Sawblade Bridge
Other chapters in the series:
Time for some reviewing!
correojon said:Dry Bones´ Disposal Center 1.1
This post reminded me of.My young brothers first level, a pretty neat short stage with 2 different paths, medium difficulty I'd say.
Molemans little Castle
I made a new level, if anyone wants to try it out. It's heavily influenced by the Cheese Bridge level of Super Mario World.
Actually, if anyone wants to try out my levels I linked previously in this thread, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've received no feedback yet, and they're doing terribly star/completion percentage-wise, even though my goal was just to make somewhat normal Mario platforming levels. Either I'm doing something wrong, or people just don't want that type of levels.
Amiibo Trails: Mario Kart - Very nice. At first I didn't watch the lower side of the level and did some mistakes on my part. Long story short, at the end I was standing in front of the last wall like an idiot, since I didn't know what to do. THEN I played it again and saw the shell at the lower part and well, I came second. :c
A star would be nice, since it plays the Super Mario Kart Star Theme.
Super Mario Planets - Planet 1-2 - Very nice looking, kinda difficult. I didn't know what to do first, then I followed a passage to find a koopa and with him a could hit that one question block with the spikey shell. However I destroyed both by hitting them together. lol. Didn't finish it, but will.
Super Mario Planets - Planet 1-1 - Involves some backtracking, which is fine per se, but I don't know if most of the casual people (you know, the noobs) get that. That place with the thousands of donut blocks was both great and difficult. The Idea is brilliant, but the last Wiggler killed me. :c
Anyhow, Starred all of them and follow you. Will play the rest of your levels soon.
Anyone have any factory levels? Need to steal some ideas and inspiration
Thanks for the honest advice!
It's really interesting how playing your own levels is completely different from playing others. I honestly really like my frustrating thwomp level, so I'll prob redesign the other one first, as to me its flaws are more apparent.
however,I'll likely redesign both levels when I have time. I've favorited who I believe you are, and will give your levels a go.
HahaThis post reminded me of.
I played a few of your levels and only ashley's adventure II was really worthwhile. The other ashley levels are way too punishing. And the thing in II, you'll waste a lot of time exploring the level and failing jumps and stuff.
I think you'll do fine if you strike a balance in what you want and what players want. It's okay to make hard levels, but make it so mistakes are on the player. That way you won't scare off the people that do play your level.
Let me know when you've finished your redesigns, I'll give them a good playtest![]()
One more Expert run and I can focus on Gnat Attack...then making levels and playing Gaf levels. UGH. So much Hell. This last run was better than the prior run, but it still wasn't very pretty. I got through a couple of trash levels, actually. Just awful.
There's going to be a massive release of tension when I finally get the final costumes. I wish Gnat Attack wasn't so damn rough. >_<
Yeah, I actually decided to add in some of the koopas to spice up the level a bit, and in doing so, tried to be cautious that there were no strictly unfair ones, but impatient players may get hurt; but there are plenty of power-ups to forgive them.Very nice looking level. A bit slow, since it's quite easy but it's only 1-3 after all. The secret pipe seemed impossible to take on my 2 first tries! Good job, starred!
Note : You can get vaught by surprise by red koopas when you jump up because they are off screen sometimes!
Awaiting feedback from you now![]()
If this means a mole can press that otherwise unreachable switch then I may return to test this theory.Whacker Mole Hollow has a 4% completion rate :/
70 people attempted it 148 times. Just 6 completes. So obviously the puzzle is too obscure and I kinda regret that.
(Assuming you figured out the doorstep trick but got stuck after that... there's naturally a way to trigger the ?-switch, but you need to trigger something else first! Hint: what have you been triggering throughout the level that might be able to help you? Question is, how do you get close enough to trigger it?)
That 1UP block was a kinda last second addition when I remembered that you could just hop on the ? block to cross the gap and never bother knocking a shell into it to unleash the vine, I figured I'd give something for those that didn't just hop over without the vine.Grow with the Flow was awesome! Dodging stuff on vines is a refreshing change after so much platforming. Except that 1up trick near the start caused all of my deaths, the rest of the level was fortunately in one go! Unease on the Seas was very well designed. One of the best 'airship' levels! Thank God I didn't follow the bullet bills off the end of the ship though (where you get the fireworks effect), as nothing is after it. Would've made a good secret!
If you post em or PM em I'll give them a whirl!!!Wow. I'm at 6/10 levels with ~20 stars, although my levels aren't played much either.
Jesus, the most horrifying part was the bullet bill riding the boo lol (the first one especially, but the giant one at the end was also horrifying). It was really fun, and although challenging did it in my first attempt. The boss fight was a little confusing though. It didn't feel like I was meant to kill him with my cape on the pipe. And flying up top was hard with all the podoboos.Nothing like a creatively bankrupt sequel stage! I'd call it acashstar grab but I'm pretty sure the only reason Smokin' Skull Stream is by far and away my most popular stage is because it had the right place, right time fortune of being the first GAF community spotlight (and thanks again, never had to worry about reaching my level limit thanks to that in part).
In any case I felt like playing with fire once again and I just love the SMW castle theme too much to not head back again so....
Skull Stream 2: Lakitu's Lockup (8529-0000-007F-E6AD)
Maybe Smokin' Snake Blocks would make more sense considering some sections here, not much one can do with leaving the slower skull platforms on lava, I think I've thoroughly explored them at this point so there's not actually much of them.
I think this may be easier than the original stage with one exception that can either go as planned or will be the slayer of many and this is the main thing I think I'll need feedback for...
So true to the stage's title the finale is a makeshift "boss" room against a fireball chucking Lakitu, there's two ways to escape his trap and that's with either a cape or Lakitu's cloud.
On paper it should be simple enough, Lakitu lurks just above the lava but below some donut planks, so you can either try and bop him or catch one of the feathers spewing from the three pipes in the arena, that said they're only catchable for a brief moment.
Now the thing here is I really am not much of a fan of the more random elements of this game like Lakitu and Bowser who can sometimes just bugger up the balance of a level, but ever since I found out Lakitu can add podoboos/fireballs to lava and have them function as they should afterwards I've wanted to use this some way, thing is it doesn't take too long for Lakitu to overwhelm (to think I originally had two of them) and this can also make getting a run up for the cape a bit luck based.
So basically if this is a complete mess by all means tell me and I'll retool it.
Enjoyable level, I replayed it a few times to check out the other paths.After having fun doing some improvised Mario parkour in my previous level (Cloudhigh Skyway: 8296-0000-007B-DDC8), I thought I'd try building an entire level around it. The idea is to go from start to finish without breaking your momentum. There are two parkour routes: follow the coins and keep going up, or drop down into the first pipe (there are arrows to help). If you mistime a jump on the upper route and drop down, there's a bog standard World 1-style level to explore with three 1ups to find. There's no time or coin advantage to taking either the upper or lower routes.
Code: 9AA6-0000-007C-A805
Style: NSMBU
Time Limit: 100secs (should take around 20)
Secrets: Three 1ups (only if you're not parkour-ing)
Additional Challenge: Take the subway (aka: go down the first pipe)
Nothing to do this evening, so...I can play more levels, feedbacks included.
Under The Starry SkyNothing to do this evening, so...I can play more levels, feedbacks included.
I made a new level, if anyone wants to try it out. It's heavily influenced by the Cheese Bridge level of Super Mario World.
Actually, if anyone wants to try out my levels I linked previously in this thread, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've received no feedback yet, and they're doing terribly star/completion percentage-wise, even though my goal was just to make somewhat normal Mario platforming levels. Either I'm doing something wrong, or people just don't want that type of levels.
How many costumes have you got left to collect?
Just played and starred both levels! Enjoyed them a lot, especially the hidden area of the airship level.Under The Starry Sky
Sky High Cargo Chase
Would love feedback on either of these levels
Fun idea and simple design but super short!I've had a go at a gravity-flipping level, Downside-Up. It's much easier than my recent levels!
Another fun yet short puzzle level! Starred and commented!Another Toad in the Wall (F3C2-0000-0080-207D)
Leave them Toads alone! It's a small puzzle level. Starred and commented!
Group #2
NOTE: I have the current group of levels starred on my account. Punch in an ID of mine (AADE-0000-001B-12DD) and check out my 'starred levels' on my profile for quick access! This should facilitate the playing process significantly.
9F97-0000-0067-DB26 - Forest Owlventure, a level themed around an Animal Crossing amiibo character and having bright forest visuals
49A8-0000-005A-4E4C (easy version: 044F-0000-0066-F959) - Long Neglected Mining Cavern, underground level filled with Buzzy Beetles and Moles and collapsed bridges
4E90-0000-003F-918E - Moving Parts May Be Present, moving platform and conveyer belt puzzle level
039D-0000-0035-25F7 - Balcony, ghost mansion level (not a door maze)
0150-0000-0030-7F09 - Misty Docks, undead themed level
2B71-0000-0027-A12F - "Into the Heart", level where you descend into a Bowser castle
0415-0000-0021-2DBA - Cheep Cheep spam level
2D77-0000-0019-BF96 - Piranha Plants on bounce springs level
Okay, I need some feedback...
I have a level with what I thought was a fun gimmick -- however, I hate 'autoplay' levels, so I put the gimmick into the second half of the level, behind what I thought was a straight-forward, normal level with just a few challenging aspects.
My younger sister tells me she hates me and I'm evil as she plays the level, and never gets to the fun part.
Would someone tell me how bad/evil/whatever I am?
Plumbers Can Surf.... right?: 3637-0000-004F-F457
All my other levels I thought weren't TOO difficult but seeing my completion % numbers at around 2-5% for most of my levels I decided to intentionally try and make a slower, easier, more Nintendo-like level. So far it's been better with a 16% finish rate. Give it a try and tell me what you think.
Pipes, Springs, and Koopas! Oh My!
Man I feel so creatively bankrupt right now. Not an original idea in my mind :/ I wish the game had alternate music for every stage. Or at least the athletic theme for smb3
Not only the ability to select from different songs, but I also wish we could do "beach" style levels. I'm not sure what their actual name is, these are the ones with water at the bottom, but you spend most of the time platforming above it. It's basically the only platform style level where there isn't instant death upon falling.
Plus Boss Bass as a new enemy!
We could use more themes and alternate colors on existing themes as well. Night airship, black water, fall grass land colors etc. Toss in a few more tracks. I also would like the spin blocks from super mario bros 3 and the ability to put water/lava in any stage and contained in any blocks.
Here's a tutorial
You just need to know how to read musical notes so this kind of levels take some time to create and pull right but I guess it will be worth it since this levels become popular very quick on course world.