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Do we expect Splatoon to be the next major Nintendo I.P.?

Mikey Jr.

I think sales wise it will do poorly.

It is not going to attract gamers from PS4/Xbone to get a WiiU to play this. There are WAY more games on those systems that are much more feature rich. Also it doesn't seem very competitive, and more "fun for everyone!" type of game.

I think there is a big deal for this game because its a first for a Nintendo IP to be a "shooter".


Neoxon is talking some sense here.

Let's look at this Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 comparison, since these are the parallels most folks want to draw when speculating on Splatoon's sales. You've got a new IP making its debut on the Wii U alongside a mid-tier Nintendo IP, if we're comfortable with that term (far from Mario and just as far from Dillon, let's say).

As has been noted, Nintendo put very little effort behind marketing TW101, and it had a game on its hands that -- love it as I do -- was incredibly inaccessible and faced middle-of-the-road reviews. Similarly, the late Summer of 2013, when both games released, was an absolutely abysmal period for Wii U sales. By September 2013, the Wii U had an install base of 3.91 million units. Anecdotally, the console was treated like a cancer by gamers and press. According to a site that shall not be named, just to give us a rough idea, TW101 has pulled down a little over 300,000 copies while Pikmin three has done just under 1 million.

Now, let's look at Splatoon's situation. The marketing seems to be there. From Miyamoto talking the game up to the current art contest, the Tumblr, the recent (and glowingly positive) press hands-on, the "Mess Fest" going down in L.A. this month -- in any case, Splatoon has enjoyed a hell of a lot more Nintendo-generated buzz than TW101 (or than Code Name S.T.E.A.M., another common comparison), and it's still about a month from release. The amiibo factor also can't be underestimated; I don't think I need a citation to illustrate how insanely popular they are. More than that, you have a significantly more positive Wii U landscape. This is the post-Mario Kart, post-Smash, post-amiibo Wii U. It ain't setting the world on fire, but its mindshare seems more positive all-around, and its install base was up to 9.2 million by February 2015 (giving Splatoon another four months of install base growth to take advantage of -- I'll edit if anyone wants to dig up more current numbers).

I don't know how you can look at that and honestly think that Splatoon will do Wonderful 101 numbers. I think 1 million is a fair estimate, given the marketing, amiibo factor and far larger install base.

Will it be the next "major" IP? No, it won't be Mario. It won't be Zelda. But I predict it'll likely be an evergreen, slow-burn title, like many of Nintendo's games historically are. Nintendo is also cognizant of Wii U sales figures; we can safely assume the company doesn't have Wii-like expectations for the sales of their Wii U games, and that they temper the budgets accordingly (I think they also view the games as investments for the Wii U, as their philosophy is that good games sell consoles -- thank the fuck Christ).

That said, if it does solidly on Wii U (again, around 1 million), I think we'll see a sequel on a new platform that has, theoretically, a much healthier install base.

TLDR: Yeah, about like Pikmin.
Considering how much of the Nintendo fanbase I've encountered over the years that loudly dismissed shooters and online play, I don't really expect it to do all that well, even among Nintendo's diehard crowd.


Junior Member
Neoxon is talking some sense here.

Let's look at this Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 comparison, since these are the parallels most folks want to draw when speculating on Splatoon's sales. You've got a new IP making it's debut on the Wii U alongside a mid-tier Nintendo IP, if we're comfortable with that term (far from Mario and just as far from Dillon, let's say).

As has been noted, Nintendo put very little effort behind marketing TW101, and it had a game on its hands that -- love it as I do -- was incredibly inaccessible and faced middle-of-the-road reviews. Similarly, the late Summer of 2013, when both games released, was an absolutely abysmal period for Wii U sales. By September 2013, the Wii U had an install base of 3.91 million units. Anecdotally, the console was treated like a cancer by gamers and press. According to a site that shall not be named, just to give us a rough idea, TW101 has pulled down a little over 300,000 copies while Pikmin three has done just under 1 million.

Now, let's look at Splatoon's situation. The marketing seems to be there. From Miyamoto talking the game up to the current art contest, the Tumblr, the recent (and glowingly positive) press hands-on, the "Mess Fest" going down in L.A. this month -- in any case, Splatoon has enjoyed a hell of a lot more Nintendo-generated buzz than TW101 (or than Code Name S.T.E.A.M., another common comparison), and it's still about a month from release. The amiibo factor also can't be underestimated; I don't think I need a citation to illustrate how insanely popular they are. More than that, you have a significantly more positive Wii U landscape. This is the post-Mario Kart, post-Smash, post-amiibo Wii U. It ain't setting the world on fire, but its mindshare seems more positive all-around, and its install base was up to 9.2 million by February 2015 (giving Splatoon another four months of install base growth to take advantage of -- I'll edit if anyone wants to dig up more current numbers).

I don't know how you can look at that and honestly think that Splatoon will do Wonderful 101 numbers. I think 1 million is a fair estimate, given the marketing, amiibo factor and far larger install base.

Will it be the next "major" IP? No, it won't be Mario. It won't be Zelda. But I predict it'll likely be an evergreen, slow-burn title, like many of Nintendo's games historically are. Nintendo is also cognizant of Wii U sales figures; we can safely assume the company doesn't have Wii-like expectations for the sales of their Wiii U games, and that they temper the budgets accordingly (I think they also view the games as investments for the Wii U, as their philosophy is that good games sell consoles -- thank the fuck Christ).

That said, if it does solidly on Wii U (again, around 1 million), I think we'll see a sequel on a new platform that has, theoretically, a much larger install base.

TLDR: Yeah, about like Pikmin.
This is basically a more detailed version of what I've been saying. So yeah, I agree entirely.
The game finally comes out at the end of the month. Previews have praised the game, and it seems to already have a nice little fan-base.

Splatoon seems to be a competitive shooter, which is something Nintendo is practically new to. It seems to be a game with AAA written over it (great production values from one of the top developers, plus the gameplay seems to be great.) Will that make Splatoon the next big Nintendo I.P.?

Nobody is asking if the game will "save the WiiU", but how big do we expect it to be? Million seller like Mario Kart? Niche game? Cult-hit?

It's far too early to tell.
A new IP on the Wii-U. You just can't expect too much. It's simply unfair.
Even Pikmin and DK have/had trouble breaking a million on the Wii-U.

If I had to guess. Between 400K and 600K LTD WW seems realistic.
Seriously. I really hope it does well / better than that but lets stay realistic.
I'm getting it at least. So it gets my support.
Its a great looking concept so i hope so, but honestly they should have gone the Mario universe for characters. They are generic CG Student dross that no one will attach to which i fear will harm it, ridiculously enough. Still, people like crap characters so what do i know.


600k copies or higher worldwide by the end of the system's lifetime

I'm going to include bundle numbers in this, and I'm not just looking at the currently revealed bb only splatoon bundle. I think it will become a future pack-in.


This is basically a more detailed version of what I've been saying. So yeah, I agree entirely.

Yep, exactly. I had the same thoughts when I read the thread title, so I figured I'd spell them out since so many people are still saying "it'll sell like the Wonderful 101," despite the lucid points you've been making. They're likely drive-bys that won't read a multi-paragraph post, anyway, but what can you do.


Junior Member
Its a great looking concept so i hope so, but honestly they should have gone the Mario universe for characters. They are generic CG Student dross that no one will attach to which i fear will harm it, ridiculously enough. Still, people like crap characters so what do i know.
Fun Fact: This game was almost a Mario game, but the developers thought that Nintendo could use some more new IPs & had more unique ideas, so they decided to go with entirely new characters.

But your post is the exact kind of logic that bothers me. People want new IPs, yet when Nintendo gives us a new IP they want it with Mario characters. Nintendo honestly can't win either way. Plus the designs were well-received by the majority.


Its a great looking concept so i hope so, but honestly they should have gone the Mario universe for characters. They are generic CG Student dross that no one will attach to which i fear will harm it, ridiculously enough. Still, people like crap characters so what do i know.

I mean, I can't really cite a statistic here or anything, but haven't the character designs been received extremely well, on the whole?


Its a great looking concept so i hope so, but honestly they should have gone the Mario universe for characters. They are generic CG Student dross that no one will attach to which i fear will harm it, ridiculously enough. Still, people like crap characters so what do i know.

within days of the trailer airing the internet was flooded with fanart. hell, people have become perhaps inordinately attached to the characters based on style alone without learning anything at all about them

I'd definitely put it at Pikmin-tier and I think Converse's arguement is convincing


Junior Member
I mean, I can't really cite a statistic here or anything, but haven't the character designs been received extremely well, on the whole?
within days of the trailer airing the internet was flooded with fanart. hell, people have become perhaps inordinately attached to the characters based on style alone without learning anything at all about them

I'd definitely put it at Pikmin-tier and I think Converse's arguement is convincing
These guys get it. Bad designs don't gather a flood of fan-art right when your characters are revealed.


Splatoon is here to stay. Core game is more than solid, innovative concept, with depth. fun and easy to play. Nintendo is pushing the game first class and it will have post release support, + amiibo, the brand/visual style stand out... It will do good in the short/middle term - I believe it will easely pass the million ltd, so ok for a new Wii U ip - and it'll become a franchise. Get ready for Spla2oon, SplatOOOn, Spl4toon and 5platoon...

See this is how people end up making people think its supposed to hit a certain quota or something. Then when it doesnt the jokes and the press make a big deal about it. I can see the polygon article title now.

"Nintendo's new innovative shooter isnt innovative enough to be the highest selling game of May." lol


I predict a bomba, but I hope I'm wrong. Love the artstyle and the amiibos.

Also while the game looks good enough and appears to be fun, I think that it's not my thing. I'm probably not buying this or leaving it to the future.



See this is how people end up making people think its supposed to hit a certain quota or something. Then when it doesnt the jokes and the press make a big deal about it. I can see the polygon article title now.

"Nintendo's new innovative shooter isnt innovative enough to be the highest selling game of May." lol

Well... I get what you are saying, but it does have a quota, all games do.

I hope it does well, it looks fun, but hostile environment is an understatement when it comes to Wii U.
People saying "bomba" or that it'll bomb, can you guys be a bit more clear with the number you expect? By bomba do you mean sub 500k? Less? Sub 700k?


People saying "bomba" or that it'll bomb, can you guys be a bit more clear with the number you expect? By bomba do you mean sub 500k? Less? Sub 700k?

Sub 300k I'd guess. But this time I really want to eat some crows. I'm really pessimistic after Tropical Freeze numbers.


Bloodborne just came out, theres TW3, and ppl into competitive shooting are playing cs:go like maniacs. I feel like they have no audience for this.. I hope it does well, ill buy it if the reviews r gud!
I doubt it. I reckon it'll hit a couple of hundred thousand tops, lifetime. The super-core Nintendo crowd keeping the Wii U on life support will make some noise about it, as they are now.


Hard to say..it really depends on if they are planning a strong marketing campaign to a wider audience...

..based on how little they have spent on marketing in recent years I can't say I expect much. It'll do better than Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2.
I expect it to have critical and financial success in line with STEAM.
So you're expecting close to a 70% on metacritic and 35k in the first month then?
If it receives those kinds of reviews then I would agree, though previews paint a nicer picture thus far (hopefully)
Sub 300k I'd guess. But this time I really want to eat some crows.
So less than half of Pikmin 3 and DKCTF with more promotion?
Bloodborne just came out, theres TW3, and ppl into competitive shooting are playing cs:go like maniacs. I feel like they have no audience for this.. I hope it does well, ill buy it if the reviews r gud![/QUOTE
Don't think the Bloodborne/TW3 audience is the audience for Splatoon. Don't think CS:Go has much to do with anything either.
So you're expecting close to a 70% on metacritic and 35k in the first month then?
If it receives those kinds of reviews then I would agree, though previews paint a nicer picture thus far (hopefully)
That's not entirely fair because STEAM is US only I believe, but pretty much. I'm not too optimistic about how the multiplayer will hold up, but I'd love to be proven wrong.
Since when are previews ever negative though?
I guess it's not too common outside of trash like Sonic Boom. Still, expecting sub 75% from what we have to go on doesn't seem fair.
That's not entirely fair because STEAM is US only I believe, but pretty much. I'm not too optimistic about how the multiplayer will hold up, but I'd love to be proven wrong.
Well, we don't have CN:Steam numbers to go on outside of the US, so I guess that's not a good example.


Splatoon is here to stay. Core game is more than solid, innovative concept, with depth. fun and easy to play. Nintendo is pushing the game first class and it will have post release support, + amiibo, the brand/visual style stand out... It will do good in the short/middle term - I believe it will easely pass the million ltd, so ok for a new Wii U ip - and it'll become a franchise. Get ready for Spla2oon, SplatOOOn, Spl4toon and 5platoon...

This is awesome :D
I guess it's not too common outside of trash like Sonic Boom. Still, expecting sub 75% from what we have to go on doesn't seem fair.

Well, we don't have CN:Steam numbers to go on outside of the US, so I guess that's not a good example.
Sonic Boom was the one example I thought of too lol
I mean, I can't really cite a statistic here or anything, but haven't the character designs been received extremely well, on the whole?

within days of the trailer airing the internet was flooded with fanart. hell, people have become perhaps inordinately attached to the characters based on style alone without learning anything at all about them

I'd definitely put it at Pikmin-tier and I think Converse's arguement is convincing

These guys get it. Bad designs don't gather a flood of fan-art right when your characters are revealed.

Something interesting from the Edge interview:

"We think the uniqueness of the characters won't stop here with Splatoon, but could potentially develop into all kinds of different games. Having said that, though, Splatoon has only just arrived, and the truth is that it's completely unknown to people at the moment. Most people in the world don't even take that much interest in games, and I think getting them to know about Splatoon, let alone even play it, is going to be a hugely difficult task."

We might even see the inklings in games beyond Splatoon. Which is nice to hear.
Still. The devs are pretty modest and know how difficult things will be.


Since when are previews ever negative though?

The Order is a recent example I can think of.
Hyped up for quite some time as Sony's next big thing with a huge budget behind it but just a deal of significant previews prior to release were tepid about the entire ordeal.

Fox Mulder

It looks neat and I hope it does well, but it's probably not for me. The gimped local multiplayer, lack of voice chat online, and probably a tacked on smaller single player turns me off.


I think sales wise it will do poorly.

It is not going to attract gamers from PS4/Xbone to get a WiiU to play this. There are WAY more games on those systems that are much more feature rich. Also it doesn't seem very competitive, and more "fun for everyone!" type of game.

I think there is a big deal for this game because its a first for a Nintendo IP to be a "shooter".

the kind of game it looks to be reminds me more of team fortress 2 than stuff on the ps4 or xbox one. i went into tf2 spy mode at e3 and went behind enemy lines, soaking their spawn point with paint and really ruining their day while everyone else fought fruitlessly head-to-head. in the end, our team lost by a single point, but i had scored more points than anyone in the game.
More promotion? TV ads already started? Depending on the marketing campaign and metacritic I think Pikmin 3 numbers wouldn't be unreasonable. But I'm not betting in this.
The game is about a month off, and there have been several small promotional material given out. We also have a direct this week and I expect marketing to start a bit after then.
Just seems like they are putting some weight into marketing this game, could be wrong but that seems to be the general consensus.


Junior Member
Something interesting from the Edge interview:

"We think the uniqueness of the characters won't stop here with Splatoon, but could potentially develop into all kinds of different games. Having said that, though, Splatoon has only just arrived, and the truth is that it's completely unknown to people at the moment. Most people in the world don't even take that much interest in games, and I think getting them to know about Splatoon, let alone even play it, is going to be a hugely difficult task."

We might even see the inklings in games beyond Splatoon. Which is nice to hear.
Still. The devs are pretty modest and know how difficult things will be.
I think they mean games like Smash or costumes in MK8.


I think it'll be a total bust, but those couple of months the playerbase sticks around are going to be a pretty sweet ride down.
Next big IP is not dependent solely on the first game. For it to become a major nintendo IP it'll take time and multiple iterations. I don't think anyone, including Nintendo, expects it to compete with stuff like Mario or Zelda right now, especially given the size of the userbase. The question is more "can this lay the groundwork for future installments", rather than "Will this be huge right away"
The Order is a recent example I can think of.
Hyped up for quite some time as Sony's next big thing with a huge budget behind it but just a deal of significant previews prior to release were tepid about the entire ordeal.

Honestly, The Order turned out exactly as anyone paying attention to all the previews and details expected. What's important with previews is to not get caught up in hype words, or care about shit like budgets, and pay attention to what is actually happening, how confined or open a preview is, what questions are and are not answered


The game is about a month off, and there have been several small promotional material given out. We also have a direct this week and I expect marketing to start a bit after then.
Just seems like they are putting some weight into marketing this game, could be wrong but that seems to be the general consensus.

all you need to know about the marketing is that last year at e3 with mario maker, yoshi, and hyrule warriors as the other new games on the show floor, super smash bros. got a stage and about 20 kiosks, while splatoon had a dedicated space with two floors so sixteen people could play at once.

Dr. Buni

It looks neat and I hope it does well, but it's probably not for me. The gimped local multiplayer, lack of voice chat online, and probably a tacked on smaller single player turns me off.
Nothing so far suggests the single player is "tacked on".
I don't think so. It doesn't seem to babe enough new about it to make it hit and its launching on Wii u this hampering the ability of it to find a large audience.


The game is about a month off, and there have been several small promotional material given out. We also have a direct this week and I expect marketing to start a bit after then.
Just seems like they are putting some weight into marketing this game, could be wrong but that seems to be the general consensus.

In my wet dream the game will be revolutionary and will be for Wii U what Pokemon was to GB. The problem imo is that I don't see the game appealing to most of current Wii U owners. But also if it sell well it probably will move a lot of consoles.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I think it will have more success than TW101 and CN Steam.
For starters, people really like the characters. How much TW101 and CN fan art did you see before release?

TW101, and CN Steam both suffered from identity problems.
TW101 looked like a pikmin clone, played nothing like it, and didn't explain anything.
CN Steam reveal made everyone go "OMG! Golden age comics!" before everyone remembered the game was on the 3DS with the technical ability to match and long wait turns.

Splatoon looks charming, has amiibo support, and probably more people know about it than TW101 X CN Steam combined.
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