I'm getting really tired of companies asking for a Github link. The fact that I don't really have anything on there to show is one thing, I just don't have any ideas for what to create that are actually reasonable.
The worst part is when I offer school projects or something like that, those don't count according to them. What also doesn't account is the previous jobs I have had, you know the ones where I can't take the source code with me. So unless I'm working for free forever, I don't have anything that does "count" in their book.
Well what is it that you specialize in? Java? Rails? Node.js? Do you make web services w/ Spring? Fire a couple up and up and upload it. Make a quick Android app. Build an single page web site.
Just demonstrate that you know what you're doing.
I applied to a job and got a response after a while. They said that they like my resume and cover letter and they want to interview me. There are several hoops i didn't expect however with the first one being prescreening questions. One questions I found odd is that they want me to attach a writing sample that I feel shows my personal writing at its best. This job is for web design so how come they want that for? I would think my cover letter would be it but would that be a good idea to resubmit that as the example or what? Other potential issues is that they require a laptop, I might be able to borrow one but I don't have one now. it's an unpaid internship and that includes no transportation pay. Do you guys feel that I should still go for it? Keep in mind I have been searching for jobs for about a year now and lack experience in this specific field. I need more experience so I feel this could be it but there are some obstacles in the way that I didn't expect.
I applied to a job and got a response after a while. They said that they like my resume and cover letter and they want to interview me. There are several hoops i didn't expect however with the first one being prescreening questions. One questions I found odd is that they want me to attach a writing sample that I feel shows my personal writing at its best. This job is for web design so how come they want that for? I would think my cover letter would be it but would that be a good idea to resubmit that as the example or what? Other potential issues is that they require a laptop, I might be able to borrow one but I don't have one now. it's an unpaid internship and that includes no transportation pay. Do you guys feel that I should still go for it? Keep in mind I have been searching for jobs for about a year now and lack experience in this specific field. I need more experience so I feel this could be it but there are some obstacles in the way that I didn't expect.
Get on Linkedin and message the HR rep.Got a couple questions for you guys:
1) Is it acceptable to email companies about possible positions in said company without any of them being advertised? In my case, I'm looking for an internship or entry level position but some companies that are in a relevant field may not have anything posted anywhere.
2) If it is acceptable, who should I email in the company? An HR rep?
Nothing like talking to a company HR member (maybe even the head) last week and him telling you that "next week well schedule you talking with the team in x city, everything looks positive from this end"
Then you email him early this week as a thank you email that is really a reminder that you're still interested in the position and he doesn't have the god damn guts to respond to you back which I assume means the position is no longer available or they're no longer considering me.
Unlike others I'd rather you write me back even a fucking automated message to myself and the others saying we're no longer being considered for the position this false hope bullshit is too much.
I applied to a job and got a response after a while. They said that they like my resume and cover letter and they want to interview me. There are several hoops i didn't expect however with the first one being prescreening questions. One questions I found odd is that they want me to attach a writing sample that I feel shows my personal writing at its best. This job is for web design so how come they want that for? I would think my cover letter would be it but would that be a good idea to resubmit that as the example or what? Other potential issues is that they require a laptop, I might be able to borrow one but I don't have one now. it's an unpaid internship and that includes no transportation pay. Do you guys feel that I should still go for it? Keep in mind I have been searching for jobs for about a year now and lack experience in this specific field. I need more experience so I feel this could be it but there are some obstacles in the way that I didn't expect.
Just wanna vent cause I feel stupid, also to complain.
Took a job offer at a Walmart and drew up the papers today. I guess I got lucky cause I told the person hiring me I already filled out the same shit for another store, so apparently they don't allow people to work at two different stores. Which is umm, okay, well, I don't know why not if the person is willing. Especially when they don't make it clear I can't and I don't know if anyone understands people should just be casting as wide as a net and gobbling up whatever comes up sometimes. Now I have to go withdraw a previous job offer, but I'm guess I got lucky and didn't slip through accidentally, get 'caught' and then probably doubly sacked at both ends.
Also just the entire interview/hiring process makes me not want to work at a Walmart. Everything is just forms and standardized questions they ask everyone, everyone working more or less I feel like just follows the script set out by corporate probably. Understandably but it's really stupid. Also I had a group interview at a Walmart and someone who had his hoodie hood up the entire time got called back to get a job offer, so :lol?
I had another interview for a better position at a pharmacy retail store and goddamn the difference was night and day. I had an actual interview where an actual person looked at and asked questions based off my resume and it was more of a discussion than form filling in audio format. God I hope they call me back soon because I know I fucking crushed that interview and the guy loved me. It's still a part-time position but it's a supervisory position and I was told advancement from there is quick if that's what you're looking for. I don't mind doing grunt work at a retail store but damn if Walmart literally makes you feel like a number that doesn't matter.
I'm just doing this while I work on other career goals like studying for my real estate license and/or planning to actually work in LA as a writer (in Canada, so this might take longer than just simply moving and trying my luck there if I lived Stateside). Those are longer term career goals for me.Take what you can get at least for now. Is your plan to stay in retail and move up in management or are you planning to use the job as a temp until you get "what you really want"?
Retail I'm just comfortable with but I haven't been working for the past year and change, so I'll take what I can get, though it will probably never be in this track although apparently actual management does pay fairly well so maybe, but not really something I think I'd do long term even though I definitely have the skill set and everyone I've interviewed with in retail is wholly impressed with me (and maybe confused as to why I'm only applying for grunt work). I just don't think it's entirely fulfilling vs. my actual career goals.
I've applied to hundreds of jobs and no one will hire me. I feel like giving up. I'm not good enough for anything.
We've all been there, or are currently there. It's not the best season to be looking for jobs as is. Early 2016 is probably a better bet. I wish more companies would start interviewing people now and getting the job offers in 2015 for a position that could start early 2016.
We've all been there, or are currently there. It's not the best season to be looking for jobs as is. Early 2016 is probably a better bet. I wish more companies would start interviewing people now and getting the job offers in 2015 for a position that could start early 2016.
That feeling when you find a typo on your CV.
Also don't want to scare anyone that makes typos on resumes and CV, but employers usually look at that and immediately disqualify you from the position, at least in my HR experience. It's a harsh world.
I'm working towards HR to change some of these silly policies and system tracking software that searches on keywords on resumes rather than interviewing them and determining yourself whether they are a good fit for the company or not. Sure it takes longer but so much talent i guarantee you is discarded with this new technology in HR.
Sending in a resume and CV isn't enough anymore, you have to call them sometimes and ask specifically what keywords they prefer, or ask employees at that company for a "Cheat Sheet" that helps you get into the system. As it stands the system is ridiculous.
Also don't want to scare anyone that makes typos on resumes and CV, but employers usually look at that and immediately disqualify you from the position, at least in my HR experience. It's a harsh world.
It's been abut three weeks since a certain interview and I called to day to get an update. They said that they are still interviewing and will let me know on Friday, should I consider that bad news?
So... I can finish an accounting degree in two years but I feel it not's worth it anymore. any advice guys...
So... I can finish an accounting degree in two years but I feel it not's worth it anymore. any advice guys...
Accounting job market is really good atm. Seeing that you are 2 years away from graduating you have plenty of time to attend open house days and get an internship in there.So... I can finish an accounting degree in two years but I feel it not's worth it anymore. any advice guys...
Started looking for work last month since my Comptia A+ course is finshed
I actually applied at TSA since I heard those kind of jobs open alot of doors
Lots of stuff you gotta do (The process is really long) and was wondering if anyone went through the same thing? TSA-wise?
Single round interview over the phone straight to job offer? Wow. Nicely done. Shows how important networking really can be - I realise it wasn't deliberate but you did reach out to the local community which clearly made a difference.
Also, as weird as it may be, you comment about posting 1000 resumes but on,y getting a couple of interviews is reassuring to me. I've only applied for maybe 50 roles so far, and only had one interview. It had me second guessing my CV even though I think it's pretty good and I've had friends and colleagues look it over. But I guess it's just a numbers game.
One thing I do need to sort out is ramping up how many applications I put in. Online job searches here in the UK often bring up hundreds of results, and often they are ambiguous job descriptions, and you don't always know the company because they'll be posted via an agency. Gets to the the you're applying for the same job twice.
Started looking for work last month since my Comptia A+ course is finshed
I actually applied at TSA since I heard those kind of jobs open alot of doors
Lots of stuff you gotta do (The process is really long) and was wondering if anyone went through the same thing? TSA-wise?
Looks like I was chosen for another interview with the same company from a weeks weeks ago. This time the interview is with the CEO, I have never been in this situation. Any advice what to expect?