
...hey everyone, if I post "normally" will you accept me into your social group?
I promise to behave from now on.
...hey everyone, if I post "normally" will you accept me into your social group?
I promise to behave from now on.
...hey everyone, if I post "normally" will you accept me into your social group?
I promise to behave from now on.
The only way me and Darryl could be suspicious is if you think our strategy was to bus one of our own on Day One. I mean, it's not out of the realm of possibility, but it's a terrible place to start.
If the cult did decide to throw Prodigy under the bus, I only think one of you two would be cult. That's just my feeling on the matter. Although I raised my suspicions earlier on this, it was mostly just to get people thinking that this might be the case. By itself, I don't think it means much but it could be very important later.
The only way me and Darryl could be suspicious is if you think our strategy was to bus one of our own on Day One. I mean, it's not out of the realm of possibility, but it's a terrible place to start.
Why not? He lost 2-7, you could have easily known he wouldn't lose that day and planned it as evidence for the future.The only way me and Darryl could be suspicious is if you think our strategy was to bus one of our own on Day One. I mean, it's not out of the realm of possibility, but it's a terrible place to start.
Why not? He lost 2-7, you could have easily known he wouldn't lose that day and planned it as evidence for the future.
Yes, but Lp also had a pretty horrible start. If it was a bandwagon it could be argued that you(one of you) made the best of a bad situation.
Can someone count how many angles I've tried to take towards not getting myself lynched today? What form is this now?
While these could be points to bring up in the future, they're not really worth talking about on day 2 when it seems that almost every other scenario to the contrary is more plausible.
Can someone count how many angles I've tried to take towards not getting myself lynched today? What form is this now?
Have I used the "angsty statement of self-isolation in the hopes of baiting pity unvotes" yet? No, right?
Uhh, okay--
*sigh* It's 5AM here, going to bed.
I can tell when I'm not wanted anymore. I'm just going to start lurking from now on. I apologize to everyone, for, like, ruining your game, and tarnishing your entire community and its reputation. Sorry.
I'll take a step back for Season 4 and try hosting from now on instead of playing, if I can get the game plan written up by then. I'm better suited to be behind-the-scenes. Enjoy your kill-free Night. I hope you enjoy the rest of the game without my inane monologues and caps lock to distract you. I just wanted to try a play-style that didn't involve the usual approach. I'm sorry.
Please, forgive me. Enjoy the rest of the game. it working, are you pity-unvoting me yet
I'm tempted to enter an unvote for Blarg, even though I haven't actually voted for him officially.
But I don't want to piss ofZatothOurobolus.
Can someone count how many angles I've tried to take towards not getting myself lynched today? What form is this now?
Have I used the "angsty statement of self-isolation in the hopes of baiting pity unvotes" yet? No, right?
Uhh, okay--
*sigh* It's 5AM here, going to bed.
I can tell when I'm not wanted anymore. I'm just going to start lurking from now on. I apologize to everyone, for, like, ruining your game, and tarnishing your entire community and its reputation. Sorry.
I'll take a step back for Season 4 and try hosting from now on instead of playing, if I can get the game plan written up by then. I'm better suited to be behind-the-scenes. Enjoy your kill-free Night. I hope you enjoy the rest of the game without my inane monologues and caps lock to distract you. I just wanted to try a play-style that didn't involve the usual approach. I'm sorry.
Please, forgive me. Enjoy the rest of the game. it working, are you pity-unvoting me yet
Don't bitch me out, I didn't vote to lynch you. Even though you think I'm a cultist because reasons.I got all these cards and I don't know which one to FLIP
I tried the "appeal to your spirit of adventure and natural human curiosity" card, right?
What the hell is going to work on you people, just let me live today damnit
I'm curious about what theories you might have to explain me, do tell.
You know, if you were to promise to play straight, and the other players thought they could play without being distracted, I would be willing to let you live. My only argument for lynching you is that we can't seem to move on.
On the other hand, telling you to stop being crazy would be like telling Edison to stop inventing, or telling DaVinci to stop painting.
Why not? He lost 2-7, you could have easily known he wouldn't lose that day and planned it as evidence for the future.
My offer is admittedly a hollow one, because I doubt any of the other players will agree.
What have I done?
Please don't hate me too much
Looks like I'm going to Sean Bean it again![]()
Don't bitch me out, I didn't vote to lynch you. Even though you think I'm a cultist because reasons.
Not necessarily. A solemn sincere promise, and execution, of sanity might might earn you another day.
I wrong thrwad
UNVOTE: Blargonaut
I don't know guys. I know it would be Pro Town to kill him tonight and I want that but I also feel like there's something much bigger behind what he's trying to say.
What that is exactly I don't know. I don't even know if there IS anything that he's trying to say but we know what he is. We can kill him tomorrow and choose someone we actually deem suspicious today knowing that what we do tomorrow will be Pro Town. We could potentially hit a Cultist today right, so why don't we take that chance and KNOW we will do something good tomorrow?
I don't know how I didn't see it before. It was there all along.
I've already told you all about my Win condition. I've fought for it. But the one thing I've failed to contemplate, is Matt Attack's Win condition. I've been dismissing him as a meddling kid all this time, and failed to pay attention to him.
Matt Attack wins once I'm gone. Once I get lynched today, he wins.
I disappear. ( -1 player from the game )
Matt Attack disappears. ( -1 player from the game )
The problem is, we're both Neutrals. We're not Cultists. Every non-Cult body in the game is a meat shield against the Cult's Win condition of outnumbering you. The Town will experience 2 deaths tonight if you lynch me, PLUS the possible 2 deaths by Cult night action and the possible 3rd party SK.
If you lynch me, Town has the potential to lose up to 4 bodies tonight, including me. Is that worth my Night protection blessing? I don't think so.
It would be best for Town not to lynch me. Just keep me alive, and you keep Matt Attack alive. You need to keep us around and not lynch us. It's better.
There's nothing bigger behind his words other than a desire to save his own life. Since we aren't in danger of pushing the vote anymore.
VOTE: Blargonaut
I've already brought up the probability that Matt gets removed from the game. I'd agree that it could be bad for us if we didn't already have a lead with the cult kill on day 1. We still gain more from you being killed now than later in terms less distractions and being able to better identify the non-cultist aligned killer's patterns tonight.
Bullshit. You're going to lynch me because I'm a "distraction"? You don't have Town's best interests at heart, Sorian. You need to read what I wrote above and understand how rational it is.
Your vote right there is a hurried push to get me out, and a desperate one. You're making a mistake.
Matt Attack will 100% leave the game upon my lynching. It's the same situation as johnnyquicknives being Han Solo/smuggler in the Star Wars game. He will leave with me.
Town needs to allow these deaths because it's still early game, your investigative roles need the smaller player count and there are still enough bodies to even the odds against them getting hit tonight. My power will be more effective on Day 3. Lynch me on Day 3.
Unvote me now, don't do this.
And what lead is that anyway? Tell me exactly what you learned from that Day 1 Cult kill.
Oh my god, just this one little word, I can almost TASTE the desire to survive. Blarg, you have nothing to really offer us anymore. I saved you the first night but no more.