1 game, it would've been better in that sense.
Oh, i already knew about anime prices. But having to go on a wold goose chase for DLC like that is crazy.
But what if the artist is a perv.i'm not in it for the panty shots.
i just like all the intricate details that the artist put in.
That's because Japan is way more into merchandising cross promotion than America. Where in America shit gets carved up for various retailers, while japan breaks out the DLC for whatever licensed merchandise or cross promotional material someone might be pushing.
But what if the artist is a perv.