If you already PMed me about thursday night's KF newbie raid, I already signed you up so you do not need to sign up with this form (i.e. please don't).

mr_pinkfloyd, if you are reading, sorry I could not give you a slot as I hadn't opened this week's form yet. If you see this in time feel free to sign up again.

PS4 - Thursday, November 19th, 2015 - King's Fall Newbie Raid
- 8:00PM ET - 7:00 PM CT - 5:00PM PT - 1:00 AM Friday BST
- Minimum Level is 26 for Vault of Glass and 29 for Crota's End, Light Level 285 for King's Fall
- These are specifically geared for first-timers, and all encounters are fully explained for all roles, along with overall raid tips (and maybe even a tiny bit of lore). However, those who have run the raid before and even veterans are welcome if you feel like joining and can be patient with the truebies.
- First come first serve. If you filled out the form completely and submitted it, your spot is reserved. The form shuts down automatically when the group is full.
- If you wish to be an alternate, want to help but don't want to take a spot right away, or otherwise want to be kept in mind for the group just send me a PM on GAF or a PSN message.
- 3 spots remaining.
Please be sure to have a decent sniper rifle at 280+ as it will be your be friend throughout the raid.