Alex Connolly
Nothing like that. The game simply isn't being released officially in Japan. So receiving it as a gift is fair game.
Bodes well. Cheers.
Nothing like that. The game simply isn't being released officially in Japan. So receiving it as a gift is fair game.
The difference here is that the game wasn't designed with the idea of being one-shotted by regular enemies even when you are where you are supposed to be. In souls games you can dodge and block whenever you want, and you don't really fight a ton of enemies at once. In this only certain classes can block and only certain classes can dodge, and you often get into fights with large groups of enemies. Depending on what class you choose, this can make the early parts of the game extremely frustrating, especially for people who have never played the game before and don't really know how things work.
The good thing as you said though, is the ability to go back down to normal and not have to restart if you find it too much to handle.
I still think it's best for new players to play normal difficulty, just to get a better idea of how the game is designed to be played. It's still pretty tough and you can definitely get one-shotted if you wander into the wrong areas too early lol.
Thing is if they're people who played the Souls games, dying isn't something that's like a big issue, and honestly if you play on normal, you just pretty much never die. Sure they don't know the game, but it's just like a new Souls, you progress slowly and carefully, and you make it fine. And unlike souls, you rarely have the "SURPRISE THERE WAS A GUY THERE YOU'RE DEAD" or one shot traps and such, most of the fights are clearly defined with a few exceptions(roaming chimeras and drakes hehe).
Most importantly unlike Souls, you have a party. This makes a huge difference, because you can literally just run around away from the fight while your pawns kill stuff. You can just wait for a long time at range while your pawns deal with stuff and just attack when you have an opportunity. It makes the whole thing a lot easier, and that especially true if you have a ranged weapon. I mean sure sometimes you still have something coming after you and you have to dodge, but it's not THAT bad. And you outlevel the 1shot range very quickly.
I mean for people who come more from Dragon Age or Witcher or whatever, I wouldn't necessarily recommend hard, but if you've played and finished Souls games in my opinion, you're used to having some bit of harsh challenge and finding ways to succeed regardless of the setbacks, so hard mode fits well enough. Yes it's very unfair at the start of the game, but so are Souls game, most of the game. And at least once you outlvl those unfair levels, you have a game that's fairly well balanced imo where you can still die in endgame to stuff, sometimes. And if they don't like it, switching to normal fixes everything.
NopeAny disadvantage of buying this from Green Man Gaming with a 25% off voucher as opposed to buying from steam for full price?
Any disadvantage of buying this from Green Man Gaming with a 25% off voucher as opposed to buying from steam for full price?
No, but it's even cheaper on Instant Gaming.
Yeah, the Steam versions checked for the IP to make sure no German ever saw a Swastika, god forbid. We'd immediately turn fascist if exposed to such imagery.Yes, unless Capcom goes out if its way to leave Japan in the preload state. Bethesda did this with the unedited version of Wolf14 and Germany, IIRC.
Will the PC version have playstation-button prompts if you use the Dualshock 4?
I want to use DS4, but will stick to 360 controller if it doesn't.
Cool, is Instant Gaming legit?
Try them all.
Seriously, this is going to be my stock answer from now on to anyone who asks about which vocation to use.![]()
Not unless someone makes a mod.
What about a question a bit more specific? What is the best path to Magick Archer? Just thinking about which classes will give me the passive abilities I want to have if my end plan is to play as Magick Archer?
I'd say level from 1-10 as a Mage. Then level as Sorcerer and Ranger for a while.
Gaining a level as a Sorcerer gives you more magick power and Ranger gives you stamina. You just switch between things depending on what stat you want more of. I don't know how much stamina is ideal for Magick Archer. You'll probably want high magick anyway.
What about a question a bit more specific? What is the best path to Magick Archer? Just thinking about which classes will give me the passive abilities I want to have if my end plan is to play as Magick Archer?
You just hotkey by finding the item in the curatives list and hitting 1-5.
Haven't tried it with oil or water yet, will try later.
Though IIRC oil and water are tools, not curatives, and won't work. The only tool that works is the lantern.
Yes.Also is this official art? I've never seen it before.
thanks, do Liquid Vims work with hotkey? They give you infinite stamina for a time period.
Cool, is Instant Gaming legit?
Will the PC version have playstation-button prompts if you use the Dualshock 4?
I want to use DS4, but will stick to 360 controller if it doesn't.
Doesn't work that way, most of the good augments are high level so you'll need to grind a bunch of side classes regardless. If you want a MA "build" of sorts, I don't really remember off the top of my head everything but you want the 20%magic damage from sorc, the 10% magic damage from mage, probably one of the weight augments so you're on Very Light(Sinew is better iirc, that's Fighter), potentially both for better stamina usage, the Strider reduced stamina while climbing on stuff if you want to use daggers, Bloodlust for 30%more magic/strength during the night from Assassin and not sure for the last slot, probably the 2nd weight augment or like the vendor price one or something random like that.
So you'll need a bunch of different classes, eventually. A lot of these are fairly late picks, so it's better if you just pick whatever at the start, then change to magick archer when you can, and grind augments later on. Early on, you'll probably use the low tier augments like +100stamina and +50defense or whatever that scale terribly lategame.
If you mean the very best path though, mage to 10, sorcerer to 200, then start playing magick archer. Have "fun". Min maxing is extremely boring and pointless in the game.
Game seems to use numbers for promts. No xbox prompts either as far as I can tell
That actually sounds a lot of fun to do, except for the last paragraph, haha.
For this playthrough, though, I suppose I won't care about it too much then, just grind other classes every now and then to grab a few skills.
No, it has Xbox prompts.
Basically. The difference between playing magick archer to 200 and playing sorcerer to 200 is minimal anyway, like you'll do a bit more damage, 5% or so, maybe 10% at the very most. That's at 200 too which is like a lot of grinding for no real reason, since everything is doable at like 50(although you'll probably be around 90 by the time you finish the game entirely). Minmaxing is really pointless other than saying you've done it and taking screenshots of the highest possible magic or strength value.
Play what's fun, change classes if you don't like it, get augments when you feel like it, it's all up to you and it really doesn't matter in the end because the game's not tuned for any level of min maxing, even on hard, not even close to that.
Really? I'm guessing just not whilst using a ds4?
Can anyone tell me how I get access to the mod adding the old title screen & music? Already read about that here and it seems one only has to edit some text file to change it?
If you want more challenge then there are better ways to do it. Like wearing only the best looking armour. Or limiting your potion use. Or playing without a healer, or with only one pawn, or even playing solo, etc.
MGS5 was kind of the end of my razer onza so this will probably be the first major PC release I play with a dualshock 4. A playstation buttons mod would be nice but xbox prompts are fine too.
Embargo will open in 2 days. Good luck.
Razer products strike again.
My fighter/warrior gimmick party ate more grass than the entire population of wilderbeasts in the savannah during that playthrough.
Never played DD before, but I'm thinking about buying it due to all the praises and hype around it. I have watched a few gameplays and I must admit that the combat system and character progression seems quite engaging and rewarding, but, are there any other aspects where the game excels at? For me it seems that most of the quests are focused on "defeat or hunt X beast", and I'm worried it might be too much "Monster Hunter-ish" for me
Been playing Dragons Dogma on the weekend (PC). Runs buttery smooth on 1440p, maxed out settings. My single gtx 970 only shows a gpu load between 40 - 60%.
Game itself is still obscure to me. Only put about 2 hours in!