Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT2| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

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It's truer than anything I've heard today. It's a big problem when these studios don't capitalize on what type of film the movie should be. In this case, the Thor films should be fantasy epics. Instead we get sci-fi/fantasy/rom-com bullshit. And now the new director wants MORE of that? Good lord.
Hey. Maybe it'll be as funny as the Green Lantern..


I'm on my phone so can't check but I'm reasonably convinced that when I read that interview elsewhere that comment was in a different context.

Speaking to The Wrap during the Sundance Film Festival on Saturday (January 23), Waititi was faced with the scenario that Marvel president Kevin Feige wanted to do the film with more comedy this time around, so how would he plan to do that?

"Just fill it with jokes," Waititi replied. "Just take what they've done before... I'm just going to take the second Thor film and just add some jokes to that."


Not sure how much better, but there you go. In any case I think it confirms what I expected, Marvel have realised that the second unit shots mostly direct themselves now so why not get somebody out of left field with fresh ideas for the jokes and character scenes. (See also: Spider-Man)


Okay, I'm cautious when it comes to Thor: Ragnarok now. I were really excited about it, because I love MCU Thor and the first movie but what this director says, doesn't sound good at all.


Ragnarok sounds like it's shaping up to be just as bad, if not worse, than the previous Thor films. Kenneth Branagh's direction in the first will be the only redeeming factor when this is all said and done.

How can anyone look at Thor 2's failings and then say "we need to fill the next one with jokes". Thor 2 is already filled with jokes, many of them terrible, but they're there nonetheless. That wasn't the major issue with that film.

When Ragnarok was announced and the implication given that they would be fighting Surtur away from Earth it sounded great. Every detail released since then has made it sound awful though.

"Filled with Jokes" is a large part why Age of Ultron came across as very mediocre. Apart from that, throwing in The Hulk as a co-lead immediately diminishes the fact that this is even a Thor film. And they're going back to the Loki well again, of course.

I feel like this is going to end up being the worst Phase 3 film.
I think its clear he's not being 100% serious and just saying what he wants. We know Marvel doesn't give the details until they want. "Taking thor 2 and filling it with jokes" is a pretty good way to get people talking about it when he doesn't have much else he can say.

For what it's worth I don't think this movie needs to be totally dark and serious. I think the moment we knew Banner was gonna be in this movie, there was bound to be a lot of lightheartedness. Once the director shortlist hit, it was obvious Marvel was looking for someone to put a lighter touch on it, probably because the end result of the story is gonna be some heavy shit and they needed someone to balance that direction.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Ragnarok is supposed to be a buddy cop movie. Of course it'll be funny. They'll probably have a scene introducing each other to their disparate musical tastes and everything.


Ragnarok sounds like it's shaping up to be just as bad, if not worse, than the previous Thor films. Kenneth Branagh's direction in the first will be the only redeeming factor when this is all said and done.

Bloody hell man, you must really like dutch angles!


"We need to make this shot more interesting, lads!"
"How do you mean, Mr Brangh?"
"I don't know. It's just...the characters in this film aren't all that interesting. We need another way of getting the audience's attention! Stop them from falling asleep in their seats in the cinema, you know? Shake shit up a little!"
"Well Mr Brangh, maybe we could try re-working the script to give the characters so much needed depth. We could give Thor and Jane's relationship more depth outside of a single scene beside a campfire where they just vaguely flirt with each other for five minutes?"
"Fuck that noise! Nah, we need another way of getting the audience to sit up in their seats. (Clicks fingers) Wait, I've got it!"
"Yes, Mr Brangh?"
"Tilt the camera a few degrees! Yeah! That's kind of weird, isn't it? That's a weird thing to do!"
"Uh...yes, Mr Brangh. We'll get on that for you"


"Perfect! Now do that for every single fucking shot in this film!"
"Yes, Mr Brangh"

Personally, I felt Kenneth Brangh's direction on Thor was absolutely abysmal. And this is speaking as someone who has Brangh's film version of Hamlet as one of his Top 5 favourite films of all time. The original Thor is a really shoddily directed film working with an even weaker script. And it's such a shame. The Thor films had a ridiculous amount of potential going for them as a series of really unique superhero movies that could really get the chance tap into the mythological roots of the central character. But they fucked it up with the original film and even more with Dark World.

Here's hoping this third film improves things, although I won't get my hopes up.

Save us, Cate Blanchett!


Online Ho Champ
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Director Taika Waititi Promises a Funnier ‘Thor’ Movie

That...doesn't feel like it ought to be the tone for Ragnarok. The trouble with The Dark World wasn't that it didn't have enough jokes.

Well, I'll have to trust in Waititi. I did enjoy What We Do In The Shadows, and wouldn't mind its subtle, deadpan style of humour.

Welp scratch Thor off the list , its a wash....Christ you had your own Lord of the Rings when Wonder Woman comes out at is a hit sword and sorcery film i wan't you to watch and learn , and KNOW in your hearts, that Thor / Journey Into Mystery is one of the BEST Sci Fi/ Fantasy properties there is, and you pissed on it and turned it into a SyFy series. Turn back now, theres still time!
I think its clear he's not being 100% serious and just saying what he wants. We know Marvel doesn't give the details until they want. "Taking thor 2 and filling it with jokes" is a pretty good way to get people talking about it when he doesn't have much else he can say.

For what it's worth I don't think this movie needs to be totally dark and serious. I think the moment we knew Banner was gonna be in this movie, there was bound to be a lot of lightheartedness. Once the director shortlist hit, it was obvious Marvel was looking for someone to put a lighter touch on it, probably because the end result of the story is gonna be some heavy shit and they needed someone to balance that direction.
I think we all know it'll be lighthearted to a degree. The most dark and serious Marvel's gotten so far as been CA:TWS. Which I thought ended up working out really well. I just think Thor: Ragnarok needs to have a more epic tone to it than the previous movies. Less rom com/hijinks.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
No way to know how the movie will turn out at this point, but in context the dude sounds like he was ribbing Thor 2.


Goddamnit, Marvel. Thor deserves so much better.

I hope all our worry turns out to be for nothing and they finally knock it out of the park but let's be honest, their track record doesn't inspire confidence.


Welp scratch Thor off the list , its a wash....Christ you had your own Lord of the Rings when Wonder Woman comes out at is a hit sword and sorcery film i wan't you to watch and learn , and KNOW in your hearts, that Thor / Journey Into Mystery is one of the BEST Sci Fi/ Fantasy properties there is, and you pissed on it and turned it into a SyFy series. Turn back now, theres still time!
Warner hasn't even released a scene of Gadot talking yet so you might want to slow down on hyping up Wonder Woman.


‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Director Taika Waititi Promises a Funnier ‘Thor’ Movie

That...doesn't feel like it ought to be the tone for Ragnarok. The trouble with The Dark World wasn't that it didn't have enough jokes.

Well, I'll have to trust in Waititi. I did enjoy What We Do In The Shadows, and wouldn't mind its subtle, deadpan style of humour.

A friend of mine is not going to be happy about that headline, lol. Thor is his absolute favorite of any cape and he hated both Thor movies.


lol you guys took that Waititi quote way too seriously.

Let's hope you're right. I enjoyed Thor but I was tired of seeing the character on Earth and out of his element after one film. I want a confident Thor that is worthy of the title of GOD.

The Kree

Bloody hell man, you must really like dutch angles!


"We need to make this shot more interesting, lads!"
"How do you mean, Mr Brangh?"
"I don't know. It's just...the characters in this film aren't all that interesting. We need another way of getting the audience's attention! Stop them from falling asleep in their seats in the cinema, you know? Shake shit up a little!"
"Well Mr Brangh, maybe we could try re-working the script to give the characters so much needed depth. We could give Thor and Jane's relationship more depth outside of a single scene beside a campfire where they just vaguely flirt with each other for five minutes?"
"Fuck that noise! Nah, we need another way of getting the audience to sit up in their seats. (Clicks fingers) Wait, I've got it!"
"Yes, Mr Brangh?"
"Tilt the camera a few degrees! Yeah! That's kind of weird, isn't it? That's a weird thing to do!"
"Uh...yes, Mr Brangh. We'll get on that for you"


"Perfect! Now do that for every single fucking shot in this film!"
"Yes, Mr Brangh"

Personally, I felt Kenneth Brangh's direction on Thor was absolutely abysmal. And this is speaking as someone who has Brangh's film version of Hamlet as one of his Top 5 favourite films of all time. The original Thor is a really shoddily directed film working with an even weaker script. And it's such a shame. The Thor films had a ridiculous amount of potential going for them as a series of really unique superhero movies that could really get the chance tap into the mythological roots of the central character. But they fucked it up with the original film and even more with Dark World.

Here's hoping this third film improves things, although I won't get my hopes up.

Save us, Cate Blanchett!

The movie he shot and the movie Marvel edited and released are probably not the same movie. Ask Ed Norton and Christopher Eccleston about the kind of shit Marvel likes to leave on the floor.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
This is a pretty big megaton if true:

Hulk's role in Thor: Ragnarok revealed

Apparently, Thor: Ragnarok is going to be an adaptation of Planet Hulk.

According to our sources, after Thor catches on to Hela and Loki’s (still mysterious) plot that is going down in Asgard, Hela destroys Mjolnir, and banishes Thor from Asgard (which we covered here). Loki and Hela’s plan involves the major arc of the Marvel Universe, and just when it looks like Thor is about to put a stop to it, he gets banished — but not to any old planet. He ends up on a gladiatorial planet where his head is shaved and he’s forced to fight for his life. Let’s call this planet Sakaar, like it was in the comic books.
Thor knows that he has to get to some MacGuffin weapon object to defeat Hela and Loki (could this be the Infinity Gauntlet that Thanos is in possession of, or maybe an assemblage of Infinity Stones?) and he has to get off the planet. Thor runs through all of his alien opponents in gladiatorial combat, even without his trademark hammer. Finally, Thor has to face the current champion of the arena, and wouldn’t you know who that ends up being? The Hulk.

When we reconnect with Hulk in Thor: Ragnarok, he’s managed to avoid reverting back to the Banner state since we last saw him in the Quinjet in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Hulk in Hulk form is pretty much unkillable, so he survived the trip to Sakaar (however he got there). His “Banner” is starting to seep through into the Hulk persona, and because of the Hulk-Banner melding, Hulk actually remembers Thor and his relationship to him. That’s what starts the two on a Midnight Run to the MacGuffin that Thor desperately needs.
Some of these details could shift like the sands of time considering the shooting script for Thor: Ragnarok hasn’t been locked down, but sources confirm that the outline is there: Marvel found a way to include the Planet Hulk storyline without having to attempt a solo Hulk movie where everyone is a CGI character, not to mention dealing with the character’s solo movie rights (which has some sort of hold-up with Universal). Instead, gladiator Chris Hemsworth will be the audience’s focus as Thor picks up Hulk on his road-trip through the stars.

I'm really glad to hear that we may finally get some lines of dialogue from Hulk.


Valkyrie seems less and less likely? I actually don't know anything about her, she just looks so cool in the comics. And Surtur seems to not be part of Ragnarok as well? I wonder if we'll even get Beta Ray Bill.
Brehs, THR interviewed Taika at Sundance as well and he's cracking jokes throughout.

Unless you really think his approach to Thor: Ragnarok will be to "Just shake the camera a lot. ... And carrot sticks instead of real food."
Don't sass me!
This is a pretty big megaton if true:

Hulk's role in Thor: Ragnarok revealed

Apparently, Thor: Ragnarok is going to be an adaptation of Planet Hulk.

I'm really glad to hear that we may finally get some lines of dialogue from Hulk.
Still, I'm not sure I like the idea of adapting a primarily Hulk storyline as a Thor film.
Unfortunately, we're probably never getting another stand alone Hulk movie, so we have to take what we can get.

I suppose, but as I've said before, the Thor franchise is not Marvel's strongest. So turning the third movie in said franchise into an adaption based off of a Hulk story makes me a bit uneasy. I'm excited for the movie regardless, but what the movie IS is what is bothering me.


My major issue with that is less the storyline (which I think they can make work) and more can they differentiate it enough from Thor 1.




(If I've got to be 100% honest with myself, no matter what the storyline of Thor: Ragnarok ends up being, my primary motivation for seeing the movie is still probably going to be Loki.)
I wonder if Jessica is going to pop up here and there in DD season 2 and Luke Cage.

I hate to think they would bury her until Defenders/JJseason 2
There's a good chance that'll happen. Other characters, like Hogarth, will probably show up (we know Claire is going to). Until the whole "Matt Murdock is Daredevil" story arc happens, Matt probably isn't going to interact with JJ too much. Though the Defenders is looking to change that.
one day we have the MCU equivalent of this to look forward to:


and by one day I mean like 5 years because there will probably be more MCU films than Bond films by then :p
I've literally just been waiting for it.


Batteries the CRISIS!
one day we have the MCU equivalent of this to look forward to:


and by one day I mean like 5 years because there will probably be more MCU films than Bond films by then :p

Well, there are 24 Bond films

And when Inhumans releases in July 2019, it'll be the 23rd MCU film

So by summer 2020, yes, the MCU will be there, but by then I'm sure there will be a 25th Bond movie, so we'd have to wait another six months to tie =P

Plus who knows how many seasons of TV in the MCU by then! At least eight from Netflix, at least two from Carter and possibly six from SHIELD!
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