how do I even jump jack in this (pc)
This looks good on PS4 in my opinion
I dunno how I actually feel. I'm tired, which always clouds my judgement on games. But I don't think I will change that I don't like how cluttered the interface is. Can you just turn everything off?
I'm also not a huge fan of the bullet sponge enemies. In Destiny, it makes more sense since it's based on more fantasy. I dunno. Gonna try again later.
You can turn almost everything off except your ammo counter from the options menu.
That was 90% of my complaints. So that's awesome.
I don't know what to tell you... I have a single 980Ti and had zero issues with frame rates.
Will the full game have some form of transportation like a bike?
Anyone know how to type in chat on PC?
Before the beta it was just press / to bring up chat but doesn't seem to work anymore :/
Also it annoys me that I find some badass blue m249 in the DZ but then the DPS on it is worse than my crappy SMG
What do you mean by zero issues?
What FPS are you getting/settings?
It's not an issue on my end, that's for sure.
Anyone know how to type in chat on PC?
Before the beta it was just press / to bring up chat but doesn't seem to work anymore :/
Also it annoys me that I find some badass blue m249 in the DZ but then the DPS on it is worse than my crappy SMG
I have everything maxed at 1080p and I don't think I dropped below 70.
Don't judge all guns by just raw DPS on it. My shotgun was a lot lower DPS than what I replaced it with, but it was so much burst damage it was a massive upgrade.
Interesting. I might try out the next one I find then.
Tip: If you are on PS4, turn sharpness up on your TV and game. I tweaked around the settings a bit until I found the right set up. X1 games for some reason seem to have better sharpness from the get go. Think it's something to do with the upscaler thing it does to it's games.
I'm up to Level 6, finished the single mission in the beta, did a bunch of side missions and I'm getting the typical Ubisoft vibe of tons of collectables, side missions's a nice looking area at times but it feels like a Ubisoft game in a prettier location...haven't tried the Dark Zone yet but that's going to have to really be amazing for me to end up purchasing this game
everyone is in such a hurry, moreso when in a firefight trying to put enemies down asap
im just taking it slow, exploring, trying to be accurate with shooting and roleplaying to some degree, i suspect this will be a fun way to go about it
How do I change difficulty at Madison hospital? Pc version
Can you lose dark zone keys? I killed a rogue agent and got 2 keys...... Tried to extract but they are still on my person.
Sorry I went into this totally blind but having a blast.
IDK about 1080p, but that's believable. I am at 1440p.
Still though, pretty silly that even 1 980 (assuming SLI isn't working) can't get 60 constantly maxed out with a few settings lowered.
Oh well. Will just wait until release to see how it fairs. I can live through it, but I sure hope it gets more optimized.
Don't judge all guns by just raw DPS on it. My shotgun was a lot lower DPS than what I replaced it with, but it was so much burst damage it was a massive upgrade.
Had some fun tonight, entered the DZ. Then I got out, and managed to 'save Kendal' again... why? It made no sense... I had already completed that mission.
You can replay main mission on the same difficulty or on hard mode.
Yeah I can't wait to delve more into the lore and the story. Haven't paid much attention at what was in the beta story wise, all the collectibles etc since it's disjointed, but I will definitely take my time when the game launch.
There's some real highs here in the Dark Zone, but there are a lot of lows.
The thrill of getting some loot onto the heli is awesome. However, if you're a pretty big solo player like me, prepare to lose a lot more than you gain. Ganking parties are merciless, and the fact that you lose a little xp stings each time. This wouldn't be so bad, but I felt like I shot 7 PVE guys during my hour or so playtime. Just doesn't seem like there are a lot of NPCs populating the area, unless everyone is already killing them before I get there.
Yeah I can't wait to delve more into the lore and the story. Haven't paid much attention at what was in the beta story wise, all the collectibles etc since it's disjointed, but I will definitely take my time when the game launch.
Hold "G" when selecting the mission on map.