The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
A lot of threads over at the CDPR forums are ripping them a new one.

I am starting to agree with the suggestion that CDPR stop trying to release these mega patches and just fix a few things at a time.


Seems like the 1.10 patch is pretty unstable. In 1 hour, I had 2 crashes which is as many as I had in 120 hours prior to this. I think I'm going to wait a bit before I play any more. Oh well, no shortage of quality games.
Yeah, it's seeming much less stable for me as well, playing on PS4. I'm going to stick with it, but it's getting a bit frustrating.

There are difficulty settings for Gwent now?
Have a read through the patch noted - this was one of the additions.

A lot of threads over at the CDPR forums are ripping them a new one.

I am starting to agree with the suggestion that CDPR stop trying to release these mega patches and just fix a few things at a time.
Over what in particular? I'll go and take a look over there shortly, but has anything stood out to you?


Presumably HoS will display in my GOG library when ready. It was previously listed with the label 'Soon' but in the past few days has been absent.

Seems like the 1.10 patch is pretty unstable. In 1 hour, I had 2 crashes which is as many as I had in 120 hours prior to this. I think I'm going to wait a bit before I play any more. Oh well, no shortage of quality games.

Fingers crossed it runs smoothly for most as there's not much a choice for those intending to play the expansion ʅ(❛ -❛ )ʃ
Fingers crossed it runs smoothly for most as there's not much a choice for those intending to play the expansion ʅ(❛ -❛ )ʃ

Played 1.10 for a few hours tonight. Doesn't seem to run any differently than previous versions for me, so all is well.
It's a bit of a bummer that HoS is unlocking so late in the day for me. I'm dying to see Shani again!
In case some of you aren't aware, I'm making the OT for Hearts of Stone expansion. and I know this doesn't have to do with discussing Witcher 3, but I'd really like to see your suggestions for the OT's title.

So far, I got:
''Get your Shani on''
''Cold steel and a warm hearth''
''The better card game''
Witcher 3: Heart of Stone |OT| Olly, olly, Oxenfurt


Are you playing NG+ on Deathmarch? I need to do a Deathmarch play through at some point to get the platinum trophy, and haven't decided whether I should do it in a new game, or new game +. If NG+ is easier I'll happily do it on that, but like you say, that's not what people have been saying.

I'm playing deathmarch on both new game and new game plus. My New game plus is, so far, much easier than my new game deathmarch playthrough. I've played up through about half of the velen quest and I don't see how anyone could mistake this for being harder.


Beat the crap out of a level 3X elemental as a level 22 dude. Adrenaline builds are frighteningly good.

Anyone know how potion recipe drops work? I'm still missing a lot of 'basic' potions and oils, while I have recipes for the advanced versions.

Karl Hawk

Beat the crap out of a level 3X elemental as a level 22 dude. Adrenaline builds are frighteningly good.

Anyone know how potion recipe drops work? I'm still missing a lot of 'basic' potions and oils, while I have recipes for the advanced versions.

Some of them can be bought from herbalists (the grass icon merchants), and some of them drop randomly.

You can buy the ingredients for the basic oils/potions (even the recipes themselves if you're lucky) from the herbalists which makes it a lot easier, though some of the advanced versions of oils requires you to get drops from specific monsters.


Yeah, it's seeming much less stable for me as well, playing on PS4. I'm going to stick with it, but it's getting a bit frustrating.

Have a read through the patch noted - this was one of the additions.

Over what in particular? I'll go and take a look over there shortly, but has anything stood out to you?

I've lost the Undvik horse DLC and the Wolf armor diagrams. And then there's this list.


Actually not encountering a lot of bugs. A few minor ones, but nothing groundbreaking.

I'll grab the expansion at the end of the week, when I'll be closer to level 30.

edit: How's this for new game plus, btw?


Haven't played in months and now this feels way too foreign..Anyone know where the HoS quest will start? Will it just appear in the journal when it unlocks?


Is there meant too be a preload for this on EU PSN? I've got the season pass and there's nothing showing. The standalone Hearts of Stone is showing as "unavailable".


Neo Member
Is there meant too be a preload for this on EU PSN? I've got the season pass and there's nothing showing. The standalone Hearts of Stone is showing as "unavailable".

For expansion pass owners download will be available with DLC unlocking. Some guy on reddit posted his conversation with CDP support about it.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest redhead of them all?"
"Greetings Geralt, do you remember me?"

Just completed the Lord of Undvik in my NG+ playthrough, wow! Seems like I missed a lot of stuff the first time when I took another path. Such a great quest.


Hey maybe it was already answered but I'm kinda not familiar to the thread :D


Can someone exlpain if it's worth to get the Season pass at this point?
The first DLC will cost about 7/8€, the season pass is at 25€. So does that mean the second one will just be THAT much larger or should I just purchase the DLC one by one?
Hey maybe it was already answered but I'm kinda not familiar to the thread :D


Can someone exlpain if it's worth to get the Season pass at this point?
The first DLC will cost about 7/8€, the season pass is at 25€. So does that mean the second one will just be THAT much larger or should I just purchase the DLC one by one?

The first one costs 10€ (currently -15% discount) and the second one 20€. Blood & Wine introduces a completely new zone and should add roughly double the content (~20 hours) of Hearts of Stone. So yeah it's a lot bigger.


The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone |OT| It Ain't Easy Being Immortal

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone |OT| It's Not My Vault

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone |OT| Breaking Out To Breaking In

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone |OT| 10 Hours of Toadal Adventure


Beat the crap out of a level 3X elemental as a level 22 dude. Adrenaline builds are frighteningly good.

Anyone know how potion recipe drops work? I'm still missing a lot of 'basic' potions and oils, while I have recipes for the advanced versions.

I can't say for certain if this is completely true only because Witcher 3 is a huge game but, as far as I can tell, some diagrams (bombs and potions) might only be found at points of interest. After ~120 hours, I have just recently found some enhanced/superior bomb and potion diagrams that I had been missing for a long time when I did a PoI clearing session.

It could also be that some of the basic ones are only sold from merchants so maybe check them too.


Just started a NG+ game a few days ago and holy hell did they nerf firestream. Not that it wasn't needed, but it feels useless now. Wish they would nerf the dot portion and allow you to hit the enemy without the dot falling off.
Did they not add in the HUD toggle button?

EDIT: They're only adding it on PC? CDPR please.

WAT? I really hope that's not true. :(

Btw, GAF, this game is LEGIT! Starting my first playthrough now, not even 2 hours in and already this is clicking with me. The world feels so alive, and the challenging combat (playing on DM) is very satisfying.
WAT? I really hope that's not true. :(

Btw, GAF, this game is LEGIT! Starting my first playthrough now, not even 2 hours in and already this is clicking with me. The world feels so alive, and the challenging combat (playing on DM) is very satisfying.

It's true. "No place on a controller", and yet they find a way to add more hotkeys. Fucking bullshit. That was the one thing in the patch I was really excited for.


Does anyone else feel the combat in this game is kind of badly thought out?
It seems designed to have you fight primarily one on one and yet throws you into battles with groups of enemies constantly.


Does anyone else feel the combat in this game is kind of badly thought out?
It seems designed to have you fight primarily one on one and yet throws you into battles with groups of enemies constantly.
Don't use lock on unless 1vs1 (use the soft lock by pushing the analog stick toward the enemy you want to target), keep all enemies in front of you, and crowd control often with bombs and signs. Use Tawny Owl potion to have faster stamina regen and more sign usage.


If you use lock on those new boars,it will drive you dizzy in seconds I bet lol...reminds me of the initial lock in FFXV and those weird wolves or whatever running all over the place...

I failed my first horse race,not sure why,I was ahead but must of turned the wrong way right at the end lol...
So I've got the Witcher on PC, but I'm not finding the hide HUD button. I also see four slots for potions when I use a KB/M, but when I enable my gamepad they disappear. . . .

Well hopefully when My steam controller arrives I'll be able to sort everything out there.


Does anyone know of a good youtube series detailing builds and/or good explanations of all the abilities? I took a long hiatus from this game and everything is a bit fuzzy.

I know the dev recently released a video, which was helpful. Just curious if there has been any regular youtubers who release content in more depth.


Man, CDPR is just being lazy with these new armor designs.

So I've got the Witcher on PC, but I'm not finding the hide HUD button. I also see four slots for potions when I use a KB/M, but when I enable my gamepad they disappear. . . .

Well hopefully when My steam controller arrives I'll be able to sort everything out there.

It's the home button, but it doesn't seem to actually work.

You can access your other hotkeys by holding down their respective buttons on a gamepad. At least that's how it is on console.
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