The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest

It's true. "No place on a controller", and yet they find a way to add more hotkeys. Fucking bullshit. That was the one thing in the patch I was really excited for.

That sucks. They could have just used the left or right side of the touchpad. Or a swipe of the touchpad in a particular direction.

Or even double-tapping R3.
So if you have a post vanilla game Witcher 3 story save and install Hearts of Stone, it apparently no longer considers that save file as "done" with the story and gives no options to start a NG+ with it.

I have a save where I beat the game but haven't started a NG+ with it yet, just fired up the game for the first time after installing Hearts of Stone and now it won't let me use that save to start a NG+ play-through.



Man, CDPR is just being lazy with these new armor designs.

School of the Cedar I presume.


● Fixes issue preventing players from completing the Soldier Statuette and Nobleman Statuette quests.

● Fixes issue whereby quest titled The Nobleman Statuette remained active in Journal
after main storyline was completed.

Aww, these quests are still stuck in my log, forever trapped there, along with a couple of completed quests that are still considered failed. Let's not forget the eternally uncompleteable Skellige's Most Wanted... I know they're minor things, but they still bug me.

Still love the game though, and returning to it after just under two months I must be imagining things because it looks prettier than it used to. Probably just that I'd got used to MGSV's art style and forgot the finer details of The Witcher.

Also, I'm shocked at how much new stuff HoS adds to the north-east of the map. For a moment there I though I had gone crazy and managed to miss out visiting entire villages on my vanilla playthrough.


So they changed some of the issues around Gwent cards.

Lambert will no longer play Gwent with you in Novigrad - if you say you'll walk with him to the quest destination, you instantly teleport there and cannot play Gwent.

Thaler also no longer plays Gwent in troll cave, but can be found in the seven cats inn after you complete his questline.

Couldn't find any mention of it on the web, and slightly grumpy as I had been saving the Lambeth quest completion to get that card... :)

EDIT: You can still talk to Lambert, only now you have to do it immediately after the quest ends. Doesn't matter if you pissed him off though - even if he says it will be a long time before he will talk to you again, he then immediately is happy to sit down and play cards...
Anyone else experiencing a slight, but constant judder on PS4? It's like the old camera stutter issue from launch, but for any type of movement at all. I was playing this game earlier today and it wasn't happening then.

Just as I'm really getting into it. :/

Edit: I'm reading a thread on the CDPR forums now, a few others are experiencing it too. One of them said it goes away on its own. Weird. Hopefully it does for me too.
Hello i re-installed the game after a few months and inmediatly noticed a lot of bugs. however one of theses bugs makes my enemies appear with " -1 HP" and i can't hit them, they just stand there doing nothing and i can't progress further in the game : /

Anyone else having these problem?


Hello i re-installed the game after a few months and inmediatly noticed a lot of bugs. however one of theses bugs makes my enemies appear with " -1 HP" and i can't hit them, they just stand there doing nothing and i can't progress further in the game : /

Anyone else having these problem?

I ran into this one too on the quest where the guys are eating the pig and someone else runs up yelling about it being their pig, I defend the guy and the mobs just stand there with -1 hp, I reloaded and just ignored his plea for help, and they still just stand around and do nothing. That is the only quest I have run into this issue so far though.
I ran into this one too on the quest where the guys are eating the pig and someone else runs up yelling about it being their pig, I defend the guy and the mobs just stand there with -1 hp, I reloaded and just ignored his plea for help, and they still just stand around and do nothing. That is the only quest I have run into this issue so far though.

Problem is... i ran into this in the quest where i board the ship to Skellige i guess i'm stuck until there's a fix : /

also there's a bunch of broken models like brooms being invisible or simpli looking like some weird shit.... also there's this bridge in Novigrad that lack any kind of texture ....
So if you have a post vanilla game Witcher 3 story save and install Hearts of Stone, it apparently no longer considers that save file as "done" with the story and gives no options to start a NG+ with it.

I have a save where I beat the game but haven't started a NG+ with it yet, just fired up the game for the first time after installing Hearts of Stone and now it won't let me use that save to start a NG+ play-through.
Interesting. I wonder if that's by design? Do you keep your specific level in NG+, or are you just always assigned a particular one? I was thinking that somebody could complete the base game at a high level, do all of the HoS stuff to gain even more levels, and then start NG+ at a super high level that it wasn't balanced for. If that works I might even do it for my NG+ Deathmarch playthrough :)


Question: when you verify your game install using the GOG Galaxy client does it actually re-download the entire 17GB of the game, or only the parts necessary to sync?

I've manually patched to 1.10, and installed HoS along with the updated DLC however upon verifying the directory Galaxy is indicating it's downloading the whole thing again seen in the Update progress bar.

Edit: this may be due to originally installing from disc. I actually don't need to verify as I've never used the feature, but it was recommended online after moving my install directory to a different drive.

Edit 2: did a clean re-install from disc and it's all fine.
Booted the game up just now and the stuttering that was happening last night has gone. Not sure how or why.

Edit: It came back after around 10 minutes of playing. Immediately making a save and then loading that save fixed it again. I hope this isn't something I'm going to have to keep doing every 10 minutes. I'd rather just wait for a fix. :/


so i thought i was at the end
i've just killed radovid, which was surprisingly easier than i expected
and now
there's a new bad guy advalach or however you spell it, this is really starting to drag now, i just kind of want it to end
i guess im not really invested in the characters or something because i just find myself being bored by half the cutscenes and wanting to move on, i've stopped doing sidequests because i want to finish this before Fallout 4.

Have i got long left? it doesn't feel like there can be much more


"Error [content0]game\ Could not find function 'AddMultipleSkills'"

What the fuck? Re-installing didn't work, deleting mods from the mods folder didn't work (it still does the same amount of function parsing on startup) what am I supposed to do?

e: deleting the whole mods folder fixed this, please god let me re-add fast travel from anywhere without breaking the game..

e2: nope, new error. Are you fucking kidding me

e3: oh thank god, just had an old version of the mod


so i thought i was at the end
i've just killed radovid, which was surprisingly easier than i expected
and now
there's a new bad guy advalach or however you spell it, this is really starting to drag now, i just kind of want it to end
i guess im not really invested in the characters or something because i just find myself being bored by half the cutscenes and wanting to move on, i've stopped doing sidequests because i want to finish this before Fallout 4.

Have i got long left? it doesn't feel like there can be much more

This is a rather vague description of where you're (
with Avallach
) but given the
Radovid quest, it should not be long. Few hours at most.


Oh yeah, forgot I had this infinite loading screen bug on this particular Ciri mission. Guess I'm never finishing the main quest.
Interesting. I wonder if that's by design? Do you keep your specific level in NG+, or are you just always assigned a particular one? I was thinking that somebody could complete the base game at a high level, do all of the HoS stuff to gain even more levels, and then start NG+ at a super high level that it wasn't balanced for. If that works I might even do it for my NG+ Deathmarch playthrough :)

It could also be a bug, not sure.
So my choices are to wait a for a patch to fix an issue that seemingly hardly anyone is having, or keep saving and loading my game every time the stuttering appears, which is the only thing I've found that fixes it...but only fixes it for 10-15 minutes at a time. :/

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Aww, these quests are still stuck in my log, forever trapped there, along with a couple of completed quests that are still considered failed. Let's not forget the eternally uncompleteable Skellige's Most Wanted... I know they're minor things, but they still bug me.

Still love the game though, and returning to it after just under two months I must be imagining things because it looks prettier than it used to. Probably just that I'd got used to MGSV's art style and forgot the finer details of The Witcher.

Also, I'm shocked at how much new stuff HoS adds to the north-east of the map. For a moment there I though I had gone crazy and managed to miss out visiting entire villages on my vanilla playthrough.

Dammit, are these statuette quests really still broken?? I stopped playing when I hit them because I wanted to wait for the next patch where they said they would be fixed... This is a massive bummer if true.


How far am I in the story guys?

Just opened up the Ugly Baby quest, it's been determined that Ciri is not in any of the three areas. :)


Is it better to start a new game with NG+ or to just start clean again

Does NG+ add any benefits beyond you starting with 30+ skill points


Just started my Triss run but this time on DM. (Not on NG+) Just rushing stuff since I want to play HoS asap. I regret my first playthrough wasn't on that difficulty. So much fun!

How far am I in the story guys?

Just opened up the Ugly Baby quest, it's been determined that Ciri is not in any of the three areas. :)

Bit over 60/65% depending on how much else you did.


Does anyone know of a good youtube series detailing builds and/or good explanations of all the abilities? I took a long hiatus from this game and everything is a bit fuzzy.

I know the dev recently released a video, which was helpful. Just curious if there has been any regular youtubers who release content in more depth.


Don't know. I can suggest the build I use though. If you have general questions about abilities, I can answer them.


Random pet peeve, but I wish reading books and notes actually brought up the book or scroll to read through similar to Elder Scrolls.

muh immersion


Gold Member
Total play time counter still broken I presume? I'm jumping back in either way (restarting, actually) now that the PS4 version isn't a complete wreck performance-wise anymore, but I'm still curious. It's amazing to me (in a bad way) that they can leave such a simple thing unfixed for half a year. Yes, there are more important things to fix (and new things to break), and no, it's not a big deal, but still.
Total play time counter still broken I presume? I'm jumping back in either way (restarting, actually) now that the PS4 version isn't a complete wreck performance-wise anymore, but I'm still curious. It's amazing to me (in a bad way) that they can leave such a simple thing unfixed for half a year. Yes, there are more important things to fix (and new things to break), and no, it's not a big deal, but still.

You must be trolling at this point. You gotta be.

No one can complain about one thing so insignificant for so long after being explained to multiple times that it is not a bug.


Gold Member
You must be trolling at this point. You gotta be.

No one can complain about one thing so insignificant for so long after being explained to multiple times that it is not a bug.

It randomly jumping ahead hours at a time, or deciding to reset itself to zero after some 30+ hours, is not a bug? How can that possibly be the case? Nobody has "explained" that to me, so I'd very much like to hear it! Please blow my mind, because there is just no way in the known or unknown universe that it's not a bug.

And yeah, as I said, it's no big deal (although a nice thing to have IMO, and I know I'm not alone in liking to know how much time I've spent in a game as massive as this), it just amazes me that they seemingly refuse to fix it. It's so weird.

And why is it "trolling" to ask whether or not a broken-since-release feature is still broken or not?


Gold Member
If it's insignificant then why do you have to bring it up in every post you make? Give it a rest mate.

Broken features are cool!

I just want to know why they refuse to fix it. It's no big mystery. Me wanting to know it, that is. Them not doing it is an odd thing. And then we have the other guy claiming it is in fact not a bug. That's very interesting indeed, and something I'd like to know more about. (It's not true.)

And why does it bother you so much that I want to know if they've bothered to do anything about it yet? That's weirder than me asking about it.
Broken features are cool!

I just want to know why they refuse to fix it. It's no big mystery. Me wanting to know it, that is. Them not doing it is an odd thing.
I can tell you.

And no, it is not odd, at all.

In software and game development, bugs will be prioritized. Game-breaking bugs will be fixed first, after that comes bugs that breaks gameplay features, contents. The total playtime is not doing anything to intervene with the usage of the game, so it will be so far down the list that it might literally the last thing they fix. Plain and simple.

I might be wrong that it is not a bug though, i thought you mean the time the PS4 logs, not the game.


Gold Member
I can tell you.

And no, it is not odd, at all.

In software and game development, bugs will be prioritized. Game-breaking bugs will be fixed first, after that comes bugs that breaks gameplay features, contents. The total playtime is not doing anything to intervene with the usage of the game, so it will be so far down the list that it might lirerally the last thing they fix. Plain and simple.

Well, they've fixed other equally inconsequential little things. And this seems like something that could be done very quickly and thrown into one of the patches. But sure, I understand very well that things get prioritized. How is it not a bug though, as you claim?


Gold Member
Other inconsequential things like what?

Check my update last post.

Many of the things under "GUI" in the latest patch notes, such as tiny text rendering problems. That is inconsequential if anything.

The PS4 doesn't log play time at all (it should IMO, but that's a separate issue of course), that's up to each game to implement.
Many of the things under "GUI" in the latest patch notes, such as tiny text rendering problems. That is inconsequential if anything.

The PS4 doesn't log play time at all (it should IMO, but that's a separate issue of course), that's up to each game to implement.
That is where you are wrong. Many people game on a TV, on a couch far away. And that tiny text sometimes will be literally impossible to read thus prevent them from playing the game. How is that inconsequential?

The time played, on the other hand, doesn't do anything like that.


Gold Member
That is where you are wrong. Many people game on a TV, on a couch far away. And that text will be literally impossible to read thus prevent them from playing the game. How is that inconsequential?

The time played, on the other hand, doesn't do anything like that.

Time played allows people to know how much time they've spent with the game, and many people actually enjoy knowing that, believe it or not. They like saying "damn, I've spent 200 hours on this game!", or "it took me 50 hours to beat the main story". With this game (where it's especially relevant since it's so large) they can't, because unless they've been keeping their own time there's no way of knowing that. So I don't actually agree that it's quite as inconsequential as you think. There's a reason people appreciate games that keep track of every little thing you do, time played being one of them.

So, yes, while there are certainly things that are much more important to fix, this shouldn't just be shrugged off as "doesn't matter, nobody cares" IMO.
Time played allows people to know how much time they've spent with the game, and many people actually enjoy knowing that, believe it or not. They like saying "damn, I've spent 200 hours on this game!". With this game (where it's especially relevant since it's so large) they can't, because unless they've been keeping their own time there's no way of knowing that. So I don't actually agree that it's quite as inconsequential as you think. There's a reason people appreciate games that keep track of every little thing you do, time played being one of them.
The fact that people enjoy doing such things doesn't equal the fact that they cannot play or enjoy the game content. That is the difference between those statistics thing and the text size for example.

Obviously "nobody cares" is wrong, but it is just a nice extra thing to have, not a necessity for the enjoyment of the game content.

You can complain all you want of course, but that won't bring its priority any higher.


Gold Member
The fact that people enjoy doing such things doesn't equal the fact that they cannot play or enjoy the game content. That is the difference between those statistics thing and the text size for example.

Obviously "nobody cares" is wrong, but it is just a nice extra thing to have, not a necessity for the enjoyment of the game content.

You can complain all you want of course, but that won't bring its priority any higher.

The thing about this, though, is that the longer they put off fixing it, the more people it's going to be forever broken for. They can't fix this retroactively if it's storing incorrect values. The text thing is not like that, once that's fixed it's fine. But maybe that's it; they've decided that it's already too late, that it's already irreversibly broken for too many people, so they're just not gonna bother. In which case I think they should patch it out altogether. No use having a broken counter there.

But oh well. I'm gonna start my playthrough over this weekend (I was mainly waiting for better PS4 performance) and just try to ignore this. Just wanted to know if by some miracle it had actually been fixed. :)


And this is why I play shiny Steam version. That 216 hour playtime with another 250 coming next year over another playthrough sure is nice :)
CDP should still fix that though.
The thing about this, though, is that the longer they put off fixing it, the more people it's going to be forever broken for. They can't fix this retroactively if it's storing incorrect values. The text thing is not like that, once that's fixed it's fine. But maybe that's it; they've decided that it's already too late, that it's already irreversibly broken for too many people, so they're just not gonna bother. In which case I think they should patch it out altogether. No use having a broken counter there.

But oh well. I'm gonna start my playthrough over this weekend (I was mainly waiting for better PS4 performance) and just try to ignore this. Just wanted to know if by some miracle it had actually been fixed. :)

That is the thing. Nobody can ever know what is the status of that particular issue in their list of issues. I can only make an educated guess, as someone who works in the software development field, that it is not gonna be touched for as long as other issues are ironed out. And until then, we cannot know whether they will fix, or remove it altogether.

So yeah, forget about it. Save yourself from potential future disappointments and just enjoy the game.


Long shot, but is there some mod to toggle first person or at least hide Geralt /UI to take screenshots? So many amazing screenhots would be taken if I could get a clean UI.
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