Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos

sigh.... lack of polish in spots is really a bummer:

- Sequences where the humor/writing just either completely falls flat or is just.... there. Like it didn't get a second draft. Also, moments that clearly probably should have had a cinematic, but instead it's just a flyover shot with dialog.

- had a recent mission where the next phase didn't kick off, forcing me to kill myself (cause, you know, the game doesn't have a "last checkpoint" option built-in)

- random open-world missions like the "out of gas" ones were the bystander will randomly get run over by AI traffic while just standing there, thus canceling the mission entirely.

- Loadtimes are still random sometimes. Constant Online bullshit NEEDS TO GO.

- Game really discourages you from using choppers by the way it hides SAMS all over the fucking place.

- Challenges are a nice change a pace but it's ball-busting how much stuff is locked behind them. I'm all about character growth and earning that feeling of being a badass, but this is just too much at times. I mean jesus, "Fine-Aim" should NOT have been a unlock!

yeah, game should have been delayed, not released around freaking the holidays where the entire team took a fucking break as soon is the problems started popping up. In IT, this would be like pushing a big patch on a Friday, leaving for the weekend, and just assuming everything is fine...


Yes and I could never catch up to the plane

The planes being way faster than you seem to be intentional. You need to fight them by being behind them. I'm wondering why the lock on is not working. It could be the same issue of precision aiming mod. I don't know if I had it available during that mission. If you have it, try turning it off. Then put the cursor over the enemies and it should start locking on for fire.


sigh.... lack of polish in spots is really a bummer:

- random open-world missions like the "out of gas" ones were the bystander will randomly get run over by AI traffic while just standing there, thus canceling the mission entirely.

I was backing up another car so I could tether the disabled car to it when a Rebel jumped in and drove off with it - the supposedly out of gas car.


The devs of the MP-Mod for Just Cause 2 announced today their new project: JC3-MP - Yes, a multiplayer mod für Just Cause 3. They also got a first video:


Impressive considering that the game just released this month

Needed to post it there, cause I'm just a "Junior Member". Maybe someone other could make a own thread if needed =)
The devs of the MP-Mod for Just Cause 2 announced today their new project: JC3-MP - Yes, a multiplayer mod für Just Cause 3. They also got a first video:


Impressive considering that the game just released this month

Needed to post it there, cause I'm just a "Junior Member". Maybe someone other could make a own thread if needed =)

I'm skeptical about this. Performance in this game is already kinda rough. I can't imagine what it'd be like with a bunch of players all running around at the same time. I'm sure they can get this done, I'm just not sure it'll work well for the average PC.

Anyone know what this is about?


Where'd you find that?


Where'd you find that?

Here's the spot:


Also found the rubber ducks when messing around tonight:



Location for rubber ducks:



I forgot to mark it on the map but there is an old playground somewhere where you can start a carousel like item that spins indefinitely.


Found every damn collectable in Medici.

The rewards are well worth it I suppose but damn, quite the time crunch.

Collectibles aren't that painful in JC3 imo. Mad Max required more effort to find all of them (especially in the camps), not to mention JC2 where you had 3000 of them. ;)


How am I supposed to get into Falco without getting insta-nuked?

EDIT: Also whats the deal with vehicles randomly exploding? I was flying a chopper and it just blew up and killed me.


From the Steam News page:

Happy New Year everyone! With January now in full swing, we wanted to update you all on what we’re working on now and in the months to come.

For those of you who picked up the XL Edition, or for anyone interested in the Air, Land and Sea Expansion Pass we announced earlier last year, we’ve got some exciting news for you all. Whilst one side of the studio is working on patches, fixes and optimisations for the game, which will continue to roll out over the coming weeks, the other side is busily bringing this additional content to life. The first pack – ‘Sky Fortress’ which is the “Air” pack, is nearing completion, and will bring new missions, features and other exciting surprises to the skies of Medici. We’re play testing this content right now so watch this space for more news on this very soon.

On top of this, we’ve got a small release of additional weapons and vehicles landing across Steam, PSN & Xbox stores today. This isn’t strictly new stuff – all of this content was previously available as part of our pre-order programmes, so for the early adopters out there you may already have most of these items. However, if there’s any particular pre-order incentives you missed out on that you want to pick up, you can now do so. Check out the store pages for more info.

For those of you that are still having some issues with your game, rest assured that we’re working on optimisations, bug fixes, performance enhancements and improvements, and we’ll continue to roll these out as soon as they’re ready, with the next patch expected later in the month. We’re doing everything we can to get to the bottom of all the issues that are reported to us.

Looks like we can look forward to the much needed optimisation in January. I'm still confident they can keep the console versions from crashing down to -19fps. I don't think it will be near 30fps most of the time, but the hardest drops will be ironed out. I hope.
How am I supposed to get into Falco without getting insta-nuked?

EDIT: Also whats the deal with vehicles randomly exploding? I was flying a chopper and it just blew up and killed me.

I notice the "randomly exploding" thing if my helicopter hits something. It seems extremely sensitive, but if your copter clips anything (a tree branch even, sometimes) it'll just instantly explode. In JC2 you'd just have the copter get damaged and maybe bounce off whatever it hit, but for some reason in JC3, copters in specific seem to just completely explode and kill you sometimes if they touch anything; it seems this is especially true if the blade of the copter contacts something.


From the Steam News page:

Looks like we can look forward to the much needed optimisation in January. I'm still confident they can keep the console versions from crashing down to -19fps. I don't think it will be near 30fps most of the time, but the hardest drops will be ironed out. I hope.

That's what I'm hoping for. I really want to buy this for XB1, but I'm holding out until the next patch.


Just picked this up on PS4 for $40 AUD. Gotta say its fun as hell.

Seems to be better than JC2 so far, but thats just me,

Having such a blast. This, and Transformers have surprised the hell out of me. Had no expectations at all!
What do you guys think the expansions will be like? They're supposed to add new missions, but will it just be side missions and miscellaneous stuff, or new story content?


Someone had an interesting theory on Reddit about the crappy upgrade system, namely that it was a legacy of the microtransaction model that it was rumored to use, but ultimately didn't because of the huge backlash.


The movement when walking on a boat is fucking awful, no idea what they were thinking.

They should have had the same magnet boot effect but with better movement when on vehicles like that. Its annoying moving so slowly when enemies step out and start firing at you.

Someone had an interesting theory on Reddit about the crappy upgrade system, namely that it was a legacy of the microtransaction model that it was rumored to use, but ultimately didn't because of the huge backlash.

Interesting theory. Could be true. Unfortunately, they didn't even implement the upgrade system well enough even if not using the old microtransaction system.
I'm interested in buying this for my PS4, could you guys sell me some strong aspects of the game? I saw the reviews and did almost nothing for me because "gaming journalism".
Most important for me: is it fun? does it have tedious activities a la Ubisoft games? how many hours of gameplay if you explore all the map and liberate all "outposts"?
I'm interested in buying this for my PS4, could you guys sell me some strong aspects of the game? I saw the reviews and did almost nothing for me because "gaming journalism".
Most important for me: is it fun? does it have tedious activities a la Ubisoft games? how many hours of gameplay if you explore all the map and liberate all "outposts"?

I'm only about 10 hrs in so can't comment on the length , I tend to do a main mission or 2 and then getting distracted liberating random towns .

It definitely starts getting repetitive but I find it the perfect pickup and play for awhile just blowing shit up . Don't think I could play it for more then a few hours at a time.

If u liked just cause 2 it's more of the same , the most fun you have is being creative with the way you kill people .


I'm interested in buying this for my PS4, could you guys sell me some strong aspects of the game? I saw the reviews and did almost nothing for me because "gaming journalism".
Most important for me: is it fun? does it have tedious activities a la Ubisoft games? how many hours of gameplay if you explore all the map and liberate all "outposts"?

Strong aspects are that blowing things up has never been more fun and there's a ton of it to blow up.

Without giving it much thought, i almost want to say that traversal is second to none. The wingsuit certainly has a learning curve to it but once you get it down, Flying around the map becomes incredibly fun and effortless.

The game lends itself to imagination and creativity. I sorely lack in both those areas so most of my destruction was more functional than creative (find outpost, shoot red things with rockets, run away when taking damage) and i had a blast. I can imagine the fun being ratcheted up tenfold if you incorporate things like the wingsuit and tethers into your combat approach

The whole map is unlocked from the very beginning and you can take down settlements in whatever fashion/order you want but as you advance towards the bigger mainland the resistance becomes a lot stiffer and the settlements are a lot bigger with lots more things needing to be destroyed

The game is just fun. I'm almost surprised they didn't go full on Saints Row and just eventually give you infinite ammo and what not (you do have infinite C4)

The two biggest cons toward the game are the framerate on ps4 (to which i never had any problems with, YMMV) and the fact that upgrades are locked behind minigames


Un Rama
Got to the third island yesterday and while it is the biggest it feels like the laziest from a design perspective. Jumping off that mountain was good fun though. As it blowing up trains.


Got to the third island yesterday and while it is the biggest it feels like the laziest from a design perspective. Jumping off that mountain was good fun though. As it blowing up trains.

Yeah, the third island kind of sucked in my opinion. Especially considering how massive some territories are yet there are a small number of bases. A lot of its landscape isnt great. Definitely like 1st and 2nd island better.
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